Apollo Server is a community-maintained open-source GraphQL server. It works with pretty much all Node.js HTTP server frameworks, and we're happy to take PRs for more! Apollo Server works with any GraphQL schema built with [GraphQL.js](https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js), so you can build your schema with that directly or with a convenience library such as [graphql-tools](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphql-tools/).
Anyone is welcome to contribute to Apollo Server, just read [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md), take a look at the [roadmap](./ROADMAP.md) and make your first PR!
Apollo Server is super easy to set up. Just `npm install apollo-server-<integration>`, write a GraphQL schema, and then use one of the following snippets to get started. For more info, read the [Apollo Server docs](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/v2).
* **[Standalone](#Installation-standalone)**: To get started without integrating with an existing web framework, use the `apollo-server` package.
* **[Integrations](#Installation-integrations)**: For applications which have already use a web framework (e.g. `express`, `koa`, `hapi`, etc.), use the appropriate Apollo Server integration package.
### Installation: Standalone
In a new project, install the `apollo-server` and `graphql` dependencies using:
npm install apollo-server graphql
Then, create an `index.js` which defines the schema and its functionality (i.e. resolvers):
> Due to its human-readability, we recommend using [schema-definition language (SDL)](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/essentials/schema.html#sdl) to define a GraphQL schema but [a `GraphQLSchema` object from `graphql-js`](https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/#using-graphqljs) can also be specified in place of `typeDefs` and `resolvers` using the `schema` property:
For more details, check out the Apollo Server [Getting Started guide](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/getting-started.html) of the documentation, or for a more comprehensive understanding, see the [fullstack tutorial](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/tutorial/introduction.html).
While the standalone installation above can be used without making a decision about which web framework to use, the Apollo Server integration packages are paired with specific web frameworks (e.g. Express, Koa, hapi).
The following web frameworks have Apollo Server integrations, and each of these linked integrations has its own installation instructions and examples on its package `README.md`:
A request context is available for each request. When `context` is defined as a function, it will be called on each request and receive an object containing a `req` property which represents the request.
By returning an object from the `context` function, it will be available as the third positional paramter of the resolvers:
The [Apollo Server documentation](https://apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/) contains many of the details which are necessary to get started with both GraphQL and Apollo Server.
The raw source content of that documentation is available within the `docs/` directory of this monorepo, but the _Edit on GitHub_ buttons at the bottom of each page can be used to contribute suggestions or improvements to the published content.