All of the packages in the `apollo-server` repo are released with the same version numbers, so a new version of a particular package might not represent an actual change to that package. We generally try to mark changes that affect only one web server integration package with that package name, and don't specify package names for changes that affect most of the packages or which affect shared core packages.
- Google Cloud Function support [#1402]( [#1446](
- Switch to a fork of `apollo-upload-server` to fix missing `core-js` dependency. [#1556](
- enable engine reporting from lambda [#1313](
- remove flattening of errors [#1288](
- dynamic url in datasourece ([#1277](
### rc.6
- BREAKING: errors are passed to user extensions, then engine reporting, and finally `formatError` ([#1272](
-`formatError` only called once on validation errors ([#1272](
- BREAKING: apollo-server-env does place types in global namespace ([#1259](
- export Request from apollo-datasource-rest and graphql-extensions (53d7a75 c525818)
- Use scoped graphql-playground and centralize version (8ea36d8, 84233d2)
- encode trace report over each request in apollo-engine-reporting
### rc.1
- BREAKING: remove logFunction ([71a403d](, see [this commit]( for an implementation
- move upload option to constructor ([#1204](
-`port`, `host`, and other http options moved under `http` key ([#1080](
-`subscriptions` moved to `server.listen` ([#1059](
- Add mocks to server constructor ([#1017](
- Add `bodyParserConfig` parameter to `registerServer` in apollo-server ([#1059]( [commit](
-`apollo-server-module-graphiql`: adds an option to the constructor to disable url rewriting when editing a query [PR #1047](
- Upgrade `subscription-transport-ws` to 0.9.9 for Graphiql
- Recognize requests with Apollo Persisted Queries and return `PersistedQueryNotSupported` to the client instead of a confusing error. [PR #982](
-`apollo-server-adonis`: The `Content-type` of an operation response will now be correctly set to `application/json`. [PR #842]( [PR #910](
-`apollo-server-azure-functions`: Fix non-functional Azure Functions implementation and update examples in Azure Functions' ``. [PR #753]( [Issue #684](
- Fix `TypeError` on GET requests with missing `query` parameter. [PR #964](
- The typing on the context of `GraphQLServerOptions` now matches the equivilent type used by `graphql-tools`. [PR #919](
- Middleware handlers now used named (rather than anonymous) functions to enable easier identification during debugging/profiling. [PR #827](
- The `npm-check-updates` package has been removed as a "dev dependency" which was resulting in an _older_ version of `npm` being used during testing. [PR #959](
- The typing on `HttpQueryRequest`'s `query` attribute now enforces that its object properties' keys be `String`s. [PR #834](
- TypeScript types have been updated via updates to `@types/node`, `@types/connect`, `@types/koa` and `@types/aws-lambda`.
- Upgrade to `apollo-cache-control@0.1.0` and allow you to specify options to it (such as the new `defaultMaxAge`) by passing `cacheControl: {defaultMaxAge: 5}` instead of `cacheControl: true`.
- Updated peer dependencies to support `graphql@0.13.x`.
-`apollo-server-express`: The `GraphQLOptions` type is now exported from `apollo-server-express` in order to facilitate type checking when utilizing `graphqlExpress`, `graphiqlExpress`, `graphqlConnect` and `graphiqlConnect`. [PR #871](
- Update GraphiQL version to 0.11.11. [PR #914](
- Updated peer dependencies and tests to support `graphql@0.12`.
- Fix issue where the core `runQuery` method broke the ability to use the Node `async_hooks` feature's call stack. [PR #733](
- Hoist declarations of rarely used functions out of `doRunQuery` to improve performance. [PR# 821](
- **Breaking:** `apollo-server-hapi`: now supports Hapi v17, and no longer supports Hapi v16. (We intend to release a new `apollo-server-hapi16` for users still on Hapi v16.)
- **New package**: `apollo-server-adonis` supporting the Adonis framework!
- The `graphqlOptions` parameter to server GraphQL integration functions now accepts context as a function and as an object with a prototype. [PR #679](
- **New feature**: Add support for Apollo Cache Control. Enable `apollo-cache-control` by passing `cacheControl: true` to your server's GraphQL integration function.
- GraphiQL integration: add support for `websocketConnectionParams` for subscriptions. [#452]( [PR 548](
- GraphiQL integration: Fixes bug where CORS would not allow `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` with credential 'include', changed to 'same-origin' [Issue #514](
- Updated peer dependencies to support `graphql@0.11`.
- Fixed bug with no URL query params with GraphiQL on Lambda [Issue #504]( [PR #512](
- Added ability to provide custom default field resolvers [#482](
- Add `tracing` option to collect and expose trace data in the [Apollo Tracing format](
- Add support for GraphiQL editor themes in [#484]( as requested in [#444](
- Add support for full websocket using GraphiQL [#491](
- Updated restify lib ([@yucun]( in [#472](
- Updated package apollo-server-micro, updated micro in devDependencies and peerDependencies to ^8.0.1
- Rename packages from graphql-server- to apollo-server- [#465]( We'll continue to publish `graphql-server-` packages that depend on the renamed `apollo-server-` packages for the time being, to ensure backwards compatibility.
- Fix Express package not calling the callback on completion ([@chemdrew]( in [#463](
- Fix issue with auto-updating dependencies that caused fibers to update accidentally ([@helfer]( on [#425](
- **Security Fix** Ensure queries submitted via HTTP GET run through validation ([@DxCx]( on [#424](
- Allow graphql@0.9.0 as peerDependency ([@Chris-R3]( on [PR #278](
- **Restructure Apollo Server into 6 new packages, and rename to GraphQL Server** ([@DxCx]( and ([@stubailo]( in [#183]( and [#164](
- There are now 6 packages that make up the GraphQL server family:
- Exports have been renamed. Everything that used to export `apollo*` now exports `graphql*`, for example `apolloExpress` has become `graphqlExpress`.
- The repository is now managed using [Lerna](
- Fix passHeader option in GraphiQL (Both Hapi and Koa)
- Pass `ctx` instead of `ctx.request` to options function in Koa integration ([@HriBB]( in [PR #154](
- Manage TypeScript declaration files using npm. ([@od1k](https:/ in [#162](
- Fix connect example in readme. ([@conrad-vanl]( in [#165](
- Add try/catch to formatError. ([@nicolaslopezj]( in [#174](
- Fixed dependency issue with boom package that affected the hapi integration. ([@sammkj]( in [#150](
- Allow to pass custom headers in GraphiQL ([@nicolaslopezj]( in [#133](
- Log server events such as request start etc. with logFunction ([@helfer]( in [#78](
- Complete refactor of Apollo Server using TypeScript. PR [#41](
- Added Hapi integration ([@nnance]( in [#46](
- Added Koa integration ([@HriBB]( in [#59](
- Changed express integration to support connect as well ([@helfer]( in [#58](
- Dropped express-graphql dependency
- Dropped support for GET requests, only POST requests are allowed now
- Split GraphiQL into a separate middleware
- Factored out core to support Hapi, Koa and connect implementations
- Added support for query batching
- Added support for query whitelisting / stored queries
- Removed body parsing from express integration. Body must be parsed outside of apollo now
- Added `formatRequest` and `formatResponse` functions to apollo options.
- Removed support for shorthand schema definitions, connectors and mocks (use `graphql-tools` instead)