Radon Rosborough 791346cd3a
Fix brittany formatter & misc improvements (#222)
* Fix brittany installation, needed the `--reorder-goals` argument to be
added so that a version that was not the latest version could be
installed so that it was compatible with the base lib version shipped
with Ubuntu 20.04. We'll upgrade to 22.04 eventually (before it falls
out of LTS). Ref: https://github.com/radian-software/apheleia/pull/221
* Add a `make fmt-build-common` target which allows tagging a docker
image containing just the base software and not any formatters, to make
it easy to debug formatter installation manually.
* Update `apheleia-ft` to also run formatter tests when any files
affecting a formatter are changed, which includes the installation
script, the sample input/output, and also any scripts (e.g.
`apheleia-phpcs`) that it uses. We don't have any logic that will run
all formatter tests at once, because that is unwieldy. That can be done
manually if making a big change.
* Update to actions/checkout@v4 from v2 because the older one was listed
as deprecated.
* Print full stacktraces when `apheleia-ft` fails with an Elisp error.
2023-10-06 22:01:38 -07:00

103 lines
3.2 KiB

SHELL := bash
CMD ?=
EMACS ?= emacs
TAG ?= latest
# The order is important for compilation.
for_compile := apheleia-utils.el apheleia.el apheleia-core.el
for_checkdoc := *.el
for_checkindent := *.el
.PHONY: help
help: ## Show this message
@echo "usage:" >&2
@grep -h "[#]# " $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
sed 's/^/ make /' | \
sed 's/:[^#]*[#]# /|/' | \
sed 's/%/LANG/' | \
column -t -s'|' >&2
.PHONY: lint
lint: compile checkdoc longlines checkindent fmt-lint ## Run all fast linters
.PHONY: compile
compile: ## Check for byte-compiler errors
@for file in $(for_compile); do \
echo "[compile] $$file" ;\
rm -f "$${file}c" ;\
$(EMACS) -Q --batch -L . -f batch-byte-compile $$file 2>&1 \
| grep -v "^Wrote" \
| grep . && exit 1 || true ;\
.PHONY: checkdoc
checkdoc: ## Check for missing or poorly formatted docstrings
@for file in $(for_checkdoc); do \
echo "[checkdoc] $$file" ;\
$(EMACS) -Q --batch \
--eval "(or (fboundp 'checkdoc-file) (kill-emacs))" \
--eval "(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)" \
--eval "(checkdoc-file \"$$file\")" 2>&1 \
| grep . && exit 1 || true ;\
.PHONY: checkindent
checkindent: ## Ensure that indentation is correct
@tmpdir="$$(mktemp -d)"; for file in $(for_checkindent); do \
echo "[checkindent] $$file" >&2; \
emacs -Q --batch \
-l scripts/apheleia-indent.el \
--eval "(setq inhibit-message t)" \
--eval "(setq load-path \
(append (list default-directory) load-path))" \
--eval "(load (expand-file-name \"apheleia.el\") nil t)" \
--eval "(find-file \"$$file\")" \
--eval "(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))" \
--eval "(write-file \"$$tmpdir/$$file\")"; \
(diff <(cat "$$file" | nl -v1 -ba | \
sed "s/\t/: /" | sed "s/^ */$$file:/") \
<(cat "$$tmpdir/$$file" | nl -v1 -ba | \
sed "s/\t/: /" | sed "s/^ */$$file:/") ) \
| grep -F ">" | grep -o "[a-z].*" | grep . && exit 1 || true; \
.PHONY: longlines
longlines: ## Check for long lines
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Remove build artifacts
@echo "[clean]" *.elc
@rm -f *.elc
.PHONY: docker
docker: ## Start a Docker shell; e.g. make docker VERSION=25.3
@scripts/docker.bash "$(VERSION)" "$(CMD)"
.PHONY: fmt-build # env vars: FORMATTERS, TAG
fmt-build: ## Build a Docker image with formatters installed
@COMMON=0 test/formatters/build-image.bash
.PHONY: fmt-build-common # env var: TAG
fmt-build-common: ## Build a Docker image with just the common base
@COMMON=1 test/formatters/build-image.bash
.PHONY: fmt-docker # env var: TAG
fmt-docker: ## Start a Docker shell for testing formatters
@scripts/docker-run.bash -e FORMATTERS "apheleia-formatters:$(TAG)" "$(CMD)"
.PHONY: fmt-lint
fmt-lint: ## Do basic linting for formatter configuration
@test/formatters/run-func.bash apheleia-ft-lint
.PHONY: fmt-check
fmt-changed: ## Get list of changed formatters on this PR
@test/formatters/run-func.bash apheleia-ft-changed
.PHONY: fmt-test # env var: FORMATTERS
fmt-test: ## Actually run formatter tests
@test/formatters/run-func.bash apheleia-ft-test