2019-07-09 21:15:37 -07:00

399 lines
17 KiB

;;; apheleia.el --- Reformat buffer stably -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019 Radon Rosborough
;; Author: Radon Rosborough <radon.neon@gmail.com>
;; Created: 7 Jul 2019
;; Homepage: https://github.com/raxod502/apheleia
;; Keywords: tools
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.2"))
;; Version: 0
;;; Commentary:
;; Apheleia is an Emacs Lisp package which allows you to reformat a
;; buffer without moving point. This solves the usual problem of
;; running a tool like Prettier or Black on `before-save-hook', namely
;; that it resets point to the beginning of the buffer. Apheleia
;; maintains the position of point relative to its surrounding text
;; even if the buffer is modified by the reformatting.
;; Please see https://github.com/raxod502/apheleia for more information.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'subr-x)
(defgroup apheleia nil
"Better mode lighter overriding."
:group 'external
:link '(url-link :tag "GitHub" "https://github.com/raxod502/apheleia")
:link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "apheleia"))
(cl-defun apheleia--edit-distance-table (s1 s2)
"Align strings S1 and S2 for minimum edit distance.
Return the dynamic programming table as has table which maps cons
of integers (I1 . I2) to the edit distance between the first I1
characters of S1 and the first I2 characters of S2."
(let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dotimes (i1 (1+ (length s1)))
(puthash (cons i1 0) i1 table))
(dotimes (i2 (1+ (length s2)))
(puthash (cons 0 i2) i2 table))
(dotimes (i1 (length s1))
;; Iterate from 1 to length+1.
(cl-incf i1)
(dotimes (i2 (length s2))
(cl-incf i2)
(let ((ins (1+ (gethash (cons i1 (1- i2)) table)))
(del (1+ (gethash (cons (1- i1) i2) table)))
(sub (gethash (cons (1- i1) (1- i2)) table)))
(unless (= (aref s1 (1- i1)) (aref s2 (1- i2)))
(cl-incf sub))
(puthash (cons i1 i2) (min ins del sub) table))))
(defun apheleia--align-point (s1 s2 p1)
"Given strings S1 and S2 and index P1 in S1, return matching index P2 in S2.
If S1 and S2 are the same, then P1 and P2 will also be the same.
Otherwise, the text of S2 surrounding P2 is \"similar\" to the
text of S1 surrounding P1."
(let* ((table (apheleia--edit-distance-table s1 s2))
(i1 (length s1))
(i2 (length s2)))
(while (> i1 p1)
(let ((ins (1+ (gethash (cons i1 (1- i2)) table)))
(del (1+ (gethash (cons (1- i1) i2) table)))
(sub (gethash (cons (1- i1) (1- i2)) table)))
(unless (= (aref s1 (1- i1)) (aref s2 (1- i2)))
(cl-incf sub))
(let ((cost (min ins del sub)))
((= cost ins)
(cl-decf i2))
((= cost del)
(cl-decf i1))
((= cost sub)
(cl-decf i1)
(cl-decf i2))))
(defun apheleia--map-rcs-patch (func)
"Map over the RCS patch in the current buffer.
For each RCS patch command, FUNC is called with an alist that has
the following keys:
- `command': either `addition' or `deletion'
- `start': line number, an integer
- `lines': number of lines to be inserted or removed
- `text': the string to be inserted, only for `addition'
See <https://tools.ietf.org/doc/tcllib/html/rcs.html#section4>
for documentation on the RCS patch format."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (= (point) (point-max)))
(unless (looking-at "$\\|\\([ad]\\)\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
(error "Malformed RCS patch: %S" (point)))
(when-let ((command (match-string 1)))
(let ((start (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
(lines (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
(pcase command
(let ((text-start (point)))
(forward-line lines)
`((command . addition)
(start . ,start)
(lines . ,lines)
(text . ,(buffer-substring-no-properties
text-start (point)))))))
`((command . deletion)
(start . ,start)
(lines . ,lines))))))))))
(defun apheleia--apply-rcs-patch (content-buffer patch-buffer)
"Apply RCS patch.
CONTENT-BUFFER contains the text to be patched, and PATCH-BUFFER
contains the patch."
(let ((commands nil)
(point-list nil)
(window-line-list nil))
(with-current-buffer content-buffer
(push (cons nil (point)) point-list)
(dolist (w (get-buffer-window-list nil nil t))
(push (cons w (window-point w)) point-list)
(push (cons w (count-lines (window-start w) (point))) window-line-list)))
(with-current-buffer patch-buffer
(lambda (command)
(with-current-buffer content-buffer
;; Could be optimized significantly by moving only as many
;; lines as needed, rather than returning to the beginning
;; of the buffer first.
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- (alist-get 'start command)))
;; Account for the off-by-one error in the RCS patch spec
;; (namely, text is added *after* the line mentioned in
;; the patch).
(when (eq (alist-get 'command command) 'addition)
(push `(marker . ,(point-marker)) command)
(push command commands)
;; If we delete a region just before inserting new text
;; at the same place, then it is a replacement. In this
;; case, check if the replaced region includes the window
;; point for any window currently displaying the content
;; buffer. If so, figure out where that window point
;; should be moved to, and record the information in an
;; additional command.
;; See <https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Window-Point.html>.
;; Note that the commands get pushed in reverse order
;; because of how linked lists work.
(let ((deletion (nth 1 commands))
(addition (nth 0 commands)))
(when (and (eq (alist-get 'command deletion) 'deletion)
(eq (alist-get 'command addition) 'addition)
;; Again with the weird off-by-one
;; computations. For example, if you replace
;; lines 68 through 71 inclusive, then the
;; deletion is for line 68 and the addition
;; is for line 70. Blame RCS.
(= (+ (alist-get 'start deletion)
(alist-get 'lines deletion)
(alist-get 'start addition)))
(let ((text-start (alist-get 'marker deletion)))
(forward-line (alist-get 'lines deletion))
(let ((text-end (point)))
(dolist (entry point-list)
;; Check if the (window) point is within the
;; replaced region.
(cl-destructuring-bind (w . p) entry
(when (and (< text-start p)
(< p text-end))
(let* ((old-text (buffer-substring-no-properties
text-start text-end))
(new-text (alist-get 'text addition))
(old-relative-point (- p text-start))
old-text new-text old-relative-point)))
(goto-char text-start)
(push `((marker . ,(point-marker))
(command . set-point)
(window . ,w)
(relative-point . ,new-relative-point))
(with-current-buffer content-buffer
(let ((move-to nil))
(dolist (command (nreverse commands))
(goto-char (alist-get 'marker command))
(pcase (alist-get 'command command)
(insert (alist-get 'text command)))
(let ((text-start (point)))
(forward-line (alist-get 'lines command))
(delete-region text-start (point))))
(let ((new-point
(+ (point) (alist-get 'relative-point command))))
(if-let ((w (alist-get 'window command)))
(set-window-point w new-point)
(setq move-to new-point)))))))
(when move-to
(goto-char move-to))))
;; Restore the scroll position of each window displaying the
;; buffer.
(dolist (entry window-line-list)
(cl-destructuring-bind (w . old-window-line) entry
(let ((new-window-line
(count-lines (window-start w) (point))))
(with-selected-window w
(scroll-down (- old-window-line new-window-line))))))))
(defvar apheleia--current-process nil
"Current process that Apheleia is running, or nil.
Keeping track of this helps avoid running more than one process
at once.")
(cl-defun apheleia--make-process (&key command stdin callback exit-status)
"Wrapper for `make-process' that behaves a bit more nicely.
COMMAND is as in `make-process'. STDIN, if given, is a buffer
whose contents are fed to the process on stdin. CALLBACK is
invoked with one argument, the buffer containing the text from
stdout, when the process terminates (if it succeeds). EXIT-STATUS
is a function which is called with the exit status of the
command; it should return non-nil to indicate that the command
succeeded. If EXIT-STATUS is omitted, then the command succeeds
provided that its exit status is 0."
(when (process-live-p apheleia--current-process)
(interrupt-process apheleia--current-process)
(accept-process-output apheleia--current-process 0.1 nil 'just-this-one)
(when (process-live-p apheleia--current-process)
(kill-process apheleia--current-process)))
(let* ((name (car command))
(stdout (get-buffer-create
(format " *apheleia-%s-stdout*" name)))
(stderr (get-buffer-create
(format " *apheleia-%s-stderr*" name))))
(dolist (buf (list stdout stderr))
(with-current-buffer buf
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(setq apheleia--current-process
:name (format "aphelieia-%s" name)
:buffer stdout
:stderr stderr
:command command
:noquery t
(lambda (proc _event)
(unless (process-live-p proc)
(with-current-buffer stderr
(when (= 0 (buffer-size))
(insert "[No output received on stderr]\n")))
(if (funcall
(or exit-status
(lambda (status)
(= 0 status)))
(process-exit-status proc))
(when callback
(funcall callback stdout))
"Failed to run %s: exit status %s "
"(see hidden buffer%s)")
(car command)
(process-exit-status proc)
(set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process stderr) #'ignore)
(when stdin
(with-current-buffer stdin
(process-send-eof apheleia--current-process))
(error (message "Failed to run %s: %s" name (error-message-string e))))))
(defun apheleia--create-rcs-patch (old-buffer new-buffer callback)
"Generate RCS patch from text in OLD-BUFFER to text in NEW-BUFFER.
Once finished, invoke CALLBACK with a buffer containing the patch
as its sole argument."
;; Make sure at least one of the two buffers is saved to a file. The
;; other one we can feed on stdin.
(let ((old-fname
(with-current-buffer old-buffer
(and (not (buffer-modified-p)) buffer-file-name)))
(with-current-buffer new-buffer
(and (not (buffer-modified-p)) buffer-file-name))))
(unless (or old-fname new-fname)
(with-current-buffer new-saved
(write-file (make-temp-file "apheleia"))
(setq new-saved buffer-file-name)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " *apheleia-patch*")
:command `("diff" "--rcs" "--"
,(or old-fname "-")
,(or new-fname "-"))
:stdin (if new-fname old-buffer new-buffer)
:callback callback
:exit-status (lambda (status)
;; Exit status is 0 if no changes, 1 if some
;; changes, and 2 if error.
(memq status '(0 1)))))))
(defun apheleia--run-formatter (command callback)
"Run a code formatter on the current buffer.
The formatter is specified by COMMAND, a list of strings or
symbols (see `apheleia-format-buffer'). Invoke CALLBACK with one
argument, a buffer containing the output of the formatter."
(let ((input-fname nil)
(output-fname nil))
(when (memq 'input command)
(let ((input-fname (make-temp-file "apheleia"))
;; Suppress message.
(noninteractive t))
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) input-fname nil 0)
(setq command (mapcar (lambda (arg)
(if (eq arg 'input)
(when (memq 'output command)
(setq output-fname (make-temp-file "apheleia"))
(setq command (mapcar (lambda (arg)
(if (eq arg 'output)
:command command
:stdin (unless input-fname
:callback (lambda (stdout)
(when output-fname
(insert-file-contents-literally output-fname))
(funcall callback stdout)))))
(defvar apheleia--buffer-hash nil
"Return value of `buffer-hash' when formatter started running.")
(defun apheleia-format-buffer (command)
"Run code formatter asynchronously on current buffer, preserving point.
COMMAND is similar to what you pass to `make-process', except as
follows. Normally, the contents of the current buffer are passed
to the command on stdin, and the output is read from stdout.
However, if you use the symbol `input' as one of the elements of
COMMAND, then the contents of the current buffer are written to a
temporary file and its name is substituted for `input'. Also, if
you use the symbol `output' as one of the elements of COMMAND,
then it is substituted with the name of a temporary file. In that
case, it is expected that the command writes to that file, and
the file is then read into an Emacs buffer.
In any case, after the formatter finishes running, the diff
utility is invoked to determine what changes it made. That diff
is then used to apply the formatter's changes to the current
buffer without moving point or changing the scroll position in
any window displaying the buffer. If the buffer has been modified
since the formatter started running, however, the operation is
(setq-local apheleia--buffer-hash (buffer-hash))
(lambda (formatted-buffer)
;; Short-circuit.
(when (equal apheleia--buffer-hash (buffer-hash))
(current-buffer) formatted-buffer
(lambda (patch-buffer)
(when (equal apheleia--buffer-hash (buffer-hash))
(current-buffer) patch-buffer))))))))
(provide 'apheleia)
;; Local Variables:
;; outline-regexp: ";;;;* "
;; End:
;;; apheleia.el ends here