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synced 2025-03-04 09:01:42 -05:00

Add [docformatter](https://github.com/PyCQA/docformatter) for Python docstrings. By default it outputs diffs but changes in-place with `--in-place`. On successful change it exits with an error code of `3` (found out by trial), so I had to add a formatter wrapping-script. Initially I used `--in-place` with the special `in-place` symbol in apheleia. But now I tried an approach where I transform the diff into usable stdout using `patch` instead. Related to #266 , where I had used the example of docformatter to ask how to add scripts with positive exit codes and @raxod502 showed me the `phpcs` solution. --------- Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
366 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
366 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; `apheleia-ft' - short for `apheleia-formatter-tests'. The functions
;; in here are not part of the public interface of Apheleia and
;; breaking changes may occur at any time.
(require 'apheleia)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'map)
(require 'subr-x)
(defvar apheleia-ft--test-dir
(or load-file-name buffer-file-name))
"Directory containing this module.")
(defvar apheleia-ft--repo-dir
(expand-file-name (locate-dominating-file apheleia-ft--test-dir ".git"))
"Root directory of the Git repository.
Guaranteed to be absolute and expanded.")
(defun apheleia-ft--relative-truename (path)
"Given PATH relative to repo root, resolve symlinks.
Return another path relative to repo root."
(expand-file-name path apheleia-ft--repo-dir))))
(defun apheleia-ft--get-formatters (&optional all)
"Return list of strings naming the formatters to run.
This is determined by the environment variable FORMATTERS,
defaulting to all known formatters if the environment variable is
not set.
If ALL is non-nil, unconditionally return all formatters."
(let ((env-var (or (getenv "FORMATTERS") "")))
((or all (string-empty-p env-var))
(mapcar #'symbol-name (map-keys apheleia-formatters)))
(split-string env-var "[ ,]+")))))
(defun apheleia-ft--get-formatters-from-ref (ref)
"Check out given Git REF and return `apheleia-formatters' from there.
Return an Elisp data structure, same as the `apheleia-formatters'
already in memory on the current branch."
(let ((old-apheleia (make-temp-file "apheleia-" 'dir))
(stderr-file (make-temp-file "apheleia-ft-stderr-")))
(let ((exit-status
nil (list (current-buffer) stderr-file) nil
"--work-tree" old-apheleia "checkout" ref "--" "*.el")))
(unless (zerop exit-status)
(error "Failed to 'git checkout %s -- *.el', got exit status %S"
ref exit-status))))
(if invocation-directory
(expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory)
nil (current-buffer) nil
"--batch" "-L" old-apheleia
"--eval" "(require 'apheleia)"
"--eval" "(prin1 apheleia-formatters)")
(goto-char (point-min))
(read (current-buffer)))))
(defun apheleia-ft--files-changed-since (ref)
"Get a list of the files changed between REF and HEAD."
(let ((stderr-file (make-temp-file "apheleia-ft-stderr-")))
(let ((exit-status
"git" nil (list (current-buffer) stderr-file) nil
"diff" "--name-only" "--diff-filter=d" (format "%s..." ref))))
(unless (zerop exit-status)
(insert-file-contents stderr-file)
(princ (buffer-string)))
(error "Failed to 'git diff', got exit status %S" exit-status)))
(split-string (buffer-string)))))
(defun apheleia-ft--formatters-depending-on-file (changed-file)
"Given CHANGED-FILE, return list of formatters affected by it.
Return formatters as string names. This is used to determine
which formatters need tests to be run. CHANGED-FILE should be
relative to repo root, as returned by git diff --name-only."
(setq changed-file (apheleia-ft--relative-truename changed-file))
"^test/formatters/installers/\\([^/]+\\)\\.bash$" changed-file)
(list (match-string 1 changed-file)))
"^test/formatters/samplecode/\\([^/]+\\)/[^/]+$" changed-file)
(list (match-string 1 changed-file)))
"^scripts/formatters/\\([^/]+\\)$" changed-file)
(let ((script (match-string 1 changed-file)))
(mapcar #'symbol-name
(lambda (fmt def)
(and (listp def) (member script def)))
(defun apheleia-ft--get-formatters-for-pull-request ()
"Return list of formatter string names that were touched in this PR.
This means their commands in `apheleia-formatters' are different
from how they appear on main, or they were added relative to
(let ((old-formatters (apheleia-ft--get-formatters-from-ref "origin/main"))
(new-formatters apheleia-formatters)
(touched-formatters nil))
(lambda (formatter command)
(unless (equal command (alist-get formatter old-formatters))
(push (symbol-name formatter) touched-formatters)))
(lambda (changed-file)
(setq touched-formatters
(apheleia-ft--formatters-depending-on-file changed-file)
(apheleia-ft--files-changed-since "origin/main"))
(defun apheleia-ft-changed ()
"Print to stdout a comma-delimited list of formatters changed in this PR."
(princ (concat
:test 'string=)
(defun apheleia-ft--read-file (filename)
"Return the contents of FILENAME as a string."
(insert-file-contents filename)
(defun apheleia-ft--write-temp-file (contents extension)
"Write file CONTENTS string to temporary file with given EXTENSION.
Return the filename."
(unless (or (string-prefix-p "." extension) (string-empty-p extension))
(setq extension (concat "." extension)))
(make-temp-file "apheleia-ft-file-" nil extension contents))
(defun apheleia-ft--input-files (formatter)
"For given FORMATTER, return list of input files used in test cases.
These are absolute filepaths beginning with \"in.\"."
"samplecode" formatter)
(defun apheleia-ft--path-join (component &rest components)
"Join COMPONENT and COMPONENTS together, left to right.
Return an absolute path."
(let ((result component))
(while (setq component (pop components))
(setq result (expand-file-name component result)))
(defun apheleia-ft--print-diff (lhs-name lhs rhs-name rhs)
"Print a Git-style line-wise diff between two strings.
LHS-NAME is a human-readable name for the LHS string, same for
(let* ((lhs-file (apheleia-ft--write-temp-file lhs lhs-name))
(rhs-file (apheleia-ft--write-temp-file rhs rhs-name))
(stderr-file (make-temp-file "apheleia-ft-stderr-"))
"git" nil (list (current-buffer) stderr-file) nil "diff"
"--no-index" lhs-file rhs-file)))
(unless (memq exit-status '(0 1))
(insert-file-contents stderr-file)
(princ (buffer-string)))
(error "Git diff exited with status %S" exit-status))
(princ (buffer-string)))))
(defun apheleia-ft-lint ()
"Lint general file structure for formatter tests.
This validates that necessary support files exist for every
formatter defined in apheleia.el, and that they are well-formed,
and no extraneous ones exist.
This operation is intended to be fast and simple, and does not
involve running any formatters."
(let ((formatters (mapcar #'symbol-name (map-keys apheleia-formatters)))
(lambda (filename)
(string-remove-suffix ".bash" filename))
apheleia-ft--test-dir "installers")
nil "\\.bash$")))
apheleia-ft--test-dir "samplecode")
nil "^[^.]")))
(dolist (formatter formatters)
(unless (member formatter installers)
(error "Missing installer script at installers/%s.bash" formatter)))
(dolist (installer installers)
(unless (member installer formatters)
(error "Spurious installer script at installers/%s.bash" installer)))
(dolist (formatter formatters)
(unless (member formatter samplecode-dirs)
(error "Missing sample code dir at samplecode/%s" formatter))
(let ((in-files
apheleia-ft--test-dir "samplecode" formatter)
nil "^in"))
(out-files nil)
apheleia-ft--test-dir "samplecode" formatter)
nil "^[^.]")))
(unless in-files
(error "Empty sample code dir at samplecode/%s" formatter))
(dolist (in-file in-files)
(let ((out-file (replace-regexp-in-string "^in" "out" in-file)))
(unless (file-exists-p
apheleia-ft--test-dir "samplecode" formatter out-file))
(error "Input file %s is has no corresponding output file %s"
in-file out-file))
(push out-file out-files)))
(dolist (file all-files)
(unless (or (member file in-files)
(member file out-files))
(error "Spurious sample code file at samplecode/%s/%s"
formatter file)))))
(dolist (samplecode-dir samplecode-dirs)
(unless (member samplecode-dir formatters)
"Spurious sample code directory at samplecode/%s"
(message "[format-test] linting passed"))
(defun apheleia-ft-test (&rest formatters)
"Run tests for provided FORMATTERS.
Interactively, select a single formatter to test using
`completing-read'. If FORMATTERS is not provided (or,
interactively, with prefix argument), fall back to the FORMATTERS
environment variable, defaulting to all formatters.
This takes care of creating temporary file(s), if necessary for
the provided formatter, for example if `input' or `inplace' is
used, and substituting them in the command line. You can get the
name of the file used for input, if any, as a property on the
returned context."
(unless (or current-prefix-arg noninteractive)
(list (completing-read "Formatter: " (apheleia-ft--get-formatters)))))
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(dolist (formatter (or formatters (apheleia-ft--get-formatters)))
(dolist (in-file (apheleia-ft--input-files formatter))
(let* ((extension (file-name-extension in-file))
(in-text (apheleia-ft--read-file in-file))
(in-temp-file (apheleia-ft--write-temp-file
in-text extension))
(out-temp-file nil)
(command (alist-get (intern formatter) apheleia-formatters))
(syms nil)
(stdout-buffer nil)
(stderr-file (make-temp-file "apheleia-ft-stderr-"))
(default-directory temporary-file-directory)
(exit-status nil)
(out-file (replace-regexp-in-string
"/in\\([^/]+\\)" "/out\\1" in-file 'fixedcase))
(append `(,(expand-file-name
;; Borrowed with love from Magit
(let ((load-suffixes '(".el")))
(locate-library "apheleia"))))))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect in-temp-file)
;; Some formatters use the current file-name or buffer-name to interpret the
;; type of file that is being formatted. Some may not be able to determine
;; this from the contents of the file so we set this to force it.
(rename-buffer (file-name-nondirectory in-file))
(setq stdout-buffer (get-buffer-create
(format "*apheleia-ft-stdout-%S%s" formatter extension)))
(with-current-buffer stdout-buffer
(if (functionp command)
(funcall command
:buffer (current-buffer)
:scratch (current-buffer)
:formatter formatter
:callback (lambda ()))
(copy-to-buffer stdout-buffer (point-min) (point-max)))
(let ((ctx (apheleia--formatter-context
(intern formatter) command nil nil)))
(setq command `(,(apheleia-formatter--arg1 ctx)
,@(apheleia-formatter--argv ctx))
out-temp-file (apheleia-formatter--output-fname ctx)))
(with-current-buffer stdout-buffer
(setq exit-status
(car command)
(unless (or (memq 'file syms)
(memq 'input syms)
(memq 'inplace syms))
(list stdout-buffer stderr-file)
(cdr command)))
;; Verify that formatter succeeded.
(unless (zerop exit-status)
(insert-file-contents stderr-file)
(princ (buffer-string)))
"Formatter %s exited with status %S" formatter exit-status))))
;; Verify that formatter has not touched original file.
(let ((in-text-now (apheleia-ft--read-file in-temp-file)))
(unless (string= in-text in-text-now)
"original" in-text
"updated" in-text-now)
(error "Formatter %s modified original file in place" formatter)))
;; Verify that formatter formatted correctly.
(let ((out-text
(if out-temp-file
(apheleia-ft--read-file out-temp-file)
(with-current-buffer stdout-buffer
(apheleia-ft--read-file out-file)))
(unless (string= out-text expected-out-text)
"expected" expected-out-text
"actual" out-text)
(error "Formatter %s did not format as expected" formatter)))
(princ (format
"[format-test] success: formatter %s (file %s)\n"
formatter (file-name-nondirectory in-file)))))))
(provide 'apheleia-ft)