pyang (https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang) is a YANG validator,
transformator and code generator, written in python. YANG (RFC 7950) is
a data modeling language for NETCONF (RFC 6241), developed by the IETF
NETMOD WG. This formatter provides support for Emacs yang-mode.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
`ruff` doesn't run isort as part of its format, so to maintain parity
with the sort rules that black/isort offer, this is the ruff isort.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
This formatter is formatting via
[treefmt](https://numtide.github.io/treefmt). This is useful if the
project is configuring formatters for the project and you don't have to
replicate this logic within Emacs, but instead utilize treefmt directly.
To do that you can set the `apheleia-formatter` to `treefmt` within the
projects `.dir-locals.el`.
I noticed there are tests for this, since treefmt could technically
format anything, I went with treefmt formatting rust code. It also
relies on having a `treefmt.toml` in the project folder, so had to add
that as well in the tests.
Add [docformatter](https://github.com/PyCQA/docformatter) for Python
By default it outputs diffs but changes in-place with `--in-place`. On
successful change it exits with an error code of `3` (found out by
trial), so I had to add a formatter wrapping-script.
Initially I used `--in-place` with the special `in-place` symbol in
apheleia. But now I tried an approach where I transform the diff into
usable stdout using `patch` instead.
Related to #266 , where I had used the example of docformatter to ask
how to add scripts with positive exit codes and @raxod502 showed me the
`phpcs` solution.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
I was trying to set up a new formatter and it wasn't in my exec-path, so
it wasn't running anything. But there was no message in the apheleia
logs, even with `apheleia-log-debug-info` enabled. This adds a log entry
when the executable is not found.
Hopefully the formatting is okay - I think Apheleia re-indented it so
hopefully that's good.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
To expedite the pull request process, please see the contributor guide
for my projects:
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
Make it so that if there is a `.formatter.exs` file somewhere in the
parent directories, then Apheleia will run `mix format` from there
instead of the current directory.
This adds support for formatters installed locally in project
directories via yarn 2's "zero install" [pnp
It's quite similar to the support for formatters installed locally in a
project's `node_modules` via npm, and leverages the `npx` symbol, so
existing formatter definitions should work without modification.
This checks for a `.pnp.cjs` file (expected in the project root for yarn
pnp projects), then looks for a yarn executable, and checks the version
of yarn to make sure it supports pnp. If that works, we just push
`"yarn"` onto the front of `command`.
I've only tested this with a locally installed `prettier.js`. It's very
much a works-for-me draft, I'm putting in a PR to make sure this is a
workable approach before going any further with it.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
What it says in the subject :)
Apheleia is opinionated about using a formatter, and which to use as a
default, in every other mode it supports, so it seems it should have an
opinion about emacs-lisp-mode, too?
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
PR to restructure apheleia to make it more modular and improve some of
the separation of concerns. Before merging we should make sure that we
don't reintroduce the issues from #181.
Moves the bulk of apheleia.el into a new apheleia-core.el file and move
formatter definitions and mode-associations into a new
apheleia-formatters.el file. The end user experience should be
unchanged. Loading `apheleia.el` will still load everything load
everything, just like it used to.