pyang (https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang) is a YANG validator,
transformator and code generator, written in python. YANG (RFC 7950) is
a data modeling language for NETCONF (RFC 6241), developed by the IETF
NETMOD WG. This formatter provides support for Emacs yang-mode.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
`ruff` doesn't run isort as part of its format, so to maintain parity
with the sort rules that black/isort offer, this is the ruff isort.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
This formatter is formatting via
[treefmt](https://numtide.github.io/treefmt). This is useful if the
project is configuring formatters for the project and you don't have to
replicate this logic within Emacs, but instead utilize treefmt directly.
To do that you can set the `apheleia-formatter` to `treefmt` within the
projects `.dir-locals.el`.
I noticed there are tests for this, since treefmt could technically
format anything, I went with treefmt formatting rust code. It also
relies on having a `treefmt.toml` in the project folder, so had to add
that as well in the tests.
Pass CSS, GraphQL, HTML, Ruby, Svelte, and YAML mode indent setting to
formatters that make use of it through `apheleia-formatters-js-indent`.
`prettier-markdown` and `prettier-scss` attempt to make use of this too,
but `markdown-mode` and `scss-mode` don't have such a setting that I can
tell. Left the uses in place for `indent-tabs-mode` support anyway.
BTW the `apheleia-formatters-js-indent` name and its description does
not seem quite spot on, as it was already being (partially
unsuccessfully) (ab?)used by some modes for which "JavaScript like"ness
is a bit of a stretch :)
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
Add [docformatter](https://github.com/PyCQA/docformatter) for Python
By default it outputs diffs but changes in-place with `--in-place`. On
successful change it exits with an error code of `3` (found out by
trial), so I had to add a formatter wrapping-script.
Initially I used `--in-place` with the special `in-place` symbol in
apheleia. But now I tried an approach where I transform the diff into
usable stdout using `patch` instead.
Related to #266 , where I had used the example of docformatter to ask
how to add scripts with positive exit codes and @raxod502 showed me the
`phpcs` solution.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
To expedite the pull request process, please see the contributor guide
for my projects:
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
Marks are processed in almost exactly the same way as point; in
particular going through exactly the same `apheleia--align-point`
function. This works with minimal changes because markers act like
numbers, but also can be passed to `set-marker` to mutate their state.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
Make it so that if there is a `.formatter.exs` file somewhere in the
parent directories, then Apheleia will run `mix format` from there
instead of the current directory.
This also fixes a few test installers:
- rustfmt is available via apt-get in 22.04, use that instead of tarball
that's no longer available
- brittany now installs cleanly in the default haskell ghc/cabal in
22.04, so just use that
- perltidy in 22.04 has slightly different output
- nixfmt download url changed (now includes OS/arch). There was
initially no binary available when nixfmt was updated,
but the devs there were kind enough to provide one:
This runs a full `make fmt-build` without errors, though it takes a
while ;). All tests pass, too.
This adds support for formatters installed locally in project
directories via yarn 2's "zero install" [pnp
It's quite similar to the support for formatters installed locally in a
project's `node_modules` via npm, and leverages the `npx` symbol, so
existing formatter definitions should work without modification.
This checks for a `.pnp.cjs` file (expected in the project root for yarn
pnp projects), then looks for a yarn executable, and checks the version
of yarn to make sure it supports pnp. If that works, we just push
`"yarn"` onto the front of `command`.
I've only tested this with a locally installed `prettier.js`. It's very
much a works-for-me draft, I'm putting in a PR to make sure this is a
workable approach before going any further with it.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
What it says in the subject :)
Apheleia is opinionated about using a formatter, and which to use as a
default, in every other mode it supports, so it seems it should have an
opinion about emacs-lisp-mode, too?
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
PR to restructure apheleia to make it more modular and improve some of
the separation of concerns. Before merging we should make sure that we
don't reintroduce the issues from #181.
Found while trying to `make fmt-build` that the installer for `brittany`
was broken, and couldn't fix it.
This removes brittany, and adds the ormolu and fourmolu formatters for
haskell, and sets ormolu as the default for haskell-mode.
Co-authored-by: Radon Rosborough <radon@intuitiveexplanations.com>
Set the -M flag to jq:
λ jq --help mohkale@mk-desktop ~
jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.7]
Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
jq [options] --args <jq filter> [strings...]
jq [options] --jsonargs <jq filter> [JSON_TEXTS...]
jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the given filter to
its JSON text inputs and producing the filter's results as JSON on
standard output.
The simplest filter is ., which copies jq's input to its output
unmodified except for formatting. For more advanced filters see
the jq(1) manpage ("man jq") and/or https://jqlang.github.io/jq/.
$ echo '{"foo": 0}' | jq .
"foo": 0
Command options:
-n, --null-input use `null` as the single input value;
-R, --raw-input read each line as string instead of JSON;
-s, --slurp read all inputs into an array and use it as
the single input value;
-c, --compact-output compact instead of pretty-printed output;
-r, --raw-output output strings without escapes and quotes;
--raw-output0 implies -r and output NUL after each output;
-j, --join-output implies -r and output without newline after
each output;
-a, --ascii-output output strings by only ASCII characters
using escape sequences;
-S, --sort-keys sort keys of each object on output;
-C, --color-output colorize JSON output;
-M, --monochrome-output disable colored output;
--tab use tabs for indentation;
--indent n use n spaces for indentation (max 7 spaces);
--unbuffered flush output stream after each output;
--stream parse the input value in streaming fashion;
--stream-errors implies --stream and report parse error as
an array;
--seq parse input/output as application/json-seq;
-f, --from-file file load filter from the file;
-L directory search modules from the directory;
--arg name value set $name to the string value;
--argjson name value set $name to the JSON value;
--slurpfile name file set $name to an array of JSON values read
from the file;
--rawfile name file set $name to string contents of file;
--args consume remaining arguments as positional
string values;
--jsonargs consume remaining arguments as positional
JSON values;
-e, --exit-status set exit status code based on the output;
-V, --version show the version;
--build-configuration show jq's build configuration;
-h, --help show the help;
-- terminates argument processing;
Named arguments are also available as $ARGS.named[], while
positional arguments are available as $ARGS.positional[].