**a**nsible-**g**alaxy **r**equirements **u**pdater is fast ansible-galaxy replacement with the following features:
* update requirements.yml file if a newer git tag (role version) is available
* update installed roles only when new version is present in requirements file
* install missing roles
* full backwards-compatibility with `ansible-galaxy`, yes, even the odd trailing space in the galaxy-installed roles' meta/.galaxy_install_info is present
## Why?
Because `ansible-galaxy` is slow, **very** slow. And irrational. And miss some functions.
* You updated some role's version in requirements file? Sorry, `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/galaxy/` can't install it, you have to use `--force` or remove the dir manually. A.G.R.U. does that automatically
* You have 100500 roles in your requirements file and you have to manually check each of them if a newer tag is available? A.G.R.U. does that automatically
* Roles installation takes ages with `ansible-galaxy`? A.G.R.U. needs a fraction of that time to install everything