package main import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "flag" "fmt" "log" "net" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "runtime" "sync" "time" "" "" "" _ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( defaultWSPort uint64 = 2020 modeSolo = "solo" modeBroadcast = "broadcast" modeShare = "share" modeRobotic = "robotic" ) var ( flagINDIServerManagerAddr string flagPHD2ServerAddr string flagINDIProfile string flagToken string flagConfFile string flagSoloINDIServerAddr string flagBroadcastINDIServerAddr string flagCompress bool flagWSServer bool flagWSIsTLS bool flagWSPort uint64 flagWSOrigins string flagMode string indiServerAddr string httpClientSM = http.Client{} ) func init() { flag.StringVar( &flagINDIServerManagerAddr, "indi-server-manager", "raspberrypi.local:8624", "INDI-server Manager address (host:port)", ) flag.StringVar( &flagMode, "mode", modeSolo, `indihub-agent mode (deafult value is "solo"), there four modes:\n solo - equipment sharing is not possible, you are connected to INDIHUB and contributing images sharing - you are sharing equipment with another INDIHUB user (agent will output connection info) broadcast - equipment sharing is not possible, you are broadcasting your experience to any number of INDIHUB users robotic - equipment sharing is not possible, your equipment is controlled by INDIHUB AI (you can still watch what it is doing!) `, ) flag.BoolVar( &flagCompress, "compress", true, "Enable gzip-compression", ) flag.StringVar( &flagSoloINDIServerAddr, "solo-indi-server", "localhost:7624", "agent INDI-server address (host:port) for solo-mode", ) flag.StringVar( &flagBroadcastINDIServerAddr, "broadcast-indi-server", "localhost:7624", "agent INDI-server address (host:port) for broadcast-mode", ) flag.StringVar( &flagPHD2ServerAddr, "phd2-server", "", "PHD2-server address (host:port)", ) flag.StringVar( &flagToken, "token", "", "token - can be requested at", ) flag.StringVar( &flagConfFile, "conf", "indihub.json", "INDIHub Agent config file path", ) flag.StringVar( &flagINDIProfile, "indi-profile", "", "Name of INDI-profile to share via indihub", ) flag.BoolVar( &flagWSServer, "ws-server", true, "launch Websocket server to control equipment via Websocket API", ) flag.BoolVar( &flagWSIsTLS, "ws-tls", false, "serve web-socket over TLS with self-signed certificate", ) flag.Uint64Var( &flagWSPort, "ws-port", defaultWSPort, "port to start web socket-server on", ) flag.StringVar( &flagWSOrigins, "ws-origins", "", "comma-separated list of origins allowed to connect to WS-server", ) } func main() { flag.Parse() if flagMode != modeSolo && flagMode != modeShare && flagMode != modeBroadcast && flagMode != modeRobotic { log.Fatalf("Unknown mode '%s' provided\n", flagMode) } indiHubAddr := "" // tls one if logutil.IsDev { indiHubAddr = "localhost:7667" // TODO: change this to optional DEV server } if flagINDIServerManagerAddr == "" { log.Fatal("'indi-server-manager' parameter is missing, the 'host:port' format is expected") } indiHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(flagINDIServerManagerAddr) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Bad syntax for 'indi-server-manager' parameter, the 'host:port' format is expected") } if flagINDIProfile == "" { log.Fatal("'indi-profile' parameter is required") } // read token from flag or from config file if exists if flagToken == "" { conf, err := config.Read(flagConfFile) if err == nil { flagToken = conf.Token } } // connect to INDI-server Manager log.Printf("Connection to local INDI-Server Manager on %s...\n", flagINDIServerManagerAddr) managerClient := manager.NewClient(flagINDIServerManagerAddr) running, currINDIProfile, err := managerClient.GetStatus() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("...OK") // start required profile if it is not active and running if !running || currINDIProfile != flagINDIProfile { log.Printf("Setting active INDI-profile to '%s'\n", flagINDIProfile) if err := managerClient.StopServer(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := managerClient.StartProfile(flagINDIProfile); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } else { log.Printf("INDI-server is running with active INDI-profile '%s'\n", flagINDIProfile) } // get profile connect data indiProfile, err := managerClient.GetProfile(flagINDIProfile) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("could not get INDI-profile from INDI-server manager: %s", err) } indiServerAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", indiHost, indiProfile.Port) // get profile drivers data indiDrivers, err := managerClient.GetDrivers() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("could not get INDI-drivers info from INDI-server manager: %s", err) } log.Println("INDIDrivers:") for _, d := range indiDrivers { log.Printf("%+v", *d) } // test connect to local INDI-server log.Printf("Test connection to local INDI-Server on %s...\n", indiServerAddr) indiConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", indiServerAddr) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } indiConn.Close() log.Println("...OK") if flagPHD2ServerAddr != "" { log.Printf("Test connection to local PHD2-Server on %s...\n", flagPHD2ServerAddr) phd2Conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", flagPHD2ServerAddr) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } phd2Conn.Close() log.Println("...OK") } // prepare indihub-host data indiHubHost := &indihub.INDIHubHost{ Token: flagToken, Profile: &indihub.INDIProfile{ Id: indiProfile.ID, Name: indiProfile.Name, Port: indiProfile.Port, Autostart: indiProfile.AutoStart, Autoconnect: indiProfile.AutoConnect, }, Drivers: make([]*indihub.INDIDriver, len(indiDrivers)), SoloMode: flagMode == modeSolo, IsPHD2: flagPHD2ServerAddr != "", IsRobotic: flagMode == modeRobotic, IsBroadcast: flagMode == modeBroadcast, AgentVersion: version.AgentVersion, Os: runtime.GOOS, Arch: runtime.GOARCH, } for i, driver := range indiDrivers { indiHubHost.Drivers[i] = &indihub.INDIDriver{ Binary: driver.Binary, Family: driver.Family, Label: driver.Label, Version: driver.Version, Role: driver.Role, Custom: driver.Custom, Name: driver.Name, } } log.Println("Connecting to the cloud...") opts := []grpc.DialOption{ grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallSendMsgSize(lib.GRPCMaxSendMsgSize)), grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(lib.GRPCMaxRecvMsgSize)), } if flagCompress { opts = append(opts, grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.UseCompressor("gzip"))) } if logutil.IsDev { opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure()) } else { tlsConfig := &tls.Config{} opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig))) } conn, err := grpc.Dial( indiHubAddr, opts..., ) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("...OK") indiHubClient := indihub.NewINDIHubClient(conn) // register host regInfo, err := indiHubClient.RegisterHost(context.Background(), indiHubHost) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("Current agent version:", version.AgentVersion) log.Println("Latest agent version:", regInfo.AgentVersion) if version.AgentVersion < regInfo.AgentVersion { yc := color.New(color.FgYellow) yc.Println() yc.Println(" ************************************************************") yc.Println(" * WARNING: you version of agent is outdated! *") yc.Println(" * *") yc.Println(" * Please download the latest version from: *") yc.Println(" * *") yc.Println(" * *") yc.Println(" ************************************************************") yc.Println(" ") } log.Printf("Access token: %s\n", regInfo.Token) log.Printf("Host session token: %s\n", regInfo.SessionIDPublic) // create config for new host if flag wasn't provided if flagToken == "" { conf := &config.Config{ Token: regInfo.Token, } if err := config.Write(flagConfFile, conf); err != nil { log.Printf("Could not create config file %s: %s", flagConfFile, err) } } // start WS-server wsServer := websockets.NewWsServer( regInfo.Token, indiServerAddr, flagPHD2ServerAddr, flagWSPort, flagWSIsTLS, flagWSOrigins, ) go wsServer.Start() // start session switch flagMode { case modeSolo: // solo mode - equipment sharing is not available but host still sends all images to INDIHUB log.Println("'solo' parameter was provided. Your session is in solo-mode: equipment sharing is not available") log.Println("Starting INDIHUB agent in solo mode!") soloClient, err := indiHubClient.SoloMode(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Could not start agent in solo mode: %v", err) } soloProxy := solo.New( "INDI-Server Solo-mode", indiServerAddr, soloClient, ) go func() { sigint := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigint, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sigint // stop WS-server wsServer.Stop() log.Println("Closing INDIHUB solo-session") // close connections to local INDI-server and to INDI client soloProxy.Close() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // close grpc client connection conn.Close() }() // start solo mode INDI-server tcp-proxy wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() soloProxy.Start(flagSoloINDIServerAddr, regInfo.SessionID, regInfo.SessionIDPublic) }() wg.Wait() case modeShare, modeRobotic: // main equipment sharing mode if flagMode == modeRobotic { log.Println("'robotic' parameter was provided. Your session is in robotic-mode: equipment sharing is not available") } // open INDI server tunnel log.Println("Starting INDI-Server in the cloud...") indiServTunnel, err := indiHubClient.INDIServer( context.Background(), ) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("...OK") indiFilterConf := &hostutils.INDIFilterConfig{} // TODO: add reading config indiFilter := hostutils.NewINDIFilter(indiFilterConf) indiServerProxy := proxy.New("INDI-Server", indiServerAddr, indiServTunnel, indiFilter) // start PHD2 server proxy if specified var phd2ServerProxy *proxy.TcpProxy if flagPHD2ServerAddr != "" { // open PHD2 server tunnel log.Println("Starting PHD2-Server in the cloud...") phd2ServTunnel, err := indiHubClient.PHD2Server( context.Background(), ) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println("...OK") phd2ServerProxy = proxy.New("PHD2-Server", flagPHD2ServerAddr, phd2ServTunnel, nil) } go func() { sigint := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigint, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sigint // stop WS-server wsServer.Stop() // close connections to tunnels indiServTunnel.CloseSend() if phd2ServerProxy != nil { phd2ServerProxy.Tunnel.CloseSend() } // close grpc client connection conn.Close() // close connections to local INDI-server and PHD2-Server indiServerProxy.Close() if phd2ServerProxy != nil { phd2ServerProxy.Close() } }() serverAddrChan := make(chan proxy.PublicServerAddr, 3) wg := sync.WaitGroup{} // INDI Server Proxy start waitNum := 1 wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() indiServerProxy.Start(serverAddrChan, regInfo.SessionID, regInfo.SessionIDPublic) }() if flagPHD2ServerAddr != "" { waitNum = 2 wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() phd2ServerProxy.Start(serverAddrChan, regInfo.SessionID, regInfo.SessionIDPublic) }() } addrData := []proxy.PublicServerAddr{} for i := 0; i < waitNum; i++ { sAddr := <-serverAddrChan addrData = append(addrData, sAddr) } c := color.New(color.FgCyan) gc := color.New(color.FgGreen) yc := color.New(color.FgYellow) rc := color.New(color.FgMagenta) if flagMode != modeRobotic { c.Println() c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" * INDIHUB public address list!! *") c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" ") for _, sAddr := range addrData { gc.Printf(" %s: %s\n", sAddr.Name, sAddr.Addr) } c.Println(" ") c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println() c.Println(" Please provide your guest with this information:") c.Println() c.Println(" 1. Public address list from the above") c.Println(" 2. Focal length and aperture of your main telescope") c.Println(" 3. Focal length and aperture of your guiding telescope") c.Println(" 4. Type of guiding you use: PHD2 or guiding via camera") c.Println(" 5. Names of your imaging camera and guiding cameras") c.Println() yc.Println(" NOTE: These public addresses will be available ONLY until") yc.Println(" agent is running! (Ctrl+C will stop the session)") c.Println() } else { c.Println() c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" * INDIHUB robotic-session started!! *") c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" ") } wg.Wait() c.Println() c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" * INDIHUB session finished!! *") c.Println(" ************************************************************") c.Println(" ") if flagMode != modeRobotic { for _, sAddr := range addrData { rc.Printf(" %s: %s - CLOSED!!\n", sAddr.Name, sAddr.Addr) } } else { c.Println(" * INDIHUB robotic-session finished. *") c.Println(" * Thank you for your contribution! *") } c.Println(" ") c.Println(" ************************************************************") case modeBroadcast: // broadcast - broadcasting all replies from INDI-server to INDIHUB, equipment sharing is not available log.Println("Starting INDIHUB agent in broadcast mode!") broadcastClient, err := indiHubClient.BroadcastINDIServer(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Could not start agent in broadcast mode: %v", err) } broadcastProxy := broadcast.New( "INDI-Server Solo-mode", indiServerAddr, broadcastClient, ) go func() { sigint := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigint, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sigint // stop WS-server wsServer.Stop() log.Println("Closing INDIHUB solo-session") // close connections to local INDI-server and to INDI client broadcastProxy.Close() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // close grpc client connection conn.Close() }() // start broadcast mode INDI-server tcp-proxy wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() broadcastProxy.Start(regInfo.SessionID, regInfo.SessionIDPublic, flagBroadcastINDIServerAddr) }() wg.Wait() } }