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ABlog for Sphinx
ABlog is a Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal
website project into a full-fledged blog with:
* `Atom feeds`_
* `Archive pages`_
* `Blog sidebars`_
* `Disqus integration`_
* `Font-Awesome integration`_
* `Easy GitHub Pages deploys`_
.. _Atom feeds: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/blog/atom.xml
.. _Archive pages: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/blog/
.. _Blog sidebars: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#sidebars
.. _Disqus integration: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#disqus-integration
.. _Font-Awesome integration: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#fa
.. _Easy GitHub Pages deploys: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/deploy-to-github-pages/
.. _installation:
You can install ABlog using pip_::
pip install -U ablog
This will also install `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_, Alabaster_,
Werkzeug_, and Invoke_ respectively required for building your website,
making it look good, generating feeds, and running deploy commands.
.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io
.. _Werkzeug: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/
.. _Alabaster: https://github.com/bitprophet/alabaster
.. _Invoke: http://www.pyinvoke.org/
Getting Started
If you are starting a new project, see `ABlog Quick Start`_ guide.
If you already have a project, enable blogging by making following changes in ``conf.py``:
.. code-block:: python
# 1. Add 'ablog' to list of extensions
extensions = [
# 2. Add ablog templates path
import ablog
# 2a. if `templates_path` is not defined
templates_path = [ablog.get_html_templates_path()]
# 2b. if `templates_path` is defined
.. _ABlog Quick Start: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-quick-start
How it works
If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language,
you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful. Once you have
content (in ``.rst`` files), you can post *any page* using the
``post`` directive as follows:
.. code-block:: rst
.. post:: Apr 15, 2014
:tags: earth, love, peace
:category: python
:author: me
:location: SF
:language: en
ABlog will index all files posted as above and list them in archives and feeds
specified in ``:tag:``, ``:category:``, etc. options.
You can also include a list of posts using ``postlist`` directive:
.. code-block:: rst
.. postlist::
:list-style: circle
:category: Manual
:format: {title}
For ABlog documentation, this converts to the following where you
can find more about configuring and using ABlog:
.. postlist::
:category: Manual
:list-style: circle
:format: {title}
.. _reStructuredText Primer: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/abakan/ablog.png?branch=devel
:target: http://travis-ci.org/#!/abakan/ablog
.. image:: https://pypip.in/v/ABlog/badge.png
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ABlog
.. image:: https://pypip.in/d/ABlog/badge.png
:target: https://crate.io/packages/ablog
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/ablog/badge/?version=latest
:target: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/