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2015-03-01 08:59:53 -08:00
ablog Fixed issue caused by non-ascii chars. 2015-02-23 22:25:29 -08:00
docs Edited README. 2015-02-25 23:24:19 -08:00
.gitignore Udpated gitignore. 2015-02-23 22:19:55 -08:00
LICENSE.txt Added license. 2014-04-27 17:00:35 -07:00 Fixes, revisions. 2015-01-31 19:10:31 -08:00
README.rst Update README.rst 2015-03-01 08:59:53 -08:00 Started adding ablog command. 2015-01-31 15:10:54 -08:00

ABlog for Sphinx

It's a Blog... It's a Documentation... It's Sphinx with ABlog

ABlog is a Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal
website project into a full-fledged blog with:

  * `Atom feeds`_, e.g. `ABlog feed`_
  * `Archive pages`_, e.g. `ABlog archive`_
  * `Blog sidebars`_ with including tag cloud, archive links, etc.
  * `Disqus integration`_
  * `Font-Awesome integration`_

Looking for an example? Take a look at `ABlog documentation <>`_ 
where each manual page and release is a blog post ;) 

.. _Atom feeds:
.. _ABlog feed:
.. _Archive pages:
.. _ABlog archive:
.. _Blog sidebars:
.. _Disqus integration:
.. _Font-Awesome integration:


You can install ABlog using pip_::

    pip install -U ablog

In addition to Sphinx_, Werkzeug_ is required for generating feeds.

Getting Started

If you are starting a new project, see
`ABlog Quick Start <>`_

To enable blogging in a Sphinx project, append ``ablog`` to the
list of extensions and ABlog template path to :confval:`templates_path`
in :file:``:

.. code-block:: python

  extensions = [
  import ablog

  # if `templates_path` is not defined before
  templates_path = [ablog.get_html_templates_path()]

See more detailed instructions in :ref:`ablog-configuration-options`
and :ref:`posting-and-listing` posts.

**Read The Docs**

On `Read The Docs`_, ABlog may cause an exception when Sphinx build environment
is being pickled.  To circumvent this problem, include the following
in :file:``::

  if os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True':
      skip_pickling = True

This should not effect how the documentation is built.

How it works

ABlog catalogs all :file:`.rst` files indicated as posts and creates
archive pages and a blog feed. It does not interfere with Sphinx's operations,
and you do not need to change how you structure content in separate folders.

You can convert *any page*, containing a new usage example or a new release
announcement, to a post with the :rst:dir:`post` directive as follows:

.. code-block:: rst

  .. post:: Apr 15, 2014
     :tags: python, earth, love, peace

ABlog will include the page in specified archive pages and the blog feed.

You can include a list of posts anywhere simply using :rst:dir:`postlist`

.. code-block:: rst

  .. postlist:: 2
     :category: Release

This converts to a list of links to the most recent five posts in
:ref:`category-release` category:

.. postlist:: 2
   :category: Release

Learn More

You can learn more about ablog features in the following posts:

.. postlist:: 10
   :category: Manual


ABlog has been used with the Sphinx_ 1.2.2, Python 2.7 and 3.4
to generate its documentation blog. If you try it with different
Python and Sphinx versions, please give feedback to help us improve it.