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synced 2025-03-04 16:51:39 -05:00
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![]() Somewhere along the line, the update directive broke. The last fix led to update nodes not being properly checked and confusion as to whether the first paragraph was supposed to be a title or a paragraph. This fix goes back and returns everything to the documented update directive behavior, complete with date checking. The update directive should be easier to update from this. |
.circleci | ||
ablog | ||
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.pep8speaks.yml | ||
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LICENSE.rst | ||
Makefile | ||
MANIFEST.in | ||
README.rst | ||
readthedocs.yml | ||
setup.py |
ABlog for Sphinx ================ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog .. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/sunpy/ablog.svg?style=svg :target: https://circleci.com/gh/sunpy/ablog .. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/cmmiadqoy5lx7l78?svg=true :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/sunpy/ablog Note ---- Please note that is an official new home of `Ahmet Bakan's Ablog Sphinx extension <https://github.com/abakan/ablog/>`_. This version is maintined with the aim to keep it working for SunPy's website and thus new features are unlikely. ABlog ----- ABlog is a Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog with: * `Atom feeds`_ * `Archive pages`_ * `Blog sidebars`_ * `Disqus integration`_ * `Font-Awesome integration`_ * `Easy GitHub Pages deploys`_ * `Jupiter Notebook Support for blog posts`_ .. _Atom feeds: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/blog/atom.xml .. _Archive pages: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/blog/ .. _Blog sidebars: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#sidebars .. _Disqus integration: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#disqus-integration .. _Font-Awesome integration: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-configuration-options/#fa .. _Easy GitHub Pages deploys: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/deploy-to-github-pages/ .. _Jupiter Notebook Support for blog posts: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/notebook_support/ .. _installation: Installation ------------ You can install ABlog using pip_:: pip install -U ablog or anaconda_:: conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install ablog This will also install `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_, Alabaster_, Werkzeug_, and Invoke_ respectively required for building your website, making it look good, generating feeds, and running deploy commands. .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io .. _anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/ .. _Werkzeug: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/ .. _Alabaster: https://github.com/bitprophet/alabaster .. _Invoke: http://www.pyinvoke.org/ Getting Started --------------- If you are starting a new project, see `ABlog Quick Start`_ guide. If you already have a project, enable blogging by making following changes in ``conf.py``: .. code-block:: python # 1. Add 'ablog' to list of extensions extensions = [ '...', 'ablog' ] # 2. Add ablog templates path import ablog # 2a. if `templates_path` is not defined templates_path = [ablog.get_html_templates_path()] # 2b. if `templates_path` is defined templates_path.append(ablog.get_html_templates_path()) .. _ABlog Quick Start: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/manual/ablog-quick-start How it works ------------ If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language, you might find `reStructuredText Primer`_ useful. Once you have content (in ``.rst`` files), you can post *any page* using the ``post`` directive as follows: .. code-block:: rst .. post:: Apr 15, 2014 :tags: earth, love, peace :category: python :author: me :location: SF :language: en ABlog will index all files posted as above and list them in archives and feeds specified in ``:tag:``, ``:category:``, etc. options. You can also include a list of posts using ``postlist`` directive: .. code-block:: rst .. postlist:: :list-style: circle :category: Manual :format: {title} :sort: For ABlog documentation, this converts to the following where you can find more about configuring and using ABlog: .. postlist:: :category: Manual :list-style: circle :format: {title} :sort: .. _reStructuredText Primer: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html .. only:: html .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/sunpy/ablog.png?branch=devel :target: http://travis-ci.org/#!/sunpy/ablog .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/ablog/badge/?version=latest :target: http://ablog.readthedocs.org/ .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: */*