ABlog v0.7 released =================== .. post:: May 3, 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: Denizli ABlog v0.7.0 is released to fix the long standing :issue:`1` related to pickling of Sphinx build environment on Read The Docs. Improvements also resolved issues with using LaTeX builder, improved cross-referencing for non-html builders. ABlog v0.7.1 released --------------------- .. post:: Jun 15, 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.7.1 is released to fix Python 3 import issues in :command:`ablog serve` command. ABlog v0.7.2 released --------------------- .. post:: Jun 15, 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.7.2 is released to prevent potential issues with Disqus thread URLs by requiring :confval:`disqus_shortname` and :confval:`blog_baseurl` to be specified together for Disqus integration. ABlog v0.7.3 released --------------------- .. post:: July 4 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.7.3 makes use of `python-dateutil`_ for parsing post dates, so now you can be flexible with the format you use in posts. Thanks to `Andy Maloney`_ for this improvement. .. _python-dateutil: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-dateutil .. _Andy Maloney: https://github.com/amaloney ABlog v0.7.5 released --------------------- .. post:: July 5 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.7.5 is released to fix Windows specific path resolving issue with archive pages. Thanks to Peter Mills for reporting this issue. ABlog v0.7.6 released --------------------- .. post:: July 13 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.7.6 is released to fix path resolving issue that arose when ``:excerpts:`` is used in :rst:dir:`postlist` directive. Once again, thanks to Peter Mills for reporting this issue. Other minor changes are: * ``-P`` argument is added to :ref:`ablog build ` command to enable running pdb on exceptions. * ``conf.py`` file created by :ref:`ablog start ` updated to include ``about.html`` sidebar that comes with Alabaster_ theme.