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synced 2025-03-05 09:11:38 -05:00
Revised quick-start generated config file.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 203 additions and 260 deletions
@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Quickly setup documentation source to work with Ablog.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2015 by Ablog Team
import os
import sys
import time
@ -30,6 +22,10 @@ from sphinx.quickstart import boolean, ok, choice, do_prompt, is_path, mkdir_p
from sphinx.util.console import purple, bold, red, turquoise, nocolor, color_terminal
from sphinx.util.osutil import make_filename
from textwrap import wrap
w = lambda t, ls=80: '\n'.join(wrap(t, ls))
def is_module_installed(module_name):
@ -46,9 +42,8 @@ class ABlogTemplates(object):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# %(project)s documentation build configuration file, created by
# ablog start on %(now)s.
# %(project)s build configuration file, created by
# `ablog start` on %(now)s.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
@ -58,29 +53,154 @@ import os
import sys
import ablog
# -- General ABlog Options ----------------------------------------------------
# A path relative to the configuration directory for blog archive pages.
#blog_path = 'blog'
# The “title” for the blog, used in acthive pages. Default is ``'Blog'``.
blog_title = '%(project_str)s Blog'
# Base URL for the website, required for generating feeds.
# e.g. blog_baseurl = "http://example.com/"
blog_baseurl = '%(blog_baseurl)s'
# Choose to archive only post titles. Archiving only titles can speed
# up project building.
#blog_archive_titles = False
# -- Blog Authors, Languages, and Locations -----------------------------------
# A dictionary of author names mapping to author full display names and
# links. Dictionary keys are what should be used in ``post`` directive
# to refer to the author. Default is ``{}``.
#blog_authors = {
# 'Name': ('Full Name', 'http://fullname.com'),
# A dictionary of language code names mapping to full display names and
# links of these languages. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
# keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
# Default is ``{}``.
#blog_languages = {
# 'en': ('English', None),
# A dictionary of location names mapping to full display names and
# links of these locations. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
# keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
# Default is ``{}``.
#blog_locations = {
# 'Earth': ('The Blue Planet', 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth),
# -- Blog Post Related --------------------------------------------------------
# Date display format (default is ``'!b !d, !Y'``) for published posts that
# goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
# TODO: Replace ! with percent sign ascii/unicode: 25h ---> need to figure out how to escape it to
# post_date_format = '%%b %%d, %%Y'
# Number of paragraphs (default is ``1``) that will be displayed as an excerpt
# from the post. Setting this ``0`` will result in displaying no post excerpt
# in archive pages. This option can be set on a per post basis using
#post_auto_excerpt = 1
# Index of the image that will be displayed in the excerpt of the post.
# Default is ``0``, meaning no image. Setting this to ``1`` will include
# the first image, when available, to the excerpt. This option can be set
# on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``image``.
#post_auto_image = 0
# Number of seconds (default is ``5``) that a redirect page waits before
# refreshing the page to redirect to the post.
#post_redirect_refresh = 5
# When ``True``, post title and excerpt is always taken from the section that
# contains the :rst:dir:`post` directive, instead of the document. This is the
# behavior when :rst:dir:`post` is used multiple times in a document. Default
# is ``False``.
#post_always_section = False
# -- Blog Feed Options --------------------------------------------------------
# Turn feeds by setting :confval:`blog_baseurl` configuration variable.
# Choose to create feeds per author, location, tag, category, and year,
# default is ``False``.
#blog_feed_archives = False
# Choose to display full text in blog feeds, default is ``False``.
#blog_feed_fulltext = False
# Blog feed subtitle, default is ``None``.
#blog_feed_subtitle = None
# Choose to feed only post titles, default is ``False``.
#blog_feed_titles = False
# Specify number of recent posts to include in feeds, default is ``None``
# for all posts.
#blog_feed_length = None
# -- Font-Awesome Options -----------------------------------------------------
# ABlog templates will use of `Font Awesome`_ icons if one of the following
# is ``True``
# --> Font Awesome: http://fontawesome.io/
# Link to `Font Awesome`_ at `Bootstrap CDN`_ and use icons in sidebars
# and post footers. Default: ``False``
# fontawesome_link_cdn = False
# Sphinx_ theme already links to `Font Awesome`_. Default: ``False``
# fontawesome_included = False
# Alternatively, you can provide the path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css`
# with the configuration option: fontawesome_css_file
# Path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` (default is ``None``) that will
# be linked to in HTML output by ABlog.
# fontawesome_css_file = None
# -- Disqus Integration -------------------------------------------------------
# You can enable Disqus_ by setting ``disqus_shortname`` variable.
# Disqus_ short name for the blog.
# TODO: Default is??
# disqus_shortname = None
# Choose to disqus pages that are not posts, default is ``False``.
# disqus_pages = False
# Choose to disqus posts that are drafts (without a published date),
# default is ``False``.
# disqus_drafts = False
# -- Sphinx Options -----------------------------------------------------------
# If your project needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
needs_sphinx = '1.2'
# -- Extensions ------------------------------------------------
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# Add any Sphinx extension names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [%(extensions)s]
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['%(dot)stemplates']
# ablog: Append ablog templates path of ablog to sphinx templates_path
if templates_path:
templates_path = [ablog.get_html_templates_path()]
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = [
# The suffix of source filenames.
source_suffix = '%(suffix)s'
@ -142,146 +262,6 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
#keep_warnings = False
# ---------------
# ablog: General ABlog Options
# ---------------
# A path relative to the configuration directory for blog archive pages.
# blog_path = 'blog'
# The “title” for the blog, used in acthive pages. Default is ``'Blog'``.
blog_title = 'A Blog'
# Base URL for the website, required for generating feeds.
# blog_baseurl = "http://example.com/"
blog_baseurl = '%(blog_baseurl)s'
# Choose to archive only post titles in collection pages.
# blog_archive_titles = False
# -------------------------------
# ablog: Authors, languages, & locations
# -------------------------------
# A dictionary of author names mapping to author full display names and
# links. Dictionary keys are what should be used in ``post`` directive
# to refer to the author. Default is ``{}``.
# blog_authors = {
# 'Name': ('Full Name', 'http://fullname.com'),
# }
# blog_default_author = None
# A dictionary of language code names mapping to full display names and
# links of these languages. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
# keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
# Default is ``{}``.
# blog_languages = {
# 'en': ('English', None),
# }
# blog_default_language = None
# A dictionary of location names mapping to full display names and
# links of these locations. Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary
# keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
# Default is ``{}``.
# blog_locations = {
# 'Earth': ('The Blue Planet', 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth),
# }
# blog_default_location = None
# ------------
# ablog: Post related
# ------------
# Date display format (default is ``'!b !d, !Y'``) for published posts that
# goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
# TODO: Replace ! with percent sign ascii/unicode: 25h ---> need to figure out how to escape it to
# post_date_format = '%%b %%d, %%Y'
# Number of paragraphs (default is ``1``) that will be displayed as an excerpt
# from the post. Setting this ``0`` will result in displaying no post excerpt
# in archive pages. This option can be set on a per post basis using
# post_auto_excerpt = 1
# Index of the image that will be displayed in the excerpt of the post.
# Default is ``0``, meaning no image. Setting this to ``1`` will include
# the first image, when available, to the excerpt. This option can be set
# on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``image``.
# post_auto_image = 0
# Number of seconds (default is ``5``) that a redirect page waits before
# refreshing the page to redirect to the post.
# post_redirect_refresh = 5
# When ``True``, post title and excerpt is always taken from the section that
# contains the :rst:dir:`post` directive, instead of the document. This is the
# behavior when :rst:dir:`post` is used multiple times in a document. Default
# is ``False``.
# post_always_section = False
# ----------
# ablog: Blog feeds
# ----------
# Turn feeds by setting :confval:`blog_baseurl` configuration variable.
# Choose to create feeds per author, location, tag, category, and year,
# default is ``False``.
# blog_feed_archives = False
# Choose to display full text in blog feeds, default is ``False``.
# blog_feed_fulltext = False
# Blog feed subtitle, default is ``None``.
# blog_feed_subtitle = None
# Choose to feed only post titles, default is ``False``.
# blog_feed_titles = False
# Specify number of recent posts to include in feeds, default is ``None``
# for all posts.
# blog_feed_length = None
# ------------
# ablog: Font awesome
# ------------
# ABlog templates will use of `Font Awesome`_ icons if one of the following
# is ``True``
# --> Font Awesome: http://fontawesome.io/
# Link to `Font Awesome`_ at `Bootstrap CDN`_ and use icons in sidebars
# and post footers. Default: ``False``
# fontawesome_link_cdn = False
# Sphinx_ theme already links to `Font Awesome`_. Default: ``False``
# fontawesome_included = False
# Alternatively, you can provide the path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css`
# with the configuration option: fontawesome_css_file
# Path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` (default is ``None``) that will
# be linked to in HTML output by ABlog.
# fontawesome_css_file = None
# ------------------
# Disqus integration
# ------------------
# You can enable Disqus_ by setting ``disqus_shortname`` variable.
# Disqus_ short name for the blog.
# TODO: Default is??
# disqus_shortname = None
# Choose to disqus pages that are not posts, default is ``False``.
# disqus_pages = False
# Choose to disqus posts that are drafts (without a published date),
# default is ``False``.
# disqus_drafts = False
@ -413,12 +393,6 @@ html_theme = 'alabaster'
# documentation.
html_theme_options = {
'analytics_id': '%(analytics_id)s',
'github_button': '%(github_button)s',
'travis_button': %(show_travis_button)s,
'github_user': '%(github_user)s',
'github_repo': '%(github_repo)s',
'description': '%(github_repo_description)s',
'logo': '%(github_repo_logo)s',
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
@ -557,7 +531,8 @@ def generate(d, overwrite=True, silent=False):
d['now'] = time.asctime()
d['project_underline'] = column_width(d['project']) * '='
extensions = (',\n' + indent).join((repr(name.replace('ext_', 'sphinx.ext.')) for name in extension_list))
extensions = (',\n' + indent).join((
repr(name.replace('ext_', 'sphinx.ext.')) for name in extension_list))
if extensions:
d['extensions'] = '\n' + indent + extensions + ',\n'
@ -565,11 +540,11 @@ def generate(d, overwrite=True, silent=False):
d['extensions'] = extensions
d['copyright'] = time.strftime('%Y') + ', ' + d['author']
d['author_texescaped'] = text_type(d['author']).\
d['author_texescaped'] = text_type(d['author']
d['project_doc'] = d['project'] + ' Documentation'
d['project_doc_texescaped'] = text_type(d['project'] + ' Documentation').\
d['project_doc_texescaped'] = text_type(d['project'] + ' Documentation'
# escape backslashes and single quotes in strings that are put into
# a Python string literal
@ -584,13 +559,14 @@ def generate(d, overwrite=True, silent=False):
srcdir = d['sep'] and path.join(d['path'], 'source') or d['path']
if d['sep']:
builddir = path.join(d['path'], 'build')
d['exclude_patterns'] = ''
builddir = path.join(srcdir, d['dot'] + 'build')
d['exclude_patterns'] = repr(d['dot'] + 'build')
d['exclude_patterns'] = ''
#if d['sep']:
# builddir = path.join(d['path'], 'build')
# builddir = path.join(srcdir, d['dot'] + 'build')
# d['exclude_patterns'] = repr(d['dot'] + 'build')
mkdir_p(path.join(srcdir, d['dot'] + 'templates'))
mkdir_p(path.join(srcdir, d['dot'] + 'static'))
@ -636,43 +612,43 @@ def ask_user(d):
print(bold('Welcome to the ABlog %s start utility.') % __version__)
Please enter values for the following settings (just press Enter to
accept a default value, if one is given in brackets).''')
print(bold('Welcome to the ABlog %s quick start utility.') % __version__)
print(w('Please enter values for the following settings (just press Enter '
'to accept a default value, if one is given in brackets).'))
if 'path' in d:
Selected root path: %s''' % d['path']))
print(bold('Selected root path: %s' % d['path']))
Enter the root path for your blog project.''')
print('Enter the root path for your blog project.')
do_prompt(d, 'path', 'Root path for your project', '.', is_path)
while path.isfile(path.join(d['path'], 'conf.py')) or \
path.isfile(path.join(d['path'], 'source', 'conf.py')):
print(bold('Error: an existing conf.py has been found in the '
'selected root path.'))
print('ablog start will not overwrite existing ABlog projects.')
do_prompt(d, 'path', 'Please enter a new root path (or just Enter '
'to exit)', '', is_path)
print(bold(w('Error: an existing conf.py has been found in the '
'selected root path.')))
print('ablog start will not overwrite existing Sphinx projects.')
do_prompt(d, 'path',
'Please enter a new root path (or just Enter to exit)', '', is_path)
if not d['path']:
if 'project' not in d:
Project name will occur in several places in the website, including
blog archive pages and atom feeds. Later, you can set separate names
for different parts of the website in configuration file.''')
print(w('Project name will occur in several places in the website, '
'including blog archive pages and atom feeds. Later, you can '
'set separate names for different parts of the website in '
'configuration file.'))
do_prompt(d, 'project', 'Project name')
if 'author' not in d:
Author can be thought of as the copyright holder for the content. If your
blog has multiple authors, you might want to enter a team name here. Later,
you can specify individual authors using `blog_authors` configuration option.''')
print(w('This of author as the copyright holder of the content. '
'If your blog has multiple authors, you might want to enter '
'a team name here. Later, you can specify individual authors '
'using `blog_authors` configuration option.'))
do_prompt(d, 'author', 'Author name(s)')
d['release'] = d['version'] = ''
@ -680,66 +656,35 @@ you can specify individual authors using `blog_authors` configuration option.'''
while path.isfile(path.join(d['path'], d['master']+d['suffix'])) or \
path.isfile(path.join(d['path'], 'source', d['master']+d['suffix'])):
print(bold('Error: the master file %s has already been found in the '
'selected root path.' % (d['master']+d['suffix'])))
print(bold(w('Error: the master file %s has already been found in the '
'selected root path.' % (d['master'] + d['suffix']))))
print('ablog-start will not overwrite the existing file.')
do_prompt(d, 'master', 'Please enter a new file name, or rename the '
'existing file and press Enter', d['master'])
do_prompt(d, 'master', w('Please enter a new file name, or rename the '
'existing file and press Enter'), d['master'])
if 'blog_baseurl' not in d:
Please enter the base URL for your project. Blog feeds will be generated
using this URL. If you don't have one yet, you can set it in configuration
file later.''')
do_prompt(d, 'blog_baseurl', 'Base URL for your project', None, lambda x: True)
print(w('Please enter the base URL for your project. Blog feeds will '
'be generated relative to this URL. If you don\'t have one yet, '
'you can set it in configuration file later.'))
do_prompt(d, 'blog_baseurl', 'Base URL for your project',
None, lambda x: True)
if 'use_alabaster' not in d and 'alabaster' in d:
You have Alabaster Sphinx theme installed. Would you
like to enable it for your blog?''')
print(w('You have Alabaster Sphinx theme installed. Would you '
'like to enable it for your blog?'))
do_prompt(d, 'use_alabaster', 'Enable Alabaster Sphinx theme? (y/n)', 'y', boolean)
#If using Alabaster and blogging about a GitHub project we have more questions for you!
if d['use_alabaster']:
Please enter your Google Analytics ID to your blog for tracking? Leave blank for disabling.''')
print(w('Please enter your Google Analytics ID for your website. '
'Leave blank to add it in conf.py it later.'))
do_prompt(d, 'analytics_id', 'Google Analytics ID', '', ok)
#Ask user if this is for a github project.
Would you like to enable Alabaster options for GitHub projects on your blog?''')
do_prompt(d, 'github_button', 'Enable Alabaster GitHub features? (y/n)', 'n', boolean)
if d['github_button']:
if 'github_repo' not in d:
print('\nPlease enter the name for the GitHub project.')
do_prompt(d, 'github_repo', 'Please enter the project name. ', '', ok)
if 'github_user' not in d:
print('\nPlease enter the user name for the GitHub project.')
do_prompt(d, 'github_user', 'Please enter GitHub user name. ', '', ok)
if 'github_repo_description' not in d:
print('\nPlease enter a short description for the GitHub project.')
do_prompt(d, 'github_repo_description', 'Please enter GitHub project description. ', '', ok)
if 0:
if 'github_repo_logo' not in d:
print('\nPlease enter the path for the GitHub project logo. (png, jpg, etc.)')
do_prompt(d, 'github_repo_logo', 'Please enter logo path. ', '', ok)
if 'show_travis_button' not in d:
If you happen to have the github project linked to Travis CI, you may want
to enable the Travis-CI button in your blog.''')
do_prompt(d, 'show_travis_button', 'Enable the Travis CI button in your blog? (y/n)', 'n', boolean)
d['github_repo'] = None
d['github_user'] = d['github_repo_description'] = d['github_repo_logo'] = ""
d['show_travis_button'] = False
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
.. _commands:
ABlog Commands
.. post:: Feb 1, 2015
.. post:: Mar 1, 2015
:tags: config
:author: Ahmet, Mehmet
:category: Manual
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
ABlog Quick Start
.. post:: Feb 9, 2015
.. post:: Mar 1, 2015
:tags: config, start,
:author: Mehmet
:category: Manual
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