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synced 2025-03-10 12:36:39 -04:00

This commit touch a lot of lines of code with the goal to be more rigorous about JavaScript code conventions defined in the `.jshintrc`. Some modification: * Add a list of used global symbols in the corresponding section of `.jshintrc` * Use local variables instead of global in a lot of places where the keyword `var` was mistakenly forgotten * Add missing semi-colons after instructions * Add new lines at the end of files * Remove trailing whitespaces * Use newer name of some Meteor APIs, eg `addFiles` instead of `add_files` * Add missing `break` statements in `switch` blocks * Use `===` instead of `==` and `!==` instead of `!=` * Remove unused variables This commit should also fix a few bugs due to this lack of rigor. One example of that was the test `typeof navElements === "array"` that was never true because in JavaScript, `typeof [] === "object"`, we replaced this test by the `_.isArray` method provided by underscore. It might also fix some potential collision related to global variables. There is still plenty of work until Telescope code base passes jsHint validation, but at least this commit is a step in the right direction.
184 lines
5.8 KiB
184 lines
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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------- Submit Comment ------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
function submitComment (comment) {
var userId = comment.userId; // at this stage, a userId is expected
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// Don't allow empty comments
if (!comment.body)
throw new Meteor.Error(704,i18n.t('your_comment_is_empty'));
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
var defaultProperties = {
createdAt: new Date(),
postedAt: new Date(),
upvotes: 0,
downvotes: 0,
baseScore: 0,
score: 0,
author: Users.getDisplayNameById(userId)
comment = _.extend(defaultProperties, comment);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
// run all post submit server callbacks on comment object successively
comment = Telescope.callbacks.run("commentSubmit", comment);
// -------------------------------- Insert -------------------------------- //
comment._id = Comments.insert(comment);
// --------------------- Server-side Async Callbacks --------------------- //
// run all post submit server callbacks on comment object successively
Telescope.callbacks.run("commentSubmitAsync", comment, true);
return comment;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------- Methods ----------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
submitComment: function(comment){
// required properties:
// postId
// body
// optional properties:
// parentCommentId
var user = Meteor.user(),
hasAdminRights = Users.is.admin(user),
schema = Comments.simpleSchema()._schema;
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that user can comment
if (!user || !Users.can.comment(user))
throw new Meteor.Error(i18n.t('you_need_to_login_or_be_invited_to_post_new_comments'));
// ------------------------------ Rate Limiting ------------------------------ //
if (!hasAdminRights) {
var timeSinceLastComment = Users.timeSinceLast(user, Comments),
commentInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(Settings.get('commentInterval',15)));
// check that user waits more than 15 seconds between comments
if((timeSinceLastComment < commentInterval))
throw new Meteor.Error(704, i18n.t('please_wait')+(commentInterval-timeSinceLastComment)+i18n.t('seconds_before_commenting_again'));
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
// admin-only properties
// userId
// clear restricted properties
_.keys(comment).forEach(function (fieldName) {
var field = schema[fieldName];
if (!Users.can.submitField(user, field)) {
throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + fieldName);
// if no userId has been set, default to current user id
if (!comment.userId) {
comment.userId = user._id;
return submitComment(comment);
editComment: function (modifier, commentId) {
var user = Meteor.user(),
comment = Comments.findOne(commentId),
schema = Comments.simpleSchema()._schema;
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that user can edit
if (!user || !Users.can.edit(user, comment)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(601, i18n.t('sorry_you_cannot_edit_this_comment'));
// go over each field and throw an error if it's not editable
// loop over each operation ($set, $unset, etc.)
_.each(modifier, function (operation) {
// loop over each property being operated on
_.keys(operation).forEach(function (fieldName) {
var field = schema[fieldName];
if (!Users.can.editField(user, field, comment)) {
throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + fieldName);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
modifier = Telescope.callbacks.run("commentEdit", modifier);
// ------------------------------ Update ------------------------------ //
Comments.update(commentId, modifier);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
Telescope.callbacks.run("commentEditAsync", commentId, true);
// ------------------------------ After Update ------------------------------ //
return Comments.findOne(commentId);
deleteCommentById: function (commentId) {
var comment = Comments.findOne(commentId);
var user = Meteor.user();
if(Users.can.edit(user, comment)){
// decrement post comment count and remove user ID from post
Posts.update(comment.postId, {
$inc: {commentCount: -1},
$pull: {commenters: comment.userId}
// decrement user comment count and remove comment ID from user
Meteor.users.update({_id: comment.userId}, {
$inc: {'telescope.commentCount': -1}
// note: should we also decrease user's comment karma ?
// We don't actually delete the comment to avoid losing all child comments.
// Instead, we give it a special flag
Comments.update({_id: commentId}, {$set: {
body: 'Deleted',
htmlBody: 'Deleted',
isDeleted: true
Messages.flash("You don't have permission to delete this comment.", "error");