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Main form component.
This component expects:
### All Forms:
- collection
- currentUser
- client (Apollo client)
### New Form:
- newMutation
### Edit Form:
- editMutation
- removeMutation
- document
import { Components, runCallbacks, getCollection } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n';
import Formsy from 'formsy-react';
import { getEditableFields, getInsertableFields, isEmptyValue } from '../modules/utils.js';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
import set from 'lodash/set';
import unset from 'lodash/unset';
import compact from 'lodash/compact';
import update from 'lodash/update';
// unsetCompact
const unsetCompact = (object, path) => {
const parentPath = path.slice(0,path.lastIndexOf('.'))
unset(object, path);
update(object, parentPath, compact);
1. Constructor
2. Helpers
3. Errors
4. Context
4. Method & Callback
5. Render
class Form extends Component {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------- Constructor --------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
submitFormCallbacks = [];
successFormCallbacks = [];
failureFormCallbacks = [];
state = {
disabled: false,
errors: [],
autofilledValues: {},
deletedValues: [],
currentValues: {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Helpers ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
fieldSchemas = {}
getCollection = () => {
return this.props.collection || getCollection(this.props.collectionName);
// return the current schema based on either the schema or collection prop
getSchema = () => {
return this.props.schema ? this.props.schema : this.getCollection().simpleSchema()._schema;
getValue = (fieldName, document) => {
if (typeof document[fieldName] !== 'undefined' && document[fieldName] !== null) {
return document[fieldName];
return null;
createField = (fieldName, fieldSchema, document, parentFieldName) => {
// console.log('// createField', fieldName)
// console.log(fieldSchema)
// console.log(document)
// console.log('-> nested: ', fieldSchema.type.singleType === Array)
// store fieldSchema object in this.fieldSchemas
this.fieldSchemas[fieldName] = fieldSchema;
fieldSchema.name = fieldName;
// intialize properties
let field = {
name: fieldName,
datatype: fieldSchema.type,
control: fieldSchema.control,
layout: this.props.layout,
order: fieldSchema.order
// if field has a parent field and index, pass them on
if (parentFieldName) {
field.parentFieldName = parentFieldName;
field.label = this.getLabel(fieldName);
// note: for nested fields, value will be null here and set by FormNested later
const fieldValue = this.getValue(fieldName, document);
// add value
if (fieldValue){
field.value = fieldValue;
// convert value type if needed
if (fieldSchema.type.definitions[0].type === Number) field.value = Number(field.value);
// if value is an array of objects ({_id: '123'}, {_id: 'abc'}), flatten it into an array of strings (['123', 'abc'])
// fallback to item itself if item._id is not defined (ex: item is not an object or item is just {slug: 'xxx'})
// if (Array.isArray(field.value)) {
// field.value = field.value.map(item => item._id || item);
// }
// TODO: not needed anymore?
// backward compatibility from 'autoform' to 'form'
if (fieldSchema.autoform) {
fieldSchema.form = fieldSchema.autoform;
console.warn(`Vulcan Warning: The 'autoform' field is deprecated. You should rename it to 'form' instead. It was defined on your '${fieldName}' field on the '${this.getCollection()._name}' collection`); // eslint-disable-line
// replace value by prefilled value if value is empty
const prefill = fieldSchema.prefill || fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.prefill;
if (prefill) {
const prefilledValue = typeof prefill === "function" ? prefill.call(fieldSchema) : prefill;
if (!!prefilledValue && !field.value) {
field.prefilledValue = prefilledValue;
field.value = prefilledValue;
// add options if they exist
const fieldOptions = fieldSchema.options || fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.options;
if (fieldOptions) {
field.options = typeof fieldOptions === "function" ? fieldOptions.call(fieldSchema, this.props) : fieldOptions;
// in case of checkbox groups, check "checked" option to populate value if this is a "new document" form
const checkedValues = _.where(field.options, {checked: true}).map(option => option.value);
if (checkedValues.length && !field.value && this.getFormType() === 'new') {
field.value = checkedValues
// replace empty value, which has not been prefilled, by the default value from the schema
// keep defaultValue for backwards compatibility even though it doesn't actually work
if (isEmptyValue(field.value)) {
if (fieldSchema.defaultValue) field.value = fieldSchema.defaultValue;
if (fieldSchema.default) field.value = fieldSchema.default;
// add any properties specified in fieldProperties or form as extra props passed on
// to the form component
const fieldProperties = fieldSchema.fieldProperties || fieldSchema.form;
if (fieldProperties) {
for (const prop in fieldProperties) {
if (prop !== 'prefill' && prop !== 'options' && fieldProperties.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
field[prop] = typeof fieldProperties[prop] === "function" ?
fieldProperties[prop].call(fieldSchema) :
// add limit
if (fieldSchema.limit) {
field.limit = fieldSchema.limit;
// add description as help prop
if (fieldSchema.description) {
field.help = fieldSchema.description;
// add placeholder
if (fieldSchema.placeholder) {
field.placeholder = fieldSchema.placeholder;
if (fieldSchema.beforeComponent) field.beforeComponent = fieldSchema.beforeComponent;
if (fieldSchema.afterComponent) field.afterComponent = fieldSchema.afterComponent;
// add group
if (fieldSchema.group) {
field.group = fieldSchema.group;
// add document
field.document = this.getDocument();
// add error state
const validationError = _.findWhere(this.state.errors, {name: 'app.validation_error'});
if (validationError) {
const fieldErrors = _.filter(validationError.data.errors, error => error.data.fieldName === fieldName);
if (fieldErrors) {
field.errors = fieldErrors.map(error => ({...error, message: this.getErrorMessage(error)}));
// nested fields: set control to "nested"
if (fieldSchema.type.singleType === Array) {
field.control = 'nested';
// get nested schema
field.nestedSchema = this.getSchema()[`${fieldName}.$`].type.definitions[0].type._schema; // TODO: do this better
// for each nested field, get field object by calling createField recursively
field.nestedFields = this.getFieldNames(field.nestedSchema).map((subFieldName) => {
const subFieldSchema = field.nestedSchema[subFieldName];
return this.createField(subFieldName, subFieldSchema, document, fieldName);
return field;
getFieldGroups = () => {
const schema = this.getSchema();
const document = this.getDocument();
// build fields array by iterating over the list of field names
let fields = this.getFieldNames(schema).map(fieldName => {
// get schema for the current field
const fieldSchema = schema[fieldName];
return this.createField(fieldName, fieldSchema, document)
fields = _.sortBy(fields, "order");
// get list of all unique groups (based on their name) used in current fields
let groups = _.compact(_.unique(_.pluck(fields, "group"), false, g => g && g.name));
// for each group, add relevant fields
groups = groups.map(group => {
group.label = group.label || this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: group.name});
group.fields = _.filter(fields, field => {return field.group && field.group.name === group.name});
return group;
// add default group
groups = [{
name: "default",
label: "default",
order: 0,
fields: _.filter(fields, field => {return !field.group;})
// sort by order
groups = _.sortBy(groups, "order");
// console.log(groups);
return groups;
// if a document is being passed, this is an edit form
getFormType = () => {
return this.props.document ? "edit" : "new";
// get relevant fields
getFieldNames = (schema) => {
const { fields, hideFields } = this.props;
// get all editable/insertable fields (depending on current form type)
let relevantFields = this.getFormType() === "edit" ? getEditableFields(schema, this.props.currentUser, this.getDocument()) : getInsertableFields(schema, this.props.currentUser);
// if "fields" prop is specified, restrict list of fields to it
if (typeof fields !== "undefined" && fields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.intersection(relevantFields, fields);
} else {
// else if fields is not specified, remove all hidden fields
relevantFields = _.reject(relevantFields, fieldName => {
const hidden = schema[fieldName].hidden;
return typeof hidden === 'function' ? hidden(this.props) : hidden;
// if "hideFields" prop is specified, remove its fields
if (typeof hideFields !== "undefined" && hideFields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.difference(relevantFields, hideFields);
return relevantFields;
// for each field, we apply the following logic:
// - if its value is currently being inputted, use that
// - else if its value is provided by the autofilledValues object, use that
// - else if its value was provided by the db, use that (i.e. props.document)
// - else if its value was provided by prefilledProps, use that
// - finally, remove all values that should be deleted
getDocument = () => {
const currentDocument = _.clone(this.props.document) || {};
// const document = Object.assign(_.clone(this.props.prefilledProps || {}), currentDocument, _.clone(this.state.autofilledValues), _.clone(this.state.currentValues));
let document = deepmerge.all([
return document;
// like getDocument, but cross-reference with getFieldNames() to only return fields that actually need to be submitted
getData = () => {
// only keep relevant fields
const fields = this.getFieldNames(this.getSchema());
let data = cloneDeep(_.pick(this.getDocument(), ...fields));
// console.log('getData')
// console.log(data)
// remove any deleted values
// (deleted nested fields cannot be added to $unset, instead we need to modify their value directly)
this.state.deletedValues.forEach(path => {
unsetCompact(data, path);
// console.log(data)
// run data object through submitForm callbacks
data = runCallbacks(this.submitFormCallbacks, data);
return data;
// NOTE: this is not called anymore since we're updating on blur, not on change
// whenever the form changes, update its state
updateState = (e) => {
// e can sometimes be event, sometims be currentValue
// see https://github.com/christianalfoni/formsy-react/issues/203
if (e.stopPropagation) {
} else {
// get rid of empty fields
_.forEach(e, (value, key) => {
if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
delete e[key];
this.setState(prevState => ({
currentValues: e
// manually update the current values of one or more fields(i.e. on blur). See above for on change instead
updateCurrentValues = (newValues) => {
// keep the previous ones and extend (with possible replacement) with new ones
this.setState(prevState => {
// const newState = _.clone(prevState)
Object.keys(newValues).forEach(key => {
const path = key;
const value = newValues[key];
if (value === null) {
// delete value
} else {
set(prevState.currentValues, path, value);
// dot.str(path, value, prevState.currentValues);
return prevState
// key down handler
formKeyDown = (event) => {
if( (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.keyCode === 13) {
getLabel = (fieldName) => {
return this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: this.getCollection()._name+"."+fieldName, defaultMessage: this.fieldSchemas[fieldName].label});
getErrorMessage = (error) => {
if (error.data.fieldName) {
// if error has a corresponding field name, "labelify" that field name
const fieldName = this.getLabel(error.data.fieldName);
return this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: error.id, defaultMessage: error.id}, {...error.data, fieldName});
} else {
return this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: error.id, defaultMessage: error.id}, error.data);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Errors ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// clear and re-enable the form
// by default, clear errors and keep current values and deleted values
clearForm = ({ clearErrors = true, clearCurrentValues = false, clearDeletedValues = false}) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
errors: clearErrors ? [] : prevState.errors,
currentValues: clearCurrentValues ? {} : prevState.currentValues,
deletedValues: clearDeletedValues ? [] : prevState.deletedValues,
disabled: false,
// render errors
renderErrors = () => {
return (
<div className="form-errors">
{this.state.errors.map((error, index) => {
let message;
if (error.data && error.data.errors) { // this error is a "multi-error" with multiple sub-errors
message = error.data.errors.map(error => {
return {
content: this.getErrorMessage(error),
data: error.data,
} else { // this is a regular error
message = {content: error.message || this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: error.id, defaultMessage: error.id}, error.data)}
return <Components.FormFlash key={index} message={message} type="error"/>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Context ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// add error to form state
// from "GraphQL Error: You have an error [error_code]"
// to { content: "You have an error", type: "error" }
throwError = (error) => {
// get graphQL error (see https://github.com/thebigredgeek/apollo-errors/issues/12)
const graphQLError = error.graphQLErrors[0];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// add error to state
this.setState(prevState => ({
errors: [...prevState.errors, graphQLError]
// add something to autofilled values
addToAutofilledValues = (property) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
autofilledValues: {
// get autofilled values
getAutofilledValues = () => {
return this.state.autofilledValues;
// add something to deleted values
addToDeletedValues = (name) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
deletedValues: [...prevState.deletedValues, name]
// add a callback to the form submission
addToSubmitForm = (callback) => {
// add a callback to form submission success
addToSuccessForm = (callback) => {
// add a callback to form submission failure
addToFailureForm = (callback) => {
setFormState = (fn) => {
submitFormContext = (newValues) => {
// keep the previous ones and extend (with possible replacement) with new ones
this.setState(prevState => ({
currentValues: {
} // Submit form after setState update completed
}), () => this.submitForm(this.refs.form.getModel()));
// pass on context to all child components
getChildContext = () => {
return {
throwError: this.throwError,
clearForm: this.clearForm,
submitForm: this.submitFormContext, //Change in name because we already have a function called submitForm, but no reason for the user to know about that
getAutofilledValues: this.getAutofilledValues,
addToAutofilledValues: this.addToAutofilledValues,
addToDeletedValues: this.addToDeletedValues,
deletedValues: this.state.deletedValues,
updateCurrentValues: this.updateCurrentValues,
getDocument: this.getDocument,
setFormState: this.setFormState,
addToSubmitForm: this.addToSubmitForm,
addToSuccessForm: this.addToSuccessForm,
addToFailureForm: this.addToFailureForm,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Method ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
newMutationSuccessCallback = (result) => {
this.mutationSuccessCallback(result, 'new');
editMutationSuccessCallback = (result) => {
this.mutationSuccessCallback(result, 'edit');
mutationSuccessCallback = (result, mutationType) => {
const document = result.data[Object.keys(result.data)[0]]; // document is always on first property
// for new mutation, run refetch function if it exists
if (mutationType === 'new' && this.props.refetch) this.props.refetch();
// call the clear form method (i.e. trigger setState) only if the form has not been unmounted (we are in an async callback, everything can happen!)
if (typeof this.refs.form !== 'undefined') {
let clearCurrentValues = false;
// reset form if this is a new document form
if (this.getFormType() === "new") {
clearCurrentValues = true;
this.clearForm({clearErrors: true, clearCurrentValues, clearDeletedValues: true});
// run document through mutation success callbacks
result = runCallbacks(this.successFormCallbacks, result);
// run success callback if it exists
if (this.props.successCallback) this.props.successCallback(document);
// catch graphql errors
mutationErrorCallback = (error) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({disabled: false}));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log("// graphQL Error");
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// run mutation failure callbacks on error, we do not allow the callbacks to change the error
runCallbacks(this.failureFormCallbacks, error);
if (!_.isEmpty(error)) {
// add error to state
// note: we don't have access to the document here :( maybe use redux-forms and get it from the store?
// run error callback if it exists
// if (this.props.errorCallback) this.props.errorCallback(document, error);
// submit form handler
submitForm = (data) => {
// note: we can discard the data collected by Formsy because all the data we need is already available via getDocument()
// if form is disabled (there is already a submit handler running) don't do anything
if (this.state.disabled) {
// clear errors and disable form while it's submitting
this.setState(prevState => ({errors: [], disabled: true}));
// complete the data with values from custom components which are not being catched by Formsy mixin
// note: it follows the same logic as SmartForm's getDocument method
// data = deepmerge(this.getDocument(), data);
data = this.getData();
// console.log(data)
const fields = this.getFieldNames(this.getSchema());
// if there's a submit callback, run it
if (this.props.submitCallback) {
data = this.props.submitCallback(data);
if (this.getFormType() === "new") { // new document form
// remove any empty properties
let document = _.compactObject(data);
// call method with new document
} else { // edit document form
const document = this.getDocument();
// put all keys with data on $set
const set = _.compactObject(data);
// put all keys without data on $unset
const setKeys = _.keys(set);
let unsetKeys = _.difference(fields, setKeys);
// add all keys to delete (minus those that have data associated)
unsetKeys = _.unique(unsetKeys.concat(_.difference(this.state.deletedValues, setKeys)));
// only keep unset keys that correspond to a field (get rid of nested keys)
unsetKeys = _.intersection(unsetKeys, this.getFieldNames(this.getSchema()));
// build mutation arguments object
const args = {documentId: document._id, set: set, unset: {}};
if (unsetKeys.length > 0) {
args.unset = _.object(unsetKeys, unsetKeys.map(() => true));
// call method with _id of document being edited and modifier
deleteDocument = () => {
const document = this.getDocument();
const documentId = this.props.document._id;
const documentTitle = document.title || document.name || '';
const deleteDocumentConfirm = this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: 'forms.delete_confirm'}, {title: documentTitle});
if (window.confirm(deleteDocumentConfirm)) {
.then((mutationResult) => { // the mutation result looks like {data:{collectionRemove: null}} if succeeded
if (this.props.removeSuccessCallback) this.props.removeSuccessCallback({documentId, documentTitle});
if (this.props.refetch) this.props.refetch();
.catch((error) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------- Lifecycle Hooks --------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
render() {
const fieldGroups = this.getFieldGroups();
const collectionName = this.getCollection()._name;
return (
<div className={"document-"+this.getFormType()}>
{fieldGroups.map(group => <Components.FormGroup key={group.name} {...group} updateCurrentValues={this.updateCurrentValues} />)}
{this.props.repeatErrors && this.renderErrors()}
<Components.FormSubmit submitLabel={this.props.submitLabel}
deleteDocument={(this.getFormType() === 'edit'
&& this.props.showRemove
&& this.deleteDocument)
|| null}
Form.propTypes = {
// main options
collection: PropTypes.object,
collectionName: (props, propName, componentName) => {
if (!props.collection && !props.collectionName) {
return new Error(`One of props 'collection' or 'collectionName' was not specified in '${componentName}'.`);
if (!props.collection && typeof props['collectionName'] !== 'string') {
return new Error(`Prop collectionName was not of type string in '${componentName}`);
document: PropTypes.object, // if a document is passed, this will be an edit form
schema: PropTypes.object, // usually not needed
// graphQL
newMutation: PropTypes.func, // the new mutation
editMutation: PropTypes.func, // the edit mutation
removeMutation: PropTypes.func, // the remove mutation
// form
prefilledProps: PropTypes.object,
layout: PropTypes.string,
fields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
hideFields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
showRemove: PropTypes.bool,
submitLabel: PropTypes.string,
cancelLabel: PropTypes.string,
repeatErrors: PropTypes.bool,
// callbacks
submitCallback: PropTypes.func,
successCallback: PropTypes.func,
removeSuccessCallback: PropTypes.func,
errorCallback: PropTypes.func,
cancelCallback: PropTypes.func,
currentUser: PropTypes.object,
client: PropTypes.object,
Form.defaultProps = {
layout: 'horizontal',
prefilledProps: {},
repeatErrors: false,
showRemove: true,
Form.contextTypes = {
intl: intlShape
Form.childContextTypes = {
getAutofilledValues: PropTypes.func,
addToAutofilledValues: PropTypes.func,
addToDeletedValues: PropTypes.func,
deletedValues: PropTypes.array,
addToSubmitForm: PropTypes.func,
addToFailureForm: PropTypes.func,
addToSuccessForm: PropTypes.func,
updateCurrentValues: PropTypes.func,
setFormState: PropTypes.func,
throwError: PropTypes.func,
clearForm: PropTypes.func,
getDocument: PropTypes.func,
submitForm: PropTypes.func,
module.exports = Form