2017-07-14 10:37:19 +09:00

41 lines
999 B

import Users from "meteor/vulcan:users";
Count of the user's posts
fieldName: "postCount",
fieldSchema: {
type: Number,
optional: true,
defaultValue: 0,
viewableBy: ['guests'],
The user's associated posts (GraphQL only)
fieldName: "posts",
fieldSchema: {
type: Array,
optional: true,
viewableBy: ['guests'],
resolveAs: {
fieldName: 'posts',
arguments: 'limit: Int = 5',
type: '[Post]',
resolver: (user, { limit }, { currentUser, Users, Posts }) => {
const posts = Posts.find({ userId: user._id }, { limit }).fetch();
// restrict documents fields
const viewablePosts = _.filter(posts, post => Posts.checkAccess(currentUser, post));
const restrictedPosts = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Posts, viewablePosts);
return restrictedPosts;