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// setup JSDOM server side for testing (necessary for Enzyme to mount)
import 'jsdom-global/register';
import React from 'react';
// TODO: should be loaded from Components instead?
import Form from '../lib/components/Form';
import FormComponent from '../lib/components/FormComponent';
import '../lib/components/FormNestedArray';
import expect from 'expect';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import { initComponentTest } from 'meteor/vulcan:test';
// we must import all the other components, so that "registerComponent" is called
import '../lib/modules/components';
// setup Vulcan (load components, initialize fragments)
// fixtures
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
const addressGroup = {
name: 'addresses',
label: 'Addresses',
order: 10
const permissions = {
canRead: ['guests'],
canUpdate: ['quests'],
canCreate: ['guests']
// just 1 input for state testing
const fooSchema = {
foo: {
type: String,
const addressSchema = {
street: {
type: String,
optional: true,
// [{street, city,...}, {street, city, ...}]
const arrayOfObjectSchema = {
addresses: {
type: Array,
group: addressGroup,
'addresses.$': {
type: new SimpleSchema(addressSchema)
// example with custom inputs for the children
// ["http://maps/XYZ", "http://maps/foobar"]
const arrayOfUrlSchema = {
addresses: {
type: Array,
group: addressGroup,
'addresses.$': {
type: String,
input: 'url'
// example with array and custom input
const CustomObjectInput = () => 'OBJECT INPUT';
const arrayOfCustomObjectSchema = {
addresses: {
type: Array,
group: addressGroup,
'addresses.$': {
type: new SimpleSchema(addressSchema),
input: CustomObjectInput
// example with a fully custom input for both the array and its children
const ArrayInput = () => 'ARRAY INPUT';
const arrayFullCustomSchema = {
addresses: {
type: Array,
group: addressGroup,
input: ArrayInput
'addresses.$': {
type: String,
input: 'url'
// example with a native type
// ["20 rue du Moulin PARIS", "16 rue de la poste PARIS"]
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const arrayOfStringSchema = {
addresses: {
type: Array,
group: addressGroup,
'addresses.$': {
type: String
// object (not in an array): {street, city}
const objectSchema = {
addresses: {
type: new SimpleSchema(addressSchema),
// without calling SimpleSchema
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const bareObjectSchema = {
addresses: {
type: addressSchema,
// stub collection
import { createCollection, getDefaultResolvers, getDefaultMutations } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
const createDummyCollection = (typeName, schema) =>
collectionName: typeName + 's',
resolvers: getDefaultResolvers(typeName + 's'),
mutations: getDefaultMutations(typeName + 's')
const Foos = createDummyCollection('Foo', fooSchema);
const ArrayOfObjects = createDummyCollection('ArrayOfObject', arrayOfObjectSchema);
const Objects = createDummyCollection('Object', objectSchema);
const ArrayOfUrls = createDummyCollection('ArrayOfUrl', arrayOfUrlSchema);
const ArrayOfCustomObjects = createDummyCollection('ArrayOfCustomObject', arrayOfCustomObjectSchema);
const ArrayFullCustom = createDummyCollection('ArrayFullCustom', arrayFullCustomSchema);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const ArrayOfStrings = createDummyCollection('ArrayOfString', arrayOfStringSchema);
const Addresses = createCollection({
collectionName: 'Addresses',
typeName: 'Address',
schema: addressSchema,
resolvers: getDefaultResolvers('Addresses'),
mutations: getDefaultMutations('Addresses')
// helpers
// tests
describe('vulcan-forms/components', function() {
const context = {
intl: {
formatMessage: () => '',
formatDate: () => '',
formatTime: () => '',
formatRelative: () => '',
formatNumber: () => '',
formatPlural: () => '',
formatHTMLMessage: () => '',
now: () => ''
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const mountWithContext = C =>
mount(C, {
const shallowWithContext = C =>
shallow(C, {
describe('Form collectionName="" (handle fields computation)', function() {
// since some props are now handled by HOC we need to provide them manually
const defaultProps = {
collectionName: '',
typeName: ''
describe('Form generation', function() {
// getters
const getArrayFormGroup = wrapper => wrapper.find('FormGroup').find({ name: 'addresses' });
const getFields = arrayFormGroup => arrayFormGroup.prop('fields');
describe('basic collection - no nesting', function() {
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={Addresses} />);
describe('nested object (not in array)', function() {
it('shallow render', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={Objects} />);
it('define one field', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={Objects} />);
const defaultGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').first();
const fields = defaultGroup.prop('fields');
expect(fields).toHaveLength(1); // addresses field
const getFormFields = wrapper => {
const defaultGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').first();
const fields = defaultGroup.prop('fields');
return fields;
const getFirstField = () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={Objects} />);
const fields = getFormFields(wrapper);
return fields[0];
it('define the nestedSchema', () => {
const addressField = getFirstField();
describe('array of objects', function() {
it('shallow render', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfObjects} />);
it('render a FormGroup for addresses', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfObjects} />);
const formGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').find({ name: 'addresses' });
it('passes down the array child fields', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfObjects} />);
const formGroup = getArrayFormGroup(wrapper);
const fields = getFields(formGroup);
const arrayField = fields[0];
describe('array with custom children inputs (e.g array of url)', function() {
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfUrls} />);
it('passes down the array item custom input', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfUrls} />);
const formGroup = getArrayFormGroup(wrapper);
const fields = getFields(formGroup);
const arrayField = fields[0];
describe('array of objects with custom children inputs', function() {
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfCustomObjects} />);
// TODO: does not work, schema_utils needs an update
it.skip('passes down the custom input', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayOfCustomObjects} />);
const formGroup = getArrayFormGroup(wrapper);
const fields = getFields(formGroup);
const arrayField = fields[0];
describe('array with a fully custom input (array itself and children)', function() {
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayFullCustom} />);
it('passes down the custom input', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collectionName="" collection={ArrayFullCustom} />);
const formGroup = getArrayFormGroup(wrapper);
const fields = getFields(formGroup);
const arrayField = fields[0];
describe('Form state management', function() {
// TODO: the change callback is triggerd but `foo` becomes null instead of "bar
// so it's added to the deletedValues and not changedValues
it.skip('store typed value', function() {
const wrapper = mountWithContext(<Form {...defaultProps} collection={Foos} />);
.simulate('change', { target:{value:'bar'} });
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
it('reset state when relevant props change', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form {...defaultProps} collectionName="Foos" collection={Foos} />);
wrapper.setState({ currentValues: { foo: 'bar' } });
wrapper.setProps({ collectionName: 'Bars' });
it('does not reset state when external prop change', function(){
//const prefilledProps = { bar: 'foo' } // TODO
const changeCallback= () => 'CHANGE';
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form {...defaultProps} collection={Foos} changeCallback={changeCallback} />);
wrapper.setState({ currentValues: { foo: 'bar' } });
const newChangeCallback = () => 'NEW';
wrapper.setProps({ changeCallback: newChangeCallback });
expect(wrapper.state('currentValues')).toEqual({ foo:'bar'});
describe('FormComponent (select the components to render and handle state)', function() {
const shallowWithContext = C =>
shallow(C, {
context: {
getDocument: () => {}
const defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
optional: true,
document: {},
name: 'meetingPlace',
path: 'meetingPlace',
datatype: [{ type: Object }],
layout: 'horizontal',
label: 'Meeting place',
currentValues: {},
formType: 'new',
deletedValues: [],
throwError: () => {},
updateCurrentValues: () => {},
errors: [],
clearFieldErrors: () => {}
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...defaultProps} />);
describe('array of objects', function() {
const props = {
datatype: [{ type: Array }],
nestedSchema: {
street: {},
country: {},
zipCode: {}
nestedInput: true,
nestedFields: [{}, {}, {}],
currentValues: {}
it('render a FormNestedArray', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />);
const formNested = wrapper.find('FormNestedArray');
describe('nested object', function() {
const props = {
datatype: [{ type: new SimpleSchema({}) }],
nestedSchema: {
street: {},
country: {},
zipCode: {}
nestedInput: true,
nestedFields: [{}, {}, {}],
currentValues: {}
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />);
it('render a FormNestedObject', function() {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />);
const formNested = wrapper.find('FormNestedObject');
describe('array of custom inputs (e.g url)', function() {
it('shallow render', function() {});
describe('FormNestedArray - Display the input n times', function() {
const defaultProps = {
errors: [],
deletedValues: [],
path: 'foobar',
formComponents: Components
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedArray {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
// TODO: broken now we use a layout...
it.skip('shows an add button when empty', function() {
const wrapper = mount(<Components.FormNestedArray {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
const addButton = wrapper.find('IconAdd');
it.skip('shows 3 items', function() {
const wrapper = mount(<Components.FormNestedArray {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} value={[1, 2, 3]} />);
const nestedItem = wrapper.find('FormNestedItem');
it.skip('pass the correct path and itemIndex to each form', function() {
const wrapper = mount(<Components.FormNestedArray {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} value={[1, 2]} />);
const nestedItem = wrapper.find('FormNestedItem');
const item0 = nestedItem.at(0);
const item1 = nestedItem.at(1);
describe('FormNestedObject', function() {
const defaultProps = {
errors: [],
path: 'foobar',
formComponents: Components
it('shallow render', function() {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
it.skip('render a Form collectionName="" for the object', function() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
it('does not show any button', function() {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
const button = wrapper.find('BootstrapButton');
it('does not show add button', function() {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
const addButton = wrapper.find('IconAdd');
it('does not show remove button', function() {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject {...defaultProps} currentValues={{}} />);
const removeButton = wrapper.find('IconRemove');