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synced 2025-03-09 20:16:39 -04:00

- Moved UI portions of FormComponent to FormComponentInner.jsx in vulcan-ui-bootstrap - Added user alert when the user navigates to another route while there are unsaved changed in the form (disabled by default) - Added setting forms.warnUnsavedChanges and SmartForm property warnUnsavedChanges to enable user alert - Added optional Revert button in FormSubmits to allow the user to discard any changes to the form; this is activated by passing a "revertCallback" property to SmartForm (which can be empty: () => {}) - Added two functions that form components can access in the child context: refetchForm() to refetch the document from the database (in case it was updated by a background process), isChanged() to determine if there are any unsaved changes - For any phrases I have added to en_US.js I also added it to es_ES.js and fr_FR.js with the comment // TODO: translate - Updated Form.clearForm and Form.mutationSuccessCallback so that the user can continue working on the document after submitting it - The form now scrolls the flash message into view when a submit results in errors - Fixed bugs in FormComponent.shouldComponentUpdate() and Form.getDocument() - Fixed bug in FormComponent.handleChange() - number fields could not be cleared, only set to 0 - Fixed a bug in FormComponent.getValue() - it returned the initial value of a checkbox even after it was set to false, and a number even after it was set to 0
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208 lines
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import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n';
import { Components, registerComponent, instantiateComponent } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import classNames from 'classnames';
class FormComponentInner extends PureComponent {
renderClear = () => {
if (['datetime', 'time', 'select', 'radiogroup'].includes(this.props.input)) {
return (
title={this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id: 'forms.clear_field' })}
getProperties = () => {
const { name, options, label, onChange, value } = this.props;
// these properties are whitelisted so that they can be safely passed to the actual form input
// and avoid https://facebook.github.io/react/warnings/unknown-prop.html warnings
const inputProperties = {
return {
renderExtraComponent = (extraComponent) => {
if (!extraComponent) return null;
const properties = this.getProperties();
return instantiateComponent(extraComponent, properties);
renderComponent = () => {
const { input, inputType, formType } = this.props;
const properties = this.getProperties();
// if input is a React component, use it
if (typeof input === 'function') {
const InputComponent = input;
return <InputComponent {...properties} />;
} else {
// else pick a predefined component
switch (inputType) {
case 'nested':
return <Components.FormNested {...properties} />;
case 'number':
return <Components.FormComponentNumber {...properties} />;
case 'url':
return <Components.FormComponentUrl {...properties} />;
case 'email':
return <Components.FormComponentEmail {...properties} />;
case 'textarea':
return <Components.FormComponentTextarea {...properties} />;
case 'checkbox':
// formsy-react-components expects a boolean value for checkbox
// https://github.com/twisty/formsy-react-components/blob/v0.11.1/src/checkbox.js#L20
properties.inputProperties.value = !!properties.inputProperties.value;
return <Components.FormComponentCheckbox {...properties} />;
case 'checkboxgroup':
// formsy-react-components expects an array value
// https://github.com/twisty/formsy-react-components/blob/v0.11.1/src/checkbox-group.js#L42
if (!Array.isArray(properties.inputProperties.value)) {
properties.inputProperties.value = [properties.inputProperties.value];
// in case of checkbox groups, check "checked" option to populate value if this is a "new
// document" form
const checkedValues = _.where(properties.options, { checked: true })
.map(option => option.value);
if (checkedValues.length && !properties.inputProperties.value && formType === 'new') {
properties.inputProperties.value = checkedValues;
return <Components.FormComponentCheckboxGroup {...properties} />;
case 'radiogroup':
// TODO: remove this?
// formsy-react-compnents RadioGroup expects an onChange callback
// https://github.com/twisty/formsy-react-components/blob/v0.11.1/src/radio-group.js#L33
// properties.onChange = (name, value) => {
// this.context.updateCurrentValues({ [name]: value });
// };
return <Components.FormComponentRadioGroup {...properties} />;
case 'select':
const noneOption = {
label: this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id: 'forms.select_option' }),
value: '',
disabled: true,
properties.inputProperties.options = [noneOption, ...properties.inputProperties.options];
return <Components.FormComponentSelect {...properties} />;
case 'selectmultiple':
properties.inputProperties.multiple = true;
return <Components.FormComponentSelect {...properties} />;
case 'datetime':
return <Components.FormComponentDateTime {...properties} />;
case 'date':
return <Components.FormComponentDate {...properties} />;
case 'time':
return <Components.FormComponentTime {...properties} />;
case 'text':
return <Components.FormComponentDefault {...properties} />;
const CustomComponent = Components[input];
return CustomComponent ? (
<CustomComponent {...properties} />
) : (
<Components.FormComponentDefault {...properties} />
render () {
const {
} = this.props;
const hasErrors = errors && errors.length;
const inputName = typeof input === 'function' ? input.name : input;
const inputClass = classNames('form-input', inputClassName, `input-${name}`,
`form-component-${inputName || 'default'}`, { 'input-error': hasErrors, });
return (
<div className={inputClass}>
{hasErrors ? <Components.FieldErrors errors={errors}/> : null}
{showCharsRemaining &&
<div className={classNames('form-control-limit', { danger: charsRemaining < 10 })}>
FormComponentInner.propTypes = {
inputClassName: PropTypes.string,
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
input: PropTypes.any,
beforeComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.node]),
afterComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.node]),
clearField: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
errors: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
help: PropTypes.node,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
showCharsRemaining: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
charsRemaining: PropTypes.number,
charsCount: PropTypes.number,
charsMax: PropTypes.number,
FormComponentInner.contextTypes = {
intl: intlShape,
FormComponentInner.displayName = 'FormComponentInner';
registerComponent('FormComponentInner', FormComponentInner);