2015-06-24 15:38:14 +09:00

289 lines
8.5 KiB

var notifications = {
newPost: {
subject: function () {
return this.postAuthorName+' has created a new post: '+this.postTitle;
emailTemplate: "emailNewPost"
newPendingPost: {
subject: function () {
return this.postAuthorName+' has a new post pending approval: '+this.postTitle;
emailTemplate: "emailNewPendingPost"
postApproved: {
subject: function () {
return this.postAuthorName+' has a new post pending approval: '+this.postTitle;
emailTemplate: "emailPostApproved",
onsiteTemplate: "notification_post_approved"
newComment: {
subject: function () {
return this.authorName+' left a new comment on your post "' + this.postTitle + '"';
emailTemplate: "emailNewComment",
onsiteTemplate: "notification_new_comment"
newReply: {
subject: function () {
return this.authorName+' replied to your comment on "'+this.postTitle+'"';
emailTemplate: "emailNewReply",
onsiteTemplate: "notification_new_reply"
newCommentSubscribed: {
subject: function () {
return this.authorName+' left a new comment on "' + this.postTitle + '"';
emailTemplate: "notification_new_comment",
onsite: "notification_new_comment"
_.each(notifications, function (notification, notificationName) {
var courier = {
media: {
onsite: {},
email: {
emailRunner: function (user) {
var notificationProperties =;
var html =;, _.bind(notification.subject, notificationProperties)(), html);
if (!!notification.onsiteTemplate) {
courier.message = {
default: function () {
return Blaze.toHTML(Blaze.With(, function () {
return Template[notification.onsiteTemplate];
Herald.addCourier(notificationName, courier);
// var commentHerald = {
// media: {
// onsite: {},
// email: {
// emailRunner: commentEmailRunner
// }
// },
// message: {
// default: defaultMessage
// }
// };
// Herald.addCourier('newComment', commentHerald);
// var postEmailRunner = function (user) {
// var p = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// var subject = p.postAuthorName+' has created a new post: '+p.postTitle;
// var html ='emailNewPost')(p));
//, subject, html);
// };
// var postHerald = {
// media: {
// email: {
// emailRunner: function (user) {
// var notification = this,
// subject,
// template,
// properties = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// // change the template and subject based on the notification type
// switch(notification.courier){
// case 'newPost':
// subject = properties.postAuthorName+' has created a new post: '+properties.postTitle;
// template = 'emailNewPost';
// break;
// case 'newPendingPost':
// subject = properties.postAuthorName+' has a new post pending approval: '+properties.postTitle;
// template = 'emailNewPendingPost';
// break;
// case 'postApproved':
// subject = 'Your post “'+properties.postTitle+'” has been approved';
// template = 'emailPostApproved';
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// var html =;
//, subject, html);
// }
// }
// },
// message: {
// default: function () {
// var notification = this,
// template,
// properties = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// // change the template based on the notification type
// switch(notification.courier){
// case 'postApproved':
// subject = 'Your post “'+properties.postTitle+'” has been approved';
// template = 'notification_post_approved';
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// return Blaze.toHTML(Blaze.With(this, function () {
// return Template[template];
// }));
// }
// }
// };
// Herald.addCourier('newPost', {
// media: {
// email: {
// emailRunner: function (user) {
// var p = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// var subject = p.postAuthorName+' has created a new post: '+p.postTitle;
// var html ='emailNewPost')(p));
//, subject, html);
// }
// }
// }
// // message: function (user) { return 'email template?' }
// });
// Herald.addCourier('newPendingPost', {
// media: {
// email: {
// emailRunner: function (user) {
// var p = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// var subject = p.postAuthorName+' has a new post pending approval: '+p.postTitle;
// var html ='emailNewPendingPost')(p));
//, subject, html);
// }
// }
// }
// });
// Herald.addCourier('postApproved', {
// media: {
// onsite: {},
// email: {
// emailRunner: function (user) {
// var p = Posts.getNotificationProperties(;
// var subject = 'Your post “'+p.postTitle+'” has been approved';
// var html ='emailPostApproved')(p));
//, subject, html);
// }
// }
// },
// message: {
// default: function () {
// return Blaze.toHTML(Blaze.With(this, function () {
// return Template.notification_post_approved;
// }));
// }
// }
// });
// // email runner for all comment-related notifications
// var commentEmailRunner = function (userToNotify) {
// var notification = this,
// post =,
// comment =,
// template,
// subject;
// // change the template and subject based on the notification type
// switch(notification.courier){
// case 'newComment':
// subject = notification.authorName()+' left a new comment on your post "' + post.title + '"';
// template = 'emailNewComment';
// break;
// case 'newReply':
// subject = notification.authorName()+' replied to your comment on "'+post.title+'"';
// template = 'emailNewReply';
// break;
// case 'newCommentSubscribed':
// subject = notification.authorName()+' left a new comment on "' + post.title + '"';
// template = 'emailNewComment';
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// // apply comment properties to comment notification template
// var notificationHtml =;
// // wrap notification template with email wrapper to get the final HTML
// notificationHtml =;
// // send the email on the server using defer
// if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Meteor.defer(function () {
//, subject, notificationHtml);
// });
// }
// };
// // on-site message for all comment-related notifications
// var defaultMessage = function () {
// var notification = this,
// template;
// switch(notification.courier){
// case 'newComment':
// template = 'notification_new_comment';
// break;
// case 'newReply':
// template = 'emailNewReply';
// break;
// case 'newCommentSubscribed':
// template = 'notification_new_reply';
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// return Blaze.toHTML(Blaze.With(this, function () {
// return Template[template];
// }));
// };
// var commentHerald = {
// media: {
// onsite: {},
// email: {
// emailRunner: commentEmailRunner
// }
// },
// message: {
// default: defaultMessage
// }
// };
// Herald.addCourier('newComment', commentHerald);
// Herald.addCourier('newReply', commentHerald);
// Herald.addCourier('newCommentSubscribed', commentHerald);