2015-04-29 14:38:14 +09:00

119 lines
3.6 KiB

// see
// this template acts as the controller that sets and
// manages the reactive context for the embedded postsList template
Template.postsListController.created = function () {
// 1. Initialization
var instance = this;
// var terms =; // get terms from context passed to controller
// terms need to be reactive too!
// initialize the reactive variables
instance.postsLoaded = new ReactiveVar(0);
instance.terms = new ReactiveVar(;
// instance.postsLimit = new ReactiveVar(Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10));
console.log("// terms initialized: ")
// 2. Autorun
// this autorun is there just to reset the post limit
// when current date changes (i.e. we're switching page)
// instance.autorun(function () {
// // just by including this session variable in the autorun, we automatically make it depend on it
// console.log('resetting…')
// var currentDate = Session.get('currentDate');
// instance.postsLimit.set(Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10));
// });
// will re-run when terms changes
instance.autorun(function () {
var termsGet = instance.terms.get();
// var termsGet = {
// view: "top",
// limit: 7,
// category: undefined,
// query: ""
// };
// var postsLimit = instance.postsLimit.get();
console.log('\n\n// autorun')
// get the postsLimit
// instance.terms.set(_.extend(terms, {limit: postsLimit}));
// console.log("Asking for " + terms.limit + " posts…")
// subscribe
var postsSubscription = instance.subscribe('postsList', termsGet);
var usersSubscription = instance.subscribe('postsListUsers', termsGet);
// if subscriptions are ready, set limit to newLimit
if (instance.subscriptionsReady()) {
console.log("> Received "+termsGet.limit+" posts. \n\n")
} else {
console.log("> Subscription is not ready yet. \n\n");
// 3. Cursor
instance.getPostsCursor = function() {
console.log('loaded ' + instance.postsLoaded.get() + ' posts\n\n')
var termsGet = _.clone(instance.terms.get());
var termsLoaded = _.extend(termsGet, {limit: instance.postsLoaded.get()});
var parameters = Posts.getSubParams(termsLoaded);
return Posts.find(parameters.find, parameters.options);
context: function () {
// create context for postsList module
var instance = Template.instance();
var postsCursor = instance.getPostsCursor();
var context = {
// posts cursor
postsCursor: postsCursor,
// posts subscription readiness, used to show spinner
postsReady: instance.subscriptionsReady(),
// whether to show the load more button or not
hasMorePosts: postsCursor.count() >= instance.terms.get().limit,
// what to do when user clicks "load more"
loadMoreHandler: function (instance) {
var termsGet = _.clone(instance.terms.get());
// increase limit by 5 and update terms
termsGet.limit += Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10);
// get current value for limit, i.e. how many posts are currently displayed
// var limit = instance.postsLimit.get();
// // increase limit by 5 and update it
// limit += Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10);
// instance.postsLimit.set(limit);
// the current instance
controllerInstance: instance
return context;