2015-04-24 09:28:50 +09:00

132 lines
4.4 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------- Submit Comment ------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
submitComment = function (comment) {
var userId = comment.userId; // at this stage, a userId is expected
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// Don't allow empty comments
if (!comment.body)
throw new Meteor.Error(704,i18n.t('your_comment_is_empty'));
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
var defaultProperties = {
createdAt: new Date(),
postedAt: new Date(),
upvotes: 0,
downvotes: 0,
baseScore: 0,
score: 0,
author: Users.getDisplayNameById(userId)
comment = _.extend(defaultProperties, comment);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
// run all post submit server callbacks on comment object successively
comment = Telescope.runCallbacks("commentSubmit", comment);
// -------------------------------- Insert -------------------------------- //
comment._id = Comments.insert(comment);
// --------------------- Server-side Async Callbacks --------------------- //
// run all post submit server callbacks on comment object successively
Telescope.runCallbacks("commentSubmitAsync", comment, true);
return comment;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------- Methods ----------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
submitComment: function(comment){
// required properties:
// postId
// body
// optional properties:
// parentCommentId
var user = Meteor.user(),
hasAdminRights = Users.isAdmin(user);
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that user can comment
if (!user || !Users.can.comment(user))
throw new Meteor.Error(i18n.t('you_need_to_login_or_be_invited_to_post_new_comments'));
// ------------------------------ Rate Limiting ------------------------------ //
if (!hasAdminRights) {
var timeSinceLastComment = Users.timeSinceLast(user, Comments),
commentInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(Settings.get('commentInterval',15)));
// check that user waits more than 15 seconds between comments
if((timeSinceLastComment < commentInterval))
throw new Meteor.Error(704, i18n.t('please_wait')+(commentInterval-timeSinceLastComment)+i18n.t('seconds_before_commenting_again'));
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
// admin-only properties
// userId
// if user is not admin, clear restricted properties
if (!hasAdminRights) {
_.keys(comment).forEach(function (propertyName) {
var property = commentSchemaObject[propertyName];
if (!property || !property.autoform || !property.autoform.editable) {
console.log("// Disallowed property detected: "+propertyName+" (nice try!)");
delete comment[propertyName]
// if no userId has been set, default to current user id
if (!comment.userId) {
comment.userId = user._id
return submitComment(comment);
removeComment: function(commentId){
var comment = Comments.findOne(commentId);
if(Users.can.edit(Meteor.user(), comment)){
// decrement post comment count and remove user ID from post
Posts.update(comment.postId, {
$inc: {commentCount: -1},
$pull: {commenters: comment.userId}
// decrement user comment count and remove comment ID from user
Meteor.users.update({_id: comment.userId}, {
$inc: {'commentCount': -1}
// note: should we also decrease user's comment karma ?
// We don't actually delete the comment to avoid losing all child comments.
// Instead, we give it a special flag
Comments.update({_id: commentId}, {$set: {
body: 'Deleted',
htmlBody: 'Deleted',
isDeleted: true
Messages.flash("You don't have permission to delete this comment.", "error");