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synced 2025-03-09 04:16:37 -04:00
119 lines
3.7 KiB
119 lines
3.7 KiB
// Collection Hooks //
* Generate HTML body from Markdown on post insert
Posts.before.insert(function (userId, doc) {
doc.htmlBody = Telescope.utils.sanitize(marked(doc.body));
* Generate HTML body from Markdown when post body is updated
Posts.before.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
// if body is being modified or $unset, update htmlBody too
if (Meteor.isServer && modifier.$set && modifier.$set.body) {
modifier.$set.htmlBody = Telescope.utils.sanitize(marked(modifier.$set.body));
if (Meteor.isServer && modifier.$unset && (typeof modifier.$unset.body !== "undefined")) {
modifier.$unset.htmlBody = "";
* Generate slug when post title is updated
Posts.before.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
// if title is being modified, update slug too
if (Meteor.isServer && modifier.$set && modifier.$set.title) {
modifier.$set.slug = Telescope.utils.slugify(modifier.$set.title);
* Disallow $rename
Posts.before.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
if (!!modifier.$rename) {
throw new Meteor.Error("illegal $rename operator detected!");
// Callbacks //
* Increment the user's post count
function afterPostSubmitOperations (post) {
var userId = post.userId;
Meteor.users.update({_id: userId}, {$inc: {"telescope.postCount": 1}});
return post;
Telescope.callbacks.add("postSubmitAsync", afterPostSubmitOperations);
function setPostedAt (post) {
if (post.isApproved() && !post.postedAt) {
post.postedAt = new Date();
return post;
Telescope.callbacks.add("postEdit", setPostedAt);
// ------------------------------------- Votes -------------------------------- //
if (typeof Telescope.operateOnItem !== "undefined") {
function upvoteOwnPost (post) {
var postAuthor = Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId);
Telescope.operateOnItem(Posts, post._id, postAuthor, "upvote");
return post;
Telescope.callbacks.add("postSubmitAsync", upvoteOwnPost);
// ------------------------------------- Notifications -------------------------------- //
if (typeof Herald !== "undefined") {
// add new post notification callback on post submit
function postSubmitNotification (post) {
var adminIds = _.pluck(Users.adminUsers({fields: {_id:1}}), '_id');
var notifiedUserIds = _.pluck(Users.find({'telescope.notifications.posts': true}, {fields: {_id:1}}).fetch(), '_id');
var notificationData = {
post: _.pick(post, '_id', 'userId', 'title', 'url')
// remove post author ID from arrays
adminIds = _.without(adminIds, post.userId);
notifiedUserIds = _.without(notifiedUserIds, post.userId);
if (post.status === Posts.config.STATUS_PENDING && !!adminIds.length) {
// if post is pending, only notify admins
Herald.createNotification(adminIds, {courier: 'newPendingPost', data: notificationData});
} else if (!!notifiedUserIds.length) {
// if post is approved, notify everybody
Herald.createNotification(notifiedUserIds, {courier: 'newPost', data: notificationData});
Telescope.callbacks.add("postSubmitAsync", postSubmitNotification);
function postApprovedNotification (post) {
var notificationData = {
post: _.pick(post, '_id', 'userId', 'title', 'url')
Herald.createNotification(post.userId, {courier: 'postApproved', data: notificationData});
Telescope.callbacks.add("postApproveAsync", postApprovedNotification);
} |