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import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export const Fragments = {};
export const FragmentsExtensions = {}; // will be used on startup
Register a fragment, including its text, the text of its subfragments, and the fragment object
export const registerFragment = fragmentText => {
// extract name from fragment text
const fragmentName = fragmentText.match(/fragment (.*) on/)[1];
// extract subFragments from text
const matchedSubFragments = fragmentText.match(/\.\.\.([^\s].*)/g) || [];
const subFragments = _.unique(matchedSubFragments.map(f => f.replace('...', '')));
// register fragment
Fragments[fragmentName] = {
fragmentObject: getFragmentObject(fragmentText, subFragments)
Create gql fragment object from text and subfragments
export const getFragmentObject = (fragmentText, subFragments) => {
// pad the literals array with line returns for each subFragments
const literals = [fragmentText, ...subFragments.map(x => '\n')];
// the gql function expects an array of literals as first argument, and then sub-fragments as other arguments
const gqlArguments = [literals, ...subFragments.map(subFragmentName => {
// return subfragment's gql fragment
return Fragments[subFragmentName].fragmentObject;
return gql.apply(null, gqlArguments);
Create default "dumb" gql fragment object for a given collection
export const getDefaultFragmentText = collection => {
const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema;
const fieldNames = _.reject(_.keys(schema), fieldName => fieldName.indexOf('$') !== -1 || !schema[fieldName].viewableBy);
const fragmentText = `
fragment ${collection.options.collectionName}DefaultFragment on ${collection.typeName} {
${fieldNames.map(fieldName => {
return fieldName+'\n'
return fragmentText;
export const getDefaultFragment = collection => {
return gql`${getDefaultFragmentText(collection)}`;
Queue a fragment to be extended with additional properties.
Note: can be used even before the fragment has been registered.
export const extendFragment = (fragmentName, newProperties) => {
FragmentsExtensions[fragmentName] = FragmentsExtensions[fragmentName] ? [...FragmentsExtensions[fragmentName], newProperties] : [newProperties];
Perform fragment extension (called from initializeFragments()
Note: will call registerFragment again each time, resulting in multiple fragments
with the same name (but duplicate fragments warning is disabled).
export const extendFragmentWithProperties = (fragmentName, newProperties) => {
const fragment = Fragments[fragmentName];
const fragmentEndPosition = fragment.fragmentText.lastIndexOf('}');
const newFragmentText =[fragment.fragmentText.slice(0, fragmentEndPosition), newProperties, fragment.fragmentText.slice(fragmentEndPosition)].join('');
Remove a property from a fragment
Note: can only be called *after* a fragment is registered
export const removeFromFragment = (fragmentName, propertyName) => {
const fragment = Fragments[fragmentName];
const newFragmentText = fragment.fragmentText.replace(propertyName, '');
Get fragment name from fragment object
export const getFragmentName = fragment => fragment && fragment.definitions[0] && fragment.definitions[0].name.value;
Get actual gql fragment
export const getFragment = fragmentName => {
if (!Fragments[fragmentName]) {
throw new Error(`Fragment "${fragmentName}" not registered.`)
// return fragment object created by gql
return Fragments[fragmentName].fragmentObject;
Perform all fragment extensions (called from routing)
export const initializeFragments = () => {
// extend fragment text if fragment exists
_.forEach(FragmentsExtensions, (extensions, fragmentName) => {
if (Fragments[fragmentName]) {
extensions.forEach(newProperties => {
extendFragmentWithProperties(fragmentName, newProperties);
} |