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* Post Methods
Posts.submit = function (post) {
var userId = post.userId, // at this stage, a userId is expected
user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that a title was provided
throw new Meteor.Error(602, i18n.t('please_fill_in_a_title'));
// check that there are no posts with the same URL
Posts.checkForSameUrl(post.url, user);
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
var defaultProperties = {
createdAt: new Date(),
author: Users.getDisplayNameById(userId),
upvotes: 0,
downvotes: 0,
commentCount: 0,
clickCount: 0,
viewCount: 0,
baseScore: 0,
score: 0,
inactive: false,
sticky: false,
status: Posts.getDefaultStatus()
post = _.extend(defaultProperties, post);
// if post is approved but doesn't have a postedAt date, give it a default date
// note: pending posts get their postedAt date only once theyre approved
if (post.status == Posts.config.STATUS_APPROVED && !post.postedAt)
post.postedAt = new Date();
// clean up post title
post.title = Telescope.utils.cleanUp(post.title);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
// run all post submit server callbacks on post object successively
post = Telescope.callbacks.run("postSubmit", post);
// -------------------------------- Insert ------------------------------- //
post._id = Posts.insert(post);
// --------------------- Server-Side Async Callbacks --------------------- //
Telescope.callbacks.run("postSubmitAsync", post, true);
return post;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------- Methods ----------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var postViews = [];
submitPost: function(post){
// required properties:
// title
// optional properties
// URL
// body
// categories
// thumbnailUrl
// NOTE: the current user and the post author user might be two different users!
var user = Meteor.user(),
hasAdminRights = Users.isAdmin(user);
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that user can post
if (!user || !Users.can.post(user))
throw new Meteor.Error(601, i18n.t('you_need_to_login_or_be_invited_to_post_new_stories'));
// --------------------------- Rate Limiting -------------------------- //
var timeSinceLastPost=timeSinceLast(user, Posts),
numberOfPostsInPast24Hours=numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(user, Posts),
postInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(Settings.get('postInterval', 30))),
maxPostsPer24Hours = Math.abs(parseInt(Settings.get('maxPostsPerDay', 30)));
// check that user waits more than X seconds between posts
if(timeSinceLastPost < postInterval)
throw new Meteor.Error(604, i18n.t('please_wait')+(postInterval-timeSinceLastPost)+i18n.t('seconds_before_posting_again'));
// check that the user doesn't post more than Y posts per day
if(numberOfPostsInPast24Hours > maxPostsPer24Hours)
throw new Meteor.Error(605, i18n.t('sorry_you_cannot_submit_more_than')+maxPostsPer24Hours+i18n.t('posts_per_day'));
// ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ //
// admin-only properties
// status
// postedAt
// userId
// sticky (default to false)
// if user is not admin, go over each schema property and throw an error if it's not editable
if (!hasAdminRights) {
_.keys(post).forEach(function (propertyName) {
var property = Posts.schema._schema[propertyName];
if (!property || !property.autoform || !property.autoform.editable) {
console.log('//' + i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + propertyName);
throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + propertyName);
// if no post status has been set, set it now
if (!post.status) {
post.status = Posts.getDefaultStatus(user);
// if no userId has been set, default to current user id
if (!post.userId) {
post.userId = user._id
return Posts.submit(post);
editPost: function (modifier, postId) {
var user = Meteor.user(),
hasAdminRights = Users.isAdmin(user),
post = Posts.findOne(postId);
// ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ //
// check that user can edit
if (!user || !Users.can.edit(user, Posts.findOne(postId)))
throw new Meteor.Error(601, i18n.t('sorry_you_cannot_edit_this_post'));
// if user is not admin, go over each schema property and throw an error if it's not editable
if (!hasAdminRights) {
// loop over each operation ($set, $unset, etc.)
_.each(modifier, function (operation) {
// loop over each property being operated on
_.keys(operation).forEach(function (propertyName) {
var property = Posts.schema._schema[propertyName];
if (!property || !property.autoform || !property.autoform.editable) {
console.log('//' + i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + propertyName);
throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + propertyName);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
// run all post submit server callbacks on modifier successively
modifier = Telescope.callbacks.postEdit.reduce(function(result, currentFunction) {
return currentFunction(result);
}, modifier);
// ------------------------------ Update ------------------------------ //
Posts.update(postId, modifier);
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.defer(function () { // use defer to avoid holding up client
// run all post after edit method callbacks successively
Telescope.callbacks.postEditAsync.forEach(function(currentFunction) {
currentFunction(modifier, post);
// ------------------------------ After Update ------------------------------ //
return Posts.findOne(postId);
setPostedAt: function(post, customPostedAt){
var postedAt = new Date(); // default to current date and time
if(Users.isAdmin(Meteor.user()) && typeof customPostedAt !== 'undefined') // if user is admin and a custom datetime has been set
postedAt = customPostedAt;
Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {postedAt: postedAt}});
approvePost: function(post){
var set = {status: 2};
// unless post is already scheduled and has a postedAt date, set its postedAt date to now
if (!post.postedAt)
set.postedAt = new Date();
var result = Posts.update(post._id, {$set: set}, {validate: false});
// --------------------- Server-Side Async Callbacks --------------------- //
Telescope.callbacks.run("postApprovedAsync", post, true);
Messages.flash('You need to be an admin to do that.', "error");
unapprovePost: function(post){
Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {status: 1}});
Messages.flash('You need to be an admin to do that.', "error");
increasePostViews: function(postId, sessionId){
// only let users increment a post's view counter once per session
var view = {_id: postId, userId: this.userId, sessionId: sessionId};
if(_.where(postViews, view).length == 0){
Posts.update(postId, { $inc: { viewCount: 1 }});
deletePostById: function(postId) {
// remove post comments
// if(!this.isSimulation) {
// Comments.remove({post: postId});
// }
// NOTE: actually, keep comments after all
var post = Posts.findOne({_id: postId});
if(!Meteor.userId() || !Users.can.editById(Meteor.userId(), post)) throw new Meteor.Error(606, 'You need permission to edit or delete a post');
// decrement post count
Meteor.users.update({_id: post.userId}, {$inc: {postCount: -1}});
// delete post