
63 lines
2.2 KiB

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import hoistStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';
import update from 'immutability-helper';
import { getDisplayName } from './utils';
export default function withRemove(WrappedComponent, options) {
class WithRemove extends Component {
constructor(...args) {
render() {
const { fragment, resultQuery, collection } = this.props;
const collectionName = collection._name;
const ComponentWithMutation = graphql(gql`
mutation ${collectionName}Remove($documentId: String) {
${collectionName}Remove(documentId: $documentId) {
${fragment ? `...${fragment[0].name.value}` : resultQuery}
`, {
options: (props) => props.fragment ? {fragments: props.fragment} : {},
props: ({ownProps, mutate}) => ({
removeMutation: ({documentId}) => {
return mutate({
variables: {documentId},
updateQueries: {
// ex: getPostsList
[`get${Telescope.utils.camelToSpaces(collectionName)}List`]: (prev, { mutationResult }) => {
// filter the list to get a new one without the document
const listWithoutDocument = prev[collectionName].filter(doc => doc._id !== documentId);
// update the query
const newList = update(prev, {
// ex: posts
[collectionName]: {
$set: listWithoutDocument,
// ex: postsListTotal
[`${collectionName}ListTotal`]: {
$set: prev.postsListTotal - 1
return newList;
return <ComponentWithMutation {...this.props} />
WithRemove.displayName = `withRemove(${getDisplayName(WrappedComponent)}`;
WithRemove.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;
return hoistStatics(WithRemove, WrappedComponent);