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synced 2025-03-07 02:21:43 -05:00
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248 lines
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// Controller for all posts lists
PostsListController = RouteController.extend({
template: getTemplate('posts_list'),
subscriptions: function () {
// take the first segment of the path to get the view, unless it's '/' in which case the view default to 'top'
// note: most of the time this.params.slug will be empty
this._terms = {
view: this.view,
limit: this.params.limit || getSetting('postsPerPage', 10),
category: this.params.slug
if(Meteor.isClient) {
this._terms.query = Session.get("searchQuery");
this.postsListSub = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('postsList', this._terms);
this.postsListUsersSub = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('postsListUsers', this._terms);
data: function () {
if(Meteor.isClient) {
this._terms.query = Session.get("searchQuery");
var parameters = getPostsParameters(this._terms),
postsCount = Posts.find(parameters.find, parameters.options).count();
parameters.find.createdAt = { $lte: Session.get('listPopulatedAt') };
var posts = Posts.find(parameters.find, parameters.options);
// Incoming posts
parameters.find.createdAt = { $gt: Session.get('listPopulatedAt') };
var postsIncoming = Posts.find(parameters.find, parameters.options);
Session.set('postsLimit', this._terms.limit);
return {
incoming: postsIncoming,
postsCursor: posts,
postsCount: postsCount,
postsReady: this.postsListSub.ready(),
hasMorePosts: this._terms.limit == postsCount,
loadMoreHandler: function () {
var count = parseInt(Session.get('postsLimit')) + parseInt(getSetting('postsPerPage', 10));
var categorySegment = Session.get('categorySlug') ? Session.get('categorySlug') + '/' : '';
// TODO: use Router.path here?
Router.go('/' + Session.get('view') + '/' + categorySegment + count);
getTitle: function () {
return i18n.t(this.view) + ' - ' + getSetting('title', "Telescope");
getDescription: function () {
if (Router.current().route.getName() == 'posts_default') { // return site description on root path
return getSetting('description');
} else {
return i18n.t(_.findWhere(viewsMenu, {label: this.view}).description);
onAfterAction: function() {
Session.set('view', this.view);
fastRender: true
var getDefaultViewController = function () {
var defaultView = getSetting('defaultView', 'top');
defaultView = defaultView.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + defaultView.slice(1);
return eval("Posts"+defaultView+"Controller");
// wrap in startup block to make sure Settings collection is defined
Meteor.startup(function () {
PostsDefaultController = getDefaultViewController().extend({
getTitle: function () {
var title = getSetting('title', 'Telescope');
var tagline = getSetting('tagline');
var fullTitle = !!tagline ? title + ' – ' + tagline : title ;
return fullTitle;
PostsTopController = PostsListController.extend({
view: 'top',
PostsNewController = PostsListController.extend({
view: 'new'
PostsBestController = PostsListController.extend({
view: 'best'
PostsPendingController = PostsListController.extend({
view: 'pending'
PostsScheduledController = PostsListController.extend({
view: 'scheduled'
// Controller for post pages
PostPageController = RouteController.extend({
template: getTemplate('post_page'),
waitOn: function() {
this.postSubscription = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id);
this.postUsersSubscription = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('postUsers', this.params._id);
this.commentSubscription = coreSubscriptions.subscribe('postComments', this.params._id);
post: function() {
return Posts.findOne(this.params._id);
getTitle: function () {
if (!!this.post())
return this.post().title + ' - ' + getSetting('title', "Telescope");
onBeforeAction: function() {
if (! this.post()) {
if (this.postSubscription.ready()) {
} else {
} else {
onRun: function() {
var sessionId = Meteor.default_connection && Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId ? Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId : null;
Meteor.call('increasePostViews', this.params._id, sessionId);
data: function() {
return this.post();
fastRender: true
Meteor.startup(function () {
Router.route('/', {
name: 'posts_default',
controller: PostsDefaultController
Router.route('/top/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_top',
controller: PostsTopController
// New
Router.route('/new/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_new',
controller: PostsNewController
// Best
Router.route('/best/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_best',
controller: PostsBestController
// Pending
Router.route('/pending/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_pending',
controller: PostsPendingController
// Scheduled
Router.route('/scheduled/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_scheduled',
controller: PostsScheduledController
// Post Page
Router.route('/posts/:_id', {
name: 'post_page',
controller: PostPageController
Router.route('/posts/:_id/comment/:commentId', {
name: 'post_page_comment',
controller: PostPageController,
onAfterAction: function () {
// TODO: scroll to comment position
// Post Edit
Router.route('/posts/:_id/edit', {
name: 'post_edit',
template: getTemplate('post_edit'),
waitOn: function () {
return [
coreSubscriptions.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id),
data: function() {
return {
postId: this.params._id,
post: Posts.findOne(this.params._id)
fastRender: true
// Post Submit
Router.route('/submit', {
name: 'post_submit',
template: getTemplate('post_submit'),
waitOn: function () {
return coreSubscriptions.subscribe('allUsersAdmin');
}); |