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synced 2025-03-08 19:11:38 -05:00
260 lines
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260 lines
7.7 KiB
(function() {
// XXX: could we just work this out programmatically based on the name?
// -- fix this along with the general problem of subscription mess
'posts_top': 'topPostsReady',
'posts_new': 'newPostsReady',
'posts_pending': 'pendingPostsReady',
'posts_digest': 'digestPostsReady',
'post_page': 'singlePostReady',
'post_edit': 'singlePostReady',
'comment_page': 'commentReady',
'comment_reply': 'commentReady',
'comment_edit': 'commentReady'
// specific router functions
digest = function(year, month, day){
if (typeof day === 'undefined') {
// we can get into an infinite reactive loop with the subscription filter
// if we keep setting the date even when it's barely changed
if (new Date() - Session.get('currentDate') > 60 * 1000) {
Session.set('currentDate', new Date());
} else {
Session.set('currentDate', new Date(year, month-1, day));
// a manual version of awaitSubscription; the sub can be loading
// with a new day, but the data is already there (as the subscription is
// for three days)
if (postsForSub.digestPosts().length === 0 && Session.equals(PAGE_SUBS['post_digest'], false)) {
return 'loading'
} else {
return 'posts_digest';
post = function(id, commentId) {
Session.set('selectedPostId', id);
if(typeof commentId !== 'undefined')
Session.set('scrollToCommentId', commentId);
// XXX: should use the Session for these
// on post page, we show the comment tree
return 'post_page';
post_edit = function(id) {
Session.set('selectedPostId', id);
return 'post_edit';
comment = function(id) {
Session.set('selectedCommentId', id);
return 'comment_page';
comment_reply = function(id) {
Session.set('selectedCommentId', id);
return 'comment_reply';
comment_edit = function(id) {
Session.set('selectedCommentId', id);
return 'comment_edit';
// XXX: do these two really not want to set it to undefined (or null)?
user_profile = function(id) {
if(typeof id !== undefined){
Session.set('selectedUserId', id);
return 'user_profile';
user_edit = function(id) {
if(typeof id !== undefined){
Session.set('selectedUserId', id);
return 'user_edit';
// XXX: not sure if the '/' trailing routes are needed any more
'/': 'posts_top',
'/digest/:year/:month/:day': digest,
'/digest': digest,
'/digest/': digest,
'/users/:id': user_profile,
requireLogin: function(page) {
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
return 'loading';
} else if (Meteor.user()) {
return page;
} else {
return 'user_signin';
canView: function(page) {
var error = canView(Meteor.user(), true);
if (error === true)
return page;
// a problem.. make sure we are logged in
if (Meteor.loggingIn())
return 'loading';
// otherwise the error tells us what to show.
return error;
canPost: function(page) {
var error = canPost(Meteor.user(), true);
if (error === true)
return page;
// a problem.. make sure we are logged in
if (Meteor.loggingIn())
return 'loading';
// otherwise the error tells us what to show.
return error;
canEdit: function(page) {
if (page === 'comment_edit') {
var item = Comments.findOne(Session.get('selectedCommentId'));
} else {
var item = Posts.findOne(Session.get('selectedPostId'));
var error = canEdit(Meteor.user(), item, true);
if (error === true)
return page;
// a problem.. make sure the item has loaded and we have logged in
if (! item || Meteor.loggingIn())
return 'loading';
// otherwise the error tells us what to show.
return error;
isLoggedOut: function(page){
return Meteor.user() ? "already_logged_in" : page;
isAdmin: function(page) {
return isAdmin(Meteor.user()) ? page : "no_rights";
awaitSubscription: function(page) {
return Session.equals(PAGE_SUBS[page], true) ? page : 'loading';
// if the user is logged in but their profile isn't filled out enough
requireProfile: function(page) {
var user = Meteor.user();
if (user && ! Meteor.loggingIn() && ! userProfileComplete(user)){
Session.set('selectedUserId', user._id);
return 'user_email';
} else {
return page;
// if we are on a page that requires a post, as set in selectedPostId
requirePost: function(page) {
if (Posts.findOne(Session.get('selectedPostId'))) {
return page;
} else if (! Session.get('postReady')) {
return 'loading';
} else {
return 'not_found';
Meteor.Router.filter('awaitSubscription', {only: ['posts_new', 'posts_pending']});
Meteor.Router.filter('requireLogin', {only: ['comment_reply','post_submit']});
Meteor.Router.filter('canView', {only: ['posts_top', 'posts_new', 'posts_digest']});
Meteor.Router.filter('isLoggedOut', {only: ['user_signin', 'user_signup']});
Meteor.Router.filter('canPost', {only: ['posts_pending', 'comment_reply', 'post_submit']});
Meteor.Router.filter('canEdit', {only: ['post_edit', 'comment_edit']});
Meteor.Router.filter('requirePost', {only: ['post_page', 'post_edit']});
Meteor.Router.filter('isAdmin', {only: ['posts_pending', 'users', 'settings', 'categories', 'admin']});
Meteor.startup(function() {
Meteor.autorun(function() {
// grab the current page from the router, so this re-runs every time it changes
console.log('------ Request start --------');
// openedComments is an Array that tracks which comments
// have been expanded by the user, to make sure they stay expanded
Session.set("openedComments", null);
Session.set('requestTimestamp',new Date());
// currentScroll stores the position of the user in the page
Session.set('currentScroll', null);
document.title = getSetting("title");
// $('body').css('min-height','0');
// set all errors who have already been seen to not show anymore
// log this request with mixpanel, etc
// if there are any pending events, log them too
_.each(eventBuffer, function(e){
console.log('in buffer: ', e);
trackEvent(e.event, e.properties);
}()); |