
128 lines
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// add new post notification callback on post submit
function postSubmitNotification (post) {
var adminIds = _.pluck(Meteor.users.find({'isAdmin': true}, {fields: {_id:1}}).fetch(), '_id');
var notifiedUserIds = _.pluck(Meteor.users.find({'profile.notifications.posts': 1}, {fields: {_id:1}}).fetch(), '_id');
// remove post author ID from arrays
var adminIds = _.without(adminIds, post.userId);
var notifiedUserIds = _.without(notifiedUserIds, post.userId);
if (post.status === Posts.config.STATUS_PENDING && !!adminIds.length) {
// if post is pending, only notify admins
Herald.createNotification(adminIds, {courier: 'newPendingPost', data: post});
} else if (!!notifiedUserIds.length) {
// if post is approved, notify everybody
Herald.createNotification(notifiedUserIds, {courier: 'newPost', data: post});
return post;
Telescope.callbacks.register("postSubmitAsync", postSubmitNotification);
function postApprovedNotification (post) {
Herald.createNotification(post.userId, {courier: 'postApproved', data: post});
return post;
Telescope.callbacks.register("postApprovedAsync", postApprovedNotification);
// add new comment notification callback on comment submit
function addCommentNotification (comment) {
if(Meteor.isServer && !comment.disableNotifications){
var post = Posts.findOne(comment.postId),
notificationData = {
comment: _.pick(comment, '_id', 'userId', 'author', 'body'),
post: _.pick(post, '_id', 'userId', 'title', 'url')
userIdsNotified = [];
// 1. Notify author of post
// do not notify author of post if they're the ones posting the comment
if (comment.userId !== post.userId) {
Herald.createNotification(post.userId, {courier: 'newComment', data: notificationData});
// 2. Notify author of comment being replied to
if (!!comment.parentCommentId) {
var parentComment = Comments.findOne(comment.parentCommentId);
// do not notify author of parent comment if they're also post author or comment author
// (someone could be replying to their own comment)
if (parentComment.userId !== post.userId && parentComment.userId !== comment.userId) {
// add parent comment to notification data
notificationData.parentComment = _.pick(parentComment, '_id', 'userId', 'author');
Herald.createNotification(parentComment.userId, {courier: 'newReply', data: notificationData});
// 3. Notify users subscribed to the thread
// TODO: ideally this would be injected from the telescope-subscribe-to-posts package
if (!!post.subscribers) {
// remove userIds of users that have already been notified
// and of comment author (they could be replying in a thread they're subscribed to)
var subscriberIdsToNotify = _.difference(post.subscribers, userIdsNotified, [comment.userId]);
Herald.createNotification(subscriberIdsToNotify, {courier: 'newCommentSubscribed', data: notificationData});
userIdsNotified = userIdsNotified.concat(subscriberIdsToNotify);
return comment;
Telescope.callbacks.register("commentSubmitAsync", addCommentNotification);
var emailNotifications = {
fieldName: 'emailNotifications',
fieldSchema: {
type: Boolean,
optional: true,
defaultValue: true,
autoform: {
group: 'notifications',
instructions: 'Enable email notifications for new posts and new comments (requires restart).'
// make it possible to disable notifications on a per-comment basis
fieldName: 'disableNotifications',
fieldSchema: {
type: Boolean,
optional: true,
autoform: {
omit: true
function setNotificationDefaults (user) {
// set notifications default preferences
user.telescope.notifications = {
users: false,
posts: false,
comments: true,
replies: true
return user;
Telescope.callbacks.register("onCreateUser", setNotificationDefaults);