2019-01-24 18:01:53 +09:00

1147 lines
33 KiB

Main form component.
This component expects:
### All Forms:
- collection
- currentUser
- client (Apollo client)
### New Form:
- newMutation
### Edit Form:
- editMutation
- removeMutation
- document
import {
} from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import set from 'lodash/set';
import unset from 'lodash/unset';
import compact from 'lodash/compact';
import update from 'lodash/update';
import merge from 'lodash/merge';
import find from 'lodash/find';
import pick from 'lodash/pick';
import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
import isEqualWith from 'lodash/isEqualWith';
import uniq from 'lodash/uniq';
import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy';
import isObject from 'lodash/isObject';
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy';
import { convertSchema, formProperties } from '../modules/schema_utils';
import { isEmptyValue } from '../modules/utils';
import { getParentPath } from '../modules/path_utils';
import {
} from '../modules/schema_utils.js';
import withCollectionProps from './withCollectionProps';
import { callbackProps } from './propTypes';
// props that should trigger a form reset
const RESET_PROPS = [
'collection', 'collectionName', 'typeName', 'document', 'schema', 'currentUser',
'fields', 'removeFields',
'prefilledProps' // TODO: prefilledProps should be merged instead?
const compactParent = (object, path) => {
const parentPath = getParentPath(path);
// note: we only want to compact arrays, not objects
const compactIfArray = x => (Array.isArray(x) ? compact(x) : x);
update(object, parentPath, compactIfArray);
const getDefaultValues = convertedSchema => {
// TODO: make this work with nested schemas, too
return pickBy(
mapValues(convertedSchema, field => field.defaultValue),
value => value
const getInitialStateFromProps = nextProps => {
const collection = nextProps.collection;
const schema = nextProps.schema
? new SimpleSchema(nextProps.schema)
: collection.simpleSchema();
const convertedSchema = convertSchema(schema);
const formType = nextProps.document ? 'edit' : 'new';
// for new document forms, add default values to initial document
const defaultValues =
formType === 'new' ? getDefaultValues(convertedSchema) : {};
const initialDocument = merge(
//if minCount is specified, go ahead and create empty nested documents
Object.keys(convertedSchema).forEach(key => {
let minCount = convertedSchema[key].minCount;
if(minCount) {
initialDocument[key] = initialDocument[key] || [];
while(initialDocument[key].length < minCount)
// remove all instances of the `__typename` property from document
Utils.removeProperty(initialDocument, '__typename');
return {
disabled: false,
errors: [],
deletedValues: [],
currentValues: {},
// convert SimpleSchema schema into JSON object
schema: convertedSchema,
// Also store all field schemas (including nested schemas) in a flat structure
flatSchema: convertSchema(schema, true),
// the initial document passed as props
// initialize the current document to be the same as the initial document
currentDocument: initialDocument
1. Constructor
2. Helpers
3. Errors
4. Context
4. Method & Callback
5. Render
class SmartForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
defaultValues = {};
submitFormCallbacks = [];
successFormCallbacks = [];
failureFormCallbacks = [];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Helpers ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
If a document is being passed, this is an edit form
getFormType = () => {
return this.props.document ? 'edit' : 'new';
Get a list of all insertable fields
getInsertableFields = schema => {
return getInsertableFields(
schema || this.state.schema,
Get a list of all editable fields
getEditableFields = schema => {
return getEditableFields(
schema || this.state.schema,
Get a list of all mutable (insertable/editable depending on current form type) fields
getMutableFields = schema => {
return this.getFormType() === 'edit'
? this.getEditableFields(schema)
: this.getInsertableFields(schema);
Get the current document
getDocument = () => {
return this.state.currentDocument;
Like getDocument, but cross-reference with getFieldNames()
to only return fields that actually need to be submitted
Also remove any deleted values.
getData = customArgs => {
const args = {
excludeHiddenFields: false,
replaceIntlFields: true,
addExtraFields: false,
// only keep relevant fields
// for intl fields, make sure we look in foo_intl and not foo
const fields = this.getFieldNames(args);
let data = pick(this.getDocument(), ...fields);
// compact deleted values
this.state.deletedValues.forEach(path => {
if (path.includes('.')) {
If deleted field is a nested field, nested array, or nested array item, try to compact its parent array
- Nested field: ''
- Nested array: 'addresses.1'
- Nested array item: ''
compactParent(data, path);
// run data object through submitForm callbacks
data = runCallbacks({ callbacks: this.submitFormCallbacks, iterator: data, properties: { form: this }});
return data;
Get form components, in case any has been overwritten for this specific form
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------- Fields ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
Get all field groups
getFieldGroups = () => {
// build fields array by iterating over the list of field names
let fields = this.getFieldNames().map(fieldName => {
// get schema for the current field
return this.createField(fieldName, this.state.schema);
fields = _.sortBy(fields, 'order');
// get list of all unique groups (based on their name) used in current fields
let groups = _.compact(uniqBy(_.pluck(fields, 'group'), g => g &&;
// for each group, add relevant fields
groups = => {
group.label =
group.label || this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id: });
group.fields = _.filter(fields, field => {
return && ===;
return group;
// add default group
groups = [
name: 'default',
label: 'default',
order: 0,
fields: _.filter(fields, field => {
return !;
// sort by order
groups = _.sortBy(groups, 'order');
// console.log(groups);
return groups;
Get a list of the fields to be included in the current form
Note: when submitting the form (getData()), do not include any extra fields.
getFieldNames = (args) => {
// we do this to avoid having default values in arrow functions, which breaks MS Edge support. See
let args0 = args || {};
const {
schema = this.state.schema,
excludeHiddenFields = true,
replaceIntlFields = false,
addExtraFields = true
} = args0;
const { fields, addFields } = this.props;
// get all editable/insertable fields (depending on current form type)
let relevantFields = this.getMutableFields(schema);
// if "fields" prop is specified, restrict list of fields to it
if (typeof fields !== 'undefined' && fields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.intersection(relevantFields, fields);
// if "hideFields" prop is specified, remove its fields
const removeFields = this.props.hideFields || this.props.removeFields;
if (typeof removeFields !== 'undefined' && removeFields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.difference(relevantFields, removeFields);
// if "addFields" prop is specified, add its fields
if (
addExtraFields &&
typeof addFields !== 'undefined' &&
addFields.length > 0
) {
relevantFields = relevantFields.concat(addFields);
// remove all hidden fields
if (excludeHiddenFields) {
const document = this.getDocument();
relevantFields = _.reject(relevantFields, fieldName => {
const hidden = schema[fieldName].hidden;
return typeof hidden === 'function'
? hidden({ ...this.props, document })
: hidden;
// replace intl fields
if (replaceIntlFields) {
relevantFields =
fieldName =>
isIntlField(schema[fieldName]) ? `${fieldName}_intl` : fieldName
// remove any duplicates
relevantFields = uniq(relevantFields);
return relevantFields;
initField = (fieldName, fieldSchema) => {
// intialize properties
let field = {
..._.pick(fieldSchema, formProperties),
document: this.state.initialDocument,
name: fieldName,
datatype: fieldSchema.type,
layout: this.props.layout,
input: fieldSchema.input || fieldSchema.control
field.label = this.getLabel(fieldName);
// // replace value by prefilled value if value is empty
// const prefill = fieldSchema.prefill || (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.prefill);
// if (prefill) {
// const prefilledValue = typeof prefill === 'function' ? : prefill;
// if (!!prefilledValue && !field.value) {
// field.prefilledValue = prefilledValue;
// field.value = prefilledValue;
// }
// }
// if options are a function, call it
if (typeof field.options === 'function') {
field.options =, this.props);
// if this an intl'd field, use a special intlInput
if (isIntlField(fieldSchema)) {
field.intlInput = true;
// add any properties specified in fieldSchema.form as extra props passed on
// to the form component, calling them if they are functions
const inputProperties =
fieldSchema.form || fieldSchema.inputProperties || {};
for (const prop in inputProperties) {
const property = inputProperties[prop];
field[prop] =
typeof property === 'function'
?, this.props)
: property;
// add description as help prop
if (fieldSchema.description) { = fieldSchema.description;
return field;
handleFieldPath = (field, fieldName, parentPath) => {
const fieldPath = parentPath ? `${parentPath}.${fieldName}` : fieldName;
field.path = fieldPath;
if (field.defaultValue) {
set(this.defaultValues, fieldPath, field.defaultValue);
return field;
handleFieldParent = (field, parentFieldName) => {
// if field has a parent field, pass it on
if (parentFieldName) {
field.parentFieldName = parentFieldName;
return field;
handlePermissions = (field, fieldName, schema) => {
// if field is not creatable/updatable, disable it
if (!this.getMutableFields(schema).includes(fieldName)) {
field.disabled = true;
return field;
handleFieldChildren = (field, fieldName, fieldSchema, schema) => {
// array field
if (fieldSchema.field) {
field.arrayFieldSchema = fieldSchema.field;
// create a field that can be exploited by the form
field.arrayField = this.createArraySubField(
//field.nestedInput = true
// nested fields: set input to "nested"
if (fieldSchema.schema) {
field.nestedSchema = fieldSchema.schema;
field.nestedInput = true;
// get nested schema
// for each nested field, get field object by calling createField recursively
field.nestedFields = this.getFieldNames({
schema: field.nestedSchema
}).map(subFieldName => {
return this.createField(
return field;
Given a field's name, the containing schema, and parent, create the
complete field object to be passed to the component
createField = (fieldName, schema, parentFieldName, parentPath) => {
const fieldSchema = schema[fieldName];
let field = this.initField(fieldName, fieldSchema);
field = this.handleFieldPath(field, fieldName, parentPath);
field = this.handleFieldParent(field, parentFieldName);
field = this.handlePermissions(field, fieldName, schema);
field = this.handleFieldChildren(field, fieldName, fieldSchema, schema);
return field;
createArraySubField = (fieldName, subFieldSchema, schema) => {
const subFieldName = `${fieldName}.$`;
let subField = this.initField(subFieldName, subFieldSchema);
// array subfield has the same path and permissions as its parent
// so we use parent name (fieldName) and not subfieldName
subField = this.handleFieldPath(subField, fieldName);
subField = this.handlePermissions(subField, fieldName, schema);
// we do not allow nesting yet
//subField = this.handleFieldChildren(field, fieldSchema)
return subField;
Get a field's label
getLabel = (fieldName, fieldLocale) => {
const collectionName = this.props.collectionName.toLowerCase();
const defaultMessage = '|*|*|';
let id = `${collectionName}.${fieldName}`;
let intlLabel;
intlLabel = this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id, defaultMessage });
if (intlLabel === defaultMessage) {
id = `global.${fieldName}`;
intlLabel = this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id });
if (intlLabel === defaultMessage) {
id = fieldName;
intlLabel = this.context.intl.formatMessage({ id });
const schemaLabel =
this.state.flatSchema[fieldName] &&
const label = intlLabel || schemaLabel || fieldName;
if (fieldLocale) {
const intlFieldLocale = this.context.intl.formatMessage({
id: `locales.${fieldLocale}`,
defaultMessage: fieldLocale
return `${label} (${intlFieldLocale})`;
} else {
return label;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Errors ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
Add error to form state
Errors can have the following properties:
- id: used as an internationalization key, for example `errors.required`
- path: for field-specific errors, the path of the field with the issue
- properties: additional data. Will be passed to vulcan-i18n as values
- message: if id cannot be used as i81n key, message will be used
throwError = error => {
let formErrors = getErrors(error);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// add error(s) to state
this.setState(prevState => ({
errors: [...prevState.errors, ...formErrors]
Clear errors for a field
clearFieldErrors = path => {
const errors = this.state.errors.filter(error => error.path !== path);
this.setState({ errors });
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Context ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// add something to deleted values
addToDeletedValues = name => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
deletedValues: [...prevState.deletedValues, name]
// add a callback to the form submission
addToSubmitForm = callback => {
// add a callback to form submission success
addToSuccessForm = callback => {
// add a callback to form submission failure
addToFailureForm = callback => {
setFormState = fn => {
submitFormContext = newValues => {
// keep the previous ones and extend (with possible replacement) with new ones
prevState => ({
currentValues: {
} // Submit form after setState update completed
() => this.submitForm(this.form.getModel())
// pass on context to all child components
getChildContext = () => {
return {
throwError: this.throwError,
clearForm: this.clearForm,
refetchForm: this.refetchForm,
isChanged: this.isChanged,
submitForm: this.submitFormContext, //Change in name because we already have a function
// called submitForm, but no reason for the user to know
// about that
addToDeletedValues: this.addToDeletedValues,
updateCurrentValues: this.updateCurrentValues,
getDocument: this.getDocument,
getLabel: this.getLabel,
initialDocument: this.state.initialDocument,
setFormState: this.setFormState,
addToSubmitForm: this.addToSubmitForm,
addToSuccessForm: this.addToSuccessForm,
addToFailureForm: this.addToFailureForm,
errors: this.state.errors,
currentValues: this.state.currentValues,
deletedValues: this.state.deletedValues
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------ Lifecycle ---------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
When props change, reinitialize the form state
Triggered only for data related props (collection, document, currentUser etc.)
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const needReset = !!RESET_PROPS.find(prop => !isEqual(this.props[prop], nextProps[prop]));
if (needReset) {
Manually update the current values of one or more fields(i.e. on change or blur).
updateCurrentValues = (newValues, options = {}) => {
// default to overwriting old value with new
const { mode = 'overwrite' } = options;
const { changeCallback } = this.props;
// keep the previous ones and extend (with possible replacement) with new ones
this.setState(prevState => {
// keep only the relevant properties
const { currentValues, currentDocument, deletedValues } = cloneDeep(
const newState = {
foo: {}
Object.keys(newValues).forEach(key => {
const path = key;
const value = newValues[key];
if (isEmptyValue(value)) {
// delete value
unset(newState.currentValues, path);
set(newState.currentDocument, path, null);
newState.deletedValues = [...prevState.deletedValues, path];
} else {
// 1. update currentValues
set(newState.currentValues, path, value);
// 2. update currentDocument
// For arrays and objects, give option to merge instead of overwrite
if (mode === 'merge' && (Array.isArray(value) || isObject(value))) {
const oldValue = get(newState.currentDocument, path);
set(newState.currentDocument, path, merge(oldValue, value));
} else {
set(newState.currentDocument, path, value);
// 3. in case value had previously been deleted, "undelete" it
newState.deletedValues = _.without(prevState.deletedValues, path);
if (changeCallback) changeCallback(newState.currentDocument);
return newState;
Warn the user if there are unsaved changes
handleRouteLeave = () => {
if (this.isChanged()) {
const message = this.context.intl.formatMessage({
id: 'forms.confirm_discard',
defaultMessage: 'Are you sure you want to discard your changes?'
return message;
//the message returned is actually ignored by most browsers and a default message 'Are you sure you want to leave this page? You might have unsaved changes' is displayed. See the Notes section on the mozilla docs above
handlePageLeave = event => {
if (this.isChanged()) {
const message = this.context.intl.formatMessage({
id: 'forms.confirm_discard',
defaultMessage: 'Are you sure you want to discard your changes?'
if (event) {
event.returnValue = message;
return message;
Install a route leave hook to warn the user if there are unsaved changes
componentDidMount = () => {
let warnUnsavedChanges = getSetting('forms.warnUnsavedChanges');
if (typeof this.props.warnUnsavedChanges === 'boolean') {
warnUnsavedChanges = this.props.warnUnsavedChanges;
if (warnUnsavedChanges) {
const routes = this.props.router.routes;
const currentRoute = routes[routes.length - 1];
this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(currentRoute, this.handleRouteLeave);
//check for closing the browser with unsaved changes
window.onbeforeunload = this.handlePageLeave;
Remove the closing browser check on component unmount
componentWillUnmount = () => {
let warnUnsavedChanges = getSetting('forms.warnUnsavedChanges');
if (typeof this.props.warnUnsavedChanges === 'boolean') {
warnUnsavedChanges = this.props.warnUnsavedChanges;
if (warnUnsavedChanges) {
window.onbeforeunload = undefined; //undefined instead of null to support IE
Returns true if there are any differences between the initial document and the current one
isChanged = () => {
const initialDocument = this.state.initialDocument;
const changedDocument = this.getDocument();
const changedValue = find(changedDocument, (value, key, collection) => {
return !isEqualWith(value, initialDocument[key], (objValue, othValue) => {
if (!objValue && !othValue) return true;
return typeof changedValue !== 'undefined';
Refetch the document from the database (in case it was updated by another process or to reset the form)
refetchForm = () => {
if ( && {;
* Clears form errors and values.
* @example Clear form
* // form will be fully emptied, with exception of prefilled values
* clearForm({ document: {} });
* @example Reset/revert form
* // form will be reverted to its initial state
* clearForm();
* @example Clear with new values
* // form will be cleared but initialized with the new document
* const document = {
* // ... some values
* };
* clearForm({ document });
* @param {Object=} options
* @param {Object=} options.document
* Document to use as new initial document when values are cleared instead of
* the existing one. Note that prefilled props will be merged
clearForm = ({ document } = {}) => {
document = document ? merge({}, this.props.prefilledProps, document) : null;
this.setState(prevState => ({
errors: [],
currentValues: {},
deletedValues: [],
currentDocument: document || prevState.initialDocument,
initialDocument: document || prevState.initialDocument,
disabled: false
Key down handler
formKeyDown = event => {
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.keyCode === 13) {
newMutationSuccessCallback = result => {
this.mutationSuccessCallback(result, 'new');
editMutationSuccessCallback = result => {
this.mutationSuccessCallback(result, 'edit');
mutationSuccessCallback = (result, mutationType) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({ disabled: false }));
let document =[Object.keys([0]].data; // document is always on first property
// for new mutation, run refetch function if it exists
if (mutationType === 'new' && this.props.refetch) this.props.refetch();
// call the clear form method (i.e. trigger setState) only if the form has not been unmounted
// (we are in an async callback, everything can happen!)
if (this.form) {
document: mutationType === 'edit' ? document : undefined
// run document through mutation success callbacks
document = runCallbacks({ callbacks: this.successFormCallbacks, iterator: document, properties: { form: this }});
// run success callback if it exists
if (this.props.successCallback) this.props.successCallback(document, { form: this });
// catch graphql errors
mutationErrorCallback = (document, error) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({ disabled: false }));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('// graphQL Error');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// run mutation failure callbacks on error, we do not allow the callbacks to change the error
runCallbacks({ callbacks: this.failureFormCallbacks, iterator: error, properties: { error, form: this }});
if (!_.isEmpty(error)) {
// add error to state
// run error callback if it exists
if (this.props.errorCallback) this.props.errorCallback(document, error, { form: this });
// scroll back up to show error messages
Submit form handler
submitForm = event => {
// if form is disabled (there is already a submit handler running) don't do anything
if (this.state.disabled) {
// clear errors and disable form while it's submitting
this.setState(prevState => ({ errors: [], disabled: true }));
// complete the data with values from custom components
// note: it follows the same logic as SmartForm's getDocument method
let data = this.getData({ replaceIntlFields: true, addExtraFields: false });
// if there's a submit callback, run it
if (this.props.submitCallback) {
data = this.props.submitCallback(data) || data;
if (this.getFormType() === 'new') {
// create document form
this.props[`create${this.props.typeName}`]({ data })
.catch(error => this.mutationErrorCallback(document, error));
} else {
// update document form
const documentId = this.getDocument()._id;
selector: { documentId },
.catch(error => this.mutationErrorCallback(document, error));
Delete document handler
deleteDocument = () => {
const document = this.getDocument();
const documentId = this.props.document._id;
const documentTitle = document.title || || '';
const deleteDocumentConfirm = this.context.intl.formatMessage(
{ id: 'forms.delete_confirm' },
{ title: documentTitle }
if (window.confirm(deleteDocumentConfirm)) {
.removeMutation({ documentId })
.then(mutationResult => {
// the mutation result looks like {data:{collectionRemove: null}} if succeeded
if (this.props.removeSuccessCallback)
this.props.removeSuccessCallback({ documentId, documentTitle });
if (this.props.refetch) this.props.refetch();
.catch(error => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------- Props to Pass ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
getWrapperProps = () => ({
className: 'document-' + this.getFormType(),
getFormProps = () => ({
onSubmit: this.submitForm,
onKeyDown: this.formKeyDown,
ref: e => {
this.form = e;
getFormErrorsProps = () => ({
errors: this.state.errors
getFormGroupProps = group => ({
errors: this.state.errors,
throwError: this.throwError,
currentValues: this.state.currentValues,
updateCurrentValues: this.updateCurrentValues,
deletedValues: this.state.deletedValues,
addToDeletedValues: this.addToDeletedValues,
clearFieldErrors: this.clearFieldErrors,
formType: this.getFormType(),
currentUser: this.props.currentUser,
disabled: this.state.disabled,
formComponents: mergeWithComponents(this.props.formComponents),
getFormSubmitProps = () => ({
submitLabel: this.props.submitLabel,
cancelLabel: this.props.cancelLabel,
revertLabel: this.props.revertLabel,
cancelCallback: this.props.cancelCallback,
revertCallback: this.props.revertCallback,
document: this.getDocument(),
(this.getFormType() === 'edit' &&
this.props.showRemove &&
this.deleteDocument) ||
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------- Render -------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
render() {
const FormComponents = mergeWithComponents(this.props.formComponents);
return (
<div {...this.getWrapperProps()}>
<form {...this.getFormProps()}>
<FormComponents.FormErrors {...this.getFormErrorsProps()} />
{this.getFieldGroups().map(group => (
<FormComponents.FormGroup {...this.getFormGroupProps(group)} />
{this.props.repeatErrors && this.renderErrors()}
<FormComponents.FormSubmit {...this.getFormSubmitProps()} />
SmartForm.propTypes = {
// main options
collection: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
collectionName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
typeName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
document: PropTypes.object, // if a document is passed, this will be an edit form
schema: PropTypes.object, // usually not needed
// graphQL
newMutation: PropTypes.func, // the new mutation
editMutation: PropTypes.func, // the edit mutation
removeMutation: PropTypes.func, // the remove mutation
// form
prefilledProps: PropTypes.object,
layout: PropTypes.string,
fields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
addFields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
removeFields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
hideFields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), // OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
showRemove: PropTypes.bool,
submitLabel: PropTypes.node,
cancelLabel: PropTypes.node,
revertLabel: PropTypes.node,
repeatErrors: PropTypes.bool,
warnUnsavedChanges: PropTypes.bool,
formComponents: PropTypes.object,
// callbacks
currentUser: PropTypes.object,
client: PropTypes.object
SmartForm.defaultProps = {
layout: 'horizontal',
prefilledProps: {},
repeatErrors: false,
showRemove: true
SmartForm.contextTypes = {
intl: intlShape
SmartForm.childContextTypes = {
addToDeletedValues: PropTypes.func,
deletedValues: PropTypes.array,
addToSubmitForm: PropTypes.func,
addToFailureForm: PropTypes.func,
addToSuccessForm: PropTypes.func,
updateCurrentValues: PropTypes.func,
setFormState: PropTypes.func,
throwError: PropTypes.func,
clearForm: PropTypes.func,
refetchForm: PropTypes.func,
isChanged: PropTypes.func,
initialDocument: PropTypes.object,
getDocument: PropTypes.func,
getLabel: PropTypes.func,
submitForm: PropTypes.func,
errors: PropTypes.array,
currentValues: PropTypes.object
module.exports = SmartForm;
name: 'Form',
component: SmartForm,
hocs: [withCollectionProps]