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import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage, intlShape } from 'react-intl';
import Formsy from 'formsy-react';
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap';
import Flash from "./Flash.jsx";
import FormGroup from "./FormGroup.jsx";
import { flatten, deepValue, getEditableFields, getInsertableFields } from './utils.js';
1. Constructor
2. Helpers
3. Errors
4. Context
4. Method & Callback
5. Render
class NovaForm extends Component{
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------- Constructor --------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
constructor(props) {
this.submitForm = this.submitForm.bind(this);
this.updateState = this.updateState.bind(this);
this.methodCallback = this.methodCallback.bind(this);
this.addToAutofilledValues = this.addToAutofilledValues.bind(this);
this.throwError = this.throwError.bind(this);
this.clearErrors = this.clearErrors.bind(this);
this.updateCurrentValue = this.updateCurrentValue.bind(this);
this.formKeyDown = this.formKeyDown.bind(this);
// a debounced version of seState that only updates state every 500 ms (not used)
this.debouncedSetState = _.debounce(this.setState, 500);
this.state = {
disabled: false,
errors: [],
autofilledValues: {},
currentValues: {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Helpers ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// return the current schema based on either the schema or collection prop
getSchema() {
return this.props.schema ? this.props.schema : this.props.collection.simpleSchema()._schema;
getFieldGroups() {
const schema = this.getSchema();
// build fields array by iterating over the list of field names
let fields = this.getFieldNames().map(fieldName => {
// get schema for the current field
const fieldSchema = schema[fieldName];
fieldSchema.name = fieldName;
// intialize properties
let field = {
name: fieldName,
datatype: fieldSchema.type,
control: fieldSchema.control,
layout: this.props.layout,
order: fieldSchema.order
// add label
const intlFieldName = this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: this.props.collection._name+"."+fieldName});
field.label = (typeof this.props.labelFunction === "function") ? this.props.labelFunction(intlFieldName) : intlFieldName,
// add value
field.value = this.getDocument() && deepValue(this.getDocument(), fieldName) ? deepValue(this.getDocument(), fieldName) : "";
// backward compatibility from 'autoform' to 'form'
if (fieldSchema.autoform) {
fieldSchema.form = fieldSchema.autoform;
console.warn(`🔭 Telescope Nova Warning: The 'autoform' field is deprecated. You should rename it to 'form' instead. It was defined on your '${fieldName}' field on the '${this.props.collection._name}' collection`);
// replace value by prefilled value if value is empty
if (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.prefill) {
const prefilledValue = typeof fieldSchema.form.prefill === "function" ? fieldSchema.form.prefill.call(fieldSchema) : fieldSchema.form.prefill;
if (!!prefilledValue && !field.value) {
field.prefilledValue = prefilledValue;
field.value = prefilledValue;
// replace empty value, which has not been prefilled, by the default value from the schema
if (fieldSchema.defaultValue && field.value === "") {
field.value = fieldSchema.defaultValue;
// add options if they exist
if (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.options) {
field.options = typeof fieldSchema.form.options === "function" ? fieldSchema.form.options.call(fieldSchema) : fieldSchema.form.options;
if (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.disabled) {
field.disabled = typeof fieldSchema.form.disabled === "function" ? fieldSchema.form.disabled.call(fieldSchema) : fieldSchema.form.disabled;
if (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.help) {
field.help = typeof fieldSchema.form.help === "function" ? fieldSchema.form.help.call(fieldSchema) : fieldSchema.form.help;
// add placeholder
if (fieldSchema.form && fieldSchema.form.placeholder) {
field.placeholder = fieldSchema.form.placeholder;
if (fieldSchema.beforeComponent) field.beforeComponent = fieldSchema.beforeComponent;
if (fieldSchema.afterComponent) field.afterComponent = fieldSchema.afterComponent;
// add group
if (fieldSchema.group) {
field.group = fieldSchema.group;
// add document
field.document = this.getDocument();
return field;
// remove fields where control = "none"
fields = _.reject(fields, field => field.control === "none");
fields = _.sortBy(fields, "order");
// console.log(fields)
// get list of all groups used in current fields
let groups = _.compact(_.unique(_.pluck(fields, "group")));
// for each group, add relevant fields
groups = groups.map(group => {
group.label = group.label || this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: group.name});
group.fields = _.filter(fields, field => {return field.group && field.group.name === group.name});
return group;
// add default group
groups = [{
name: "default",
label: "default",
order: 0,
fields: _.filter(fields, field => {return !field.group;})
// sort by order
groups = _.sortBy(groups, "order");
// console.log(groups);
return groups;
// if a document is being passed, this is an edit form
getFormType() {
return this.props.document ? "edit" : "new";
// get relevant fields
getFieldNames() {
const fields = this.props.fields;
// get all editable/insertable fields (depending on current form type)
let relevantFields = this.getFormType() === "edit" ? getEditableFields(this.getSchema(), this.context.currentUser, this.getDocument()) : getInsertableFields(this.getSchema(), this.context.currentUser);
// if "fields" prop is specified, restrict list of fields to it
if (typeof fields !== "undefined" && fields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.intersection(relevantFields, fields);
return relevantFields;
// for each field, we apply the following logic:
// - if its value is currently being inputted, use that
// - else if its value was provided by the db, use that (i.e. props.document)
// - else if its value is provded by the autofilledValues object, use that
getDocument() {
const currentDocument = _.clone(this.props.document) || {};
const document = Object.assign(_.clone(this.state.autofilledValues), currentDocument, _.clone(this.state.currentValues));
return document;
// NOTE: this is not called anymore since we're updating on blur, not on change
// whenever the form changes, update its state
updateState(e) {
// e can sometimes be event, sometims be currentValue
// see https://github.com/christianalfoni/formsy-react/issues/203
if (e.stopPropagation) {
} else {
// get rid of empty fields
_.forEach(e, (value, key) => {
if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
delete e[key];
currentValues: e
// manually update current value (i.e. on blur). See above for on change instead
updateCurrentValue(fieldName, fieldValue) {
const currentValues = this.state.currentValues;
currentValues[fieldName] = fieldValue;
this.setState({currentValues: currentValues});
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Errors ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// clear all errors and re-enable the form
clearErrors() {
errors: [],
disabled: false,
// render errors
renderErrors() {
return <div className="form-errors">{this.state.errors.map(message => <Flash key={message} message={message}/>)}</div>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Context ----------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// add error to state
throwError(error) {
errors: [error]
// add something to prefilled values
addToAutofilledValues(property) {
autofilledValues: {...this.state.autofilledValues, ...property}
// clear value
clearValue(property) {
// pass on context to all child components
getChildContext() {
return {
throwError: this.throwError,
autofilledValues: this.state.autofilledValues,
addToAutofilledValues: this.addToAutofilledValues,
updateCurrentValue: this.updateCurrentValue,
getDocument: this.getDocument,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Method ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// common callback for both new and edit forms
methodCallback(error, document) {
if (error) { // error
this.setState({disabled: false});
const errorContent = this.context.intl.formatMessage({id: error.reason}, {details: error.details})
// add error to state
content: errorContent,
type: "error"
// run error callback if it exists
if (this.props.errorCallback) this.props.errorCallback(document, error);
} else { // success
// reset form if this is a new document form
if (this.getFormType() === "new") this.refs.form.reset();
// run success callback if it exists
if (this.props.successCallback) this.props.successCallback(document);
// run close callback if it exists in context (i.e. we're inside a modal)
if (this.context.closeCallback) this.context.closeCallback();
// else there is no close callback (i.e. we're not inside a modal), call the clear errors method
// note: we don't want to update the state of an unmounted component
else this.clearErrors();
// submit form handler
submitForm(data) {
this.setState({disabled: true});
// complete the data with values from custom components which are not being catched by Formsy mixin
// note: it follows the same logic as NovaForm's getDocument method
data = {
...this.state.autofilledValues, // ex: can be values from EmbedlyURL or NewsletterSubscribe component
...data, // original data generated thanks to Formsy
...this.state.currentValues, // ex: can be values from DateTime component
const fields = this.getFieldNames();
// if there's a submit callback, run it
if (this.props.submitCallback) {
data = this.props.submitCallback(data);
if (this.getFormType() === "new") { // new document form
// remove any empty properties
let document = _.compactObject(flatten(data));
// add prefilled properties
if (this.props.prefilledProps) {
document = Object.assign(document, this.props.prefilledProps);
// call method with new document
Meteor.call(this.props.methodName, document, this.methodCallback);
} else { // edit document form
const document = this.getDocument();
// put all keys with data on $set
const set = _.compactObject(flatten(data));
// put all keys without data on $unset
const unsetKeys = _.difference(fields, _.keys(set));
const unset = _.object(unsetKeys, unsetKeys.map(()=>true));
// build modifier
const modifier = {$set: set};
if (!_.isEmpty(unset)) modifier.$unset = unset;
// call method with _id of document being edited and modifier
Meteor.call(this.props.methodName, document._id, modifier, this.methodCallback);
componentWillUnmount() {
// note: patch to cancel closeCallback given by parent
// we clean the event by hand
// example : the closeCallback is a function that closes a modal by calling setState, this modal being the parent of this NovaForm component
// if this componentWillUnmount hook is triggered, that means that the modal doesn't exist anymore!
// let's not call setState on an unmounted component (avoid no-op / memory leak)
this.context.closeCallback = f => f;
// key down handler
formKeyDown(event) {
if( (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.keyCode === 13) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------- Render ------------------------------ //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
render() {
const fieldGroups = this.getFieldGroups();
return (
<div className={"document-"+this.getFormType()}>
{fieldGroups.map(group => <FormGroup key={group.name} {...group} updateCurrentValue={this.updateCurrentValue} />)}
<Button type="submit" bsStyle="primary"><FormattedMessage id="forms.submit"/></Button>
{this.props.cancelCallback ? <a className="form-cancel" onClick={this.props.cancelCallback}><FormattedMessage id="forms.cancel"/></a> : null}
NovaForm.propTypes = {
collection: React.PropTypes.object,
schema: React.PropTypes.object,
document: React.PropTypes.object, // if a document is passed, this will be an edit form
submitCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
successCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
errorCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
methodName: React.PropTypes.string,
labelFunction: React.PropTypes.func,
prefilledProps: React.PropTypes.object,
layout: React.PropTypes.string,
cancelCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
fields: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string)
NovaForm.defaultProps = {
layout: "horizontal"
NovaForm.contextTypes = {
closeCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
intl: intlShape
NovaForm.childContextTypes = {
autofilledValues: React.PropTypes.object,
addToAutofilledValues: React.PropTypes.func,
updateCurrentValue: React.PropTypes.func,
throwError: React.PropTypes.func,
getDocument: React.PropTypes.func
module.exports = NovaForm;
export default NovaForm;