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synced 2025-03-10 04:26:41 -04:00
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* The Posts.controllers namespace
* @namespace Posts.controllers
Posts.controllers = {};
* Controller for all posts lists
Posts.controllers.list = RouteController.extend({
template: "posts_list_controller",
showViewsNav: true,
data: function () {
var terms = {
view: this.view,
limit: this.params.limit || Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10),
enableCache: true
// console.log('----------------- router running');
// note: the post list controller template will handle all subscriptions, so we just need to pass in the terms
return {
terms: terms
getTitle: function () {
return i18n.t(this.view);
getDescription: function () {
if (Router.current().route.getName() === 'posts_default') { // return site description on root path
return Settings.get('description');
} else {
return i18n.t(_.findWhere(Telescope.menuItems.get("viewsMenu"), {label: this.view}).description);
var getDefaultViewController = function () {
var defaultView = Settings.get('defaultView', 'top');
// if view we got from settings is available in Posts.views object, use it
if (!!Posts.controllers[defaultView]) {
return Posts.controllers[defaultView];
} else {
return Posts.controllers.top;
// wrap in startup block to make sure Settings collection is defined
Meteor.startup(function () {
Posts.controllers.default = getDefaultViewController().extend({
getTitle: function () {
var title = Settings.get('title', 'Telescope');
var tagline = Settings.get('tagline');
var fullTitle = !!tagline ? title + ' – ' + tagline : title ;
return fullTitle;
* Controller for top view
Posts.controllers.top = Posts.controllers.list.extend({
view: 'top'
* Controller for new view
Posts.controllers.new = Posts.controllers.list.extend({
view: 'new'
* Controller for best view
Posts.controllers.best = Posts.controllers.list.extend({
view: 'best'
* Controller for pending view
Posts.controllers.pending = Posts.controllers.list.extend({
view: 'pending'
* Controller for scheduled view
Posts.controllers.scheduled = Posts.controllers.list.extend({
view: 'scheduled'
* Controller for single post page
Posts.controllers.page = RouteController.extend({
template: 'post_page',
subscriptions: function () {
this.postSubscription = Telescope.subsManager.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id);
this.postUsersSubscription = Telescope.subsManager.subscribe('postUsers', this.params._id);
this.commentSubscription = Telescope.subsManager.subscribe('commentsList', {view: 'postComments', postId: this.params._id});
post: function() {
return Posts.findOne(this.params._id);
getTitle: function () {
if (!!this.post())
return this.post().title;
onBeforeAction: function () {
if (!this.post()) {
if (this.postSubscription.ready()) {
} else {
onRun: function() {
var sessionId = Meteor.default_connection && Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId ? Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId : null;
Meteor.call('increasePostViews', this.params._id, sessionId);
data: function() {
return {post: this.post()};
onAfterAction: function () {
var post = this.post();
// check if post is loaded yet
if (post) {
// Replace URL
if (post.slug !== this.params.slug) {
window.history.replaceState({}, "", post.getPageUrl());
$('link[rel="canonical"]').attr("href", post.getPageUrl(true));
// Set SEO properties
var props = {meta: {}, og: {}, twitter: {}};
// Set site name
props.og.site_name = Settings.get("title");
// Set title
props.title = post.title;
// Set description
if (!!post.body) {
var description = Telescope.utils.trimWords(post.body, 100);
props.meta.description = description;
props.og.description = description;
// Set image
if (!!post.thumbnailUrl) {
var image = Telescope.utils.addHttp(post.thumbnailUrl);
props.meta.image = image;
props.og.image = image;
props.twitter.image = image;
props.twitter.card = "summary_large_image";
// Set Twitter username
if (!!Settings.get("twitterAccount")) {
props.twitter.site = Settings.get("twitterAccount");
fastRender: true
Meteor.startup(function () {
Router.route('/', {
name: 'posts_default',
controller: Posts.controllers.default
Router.route('/top/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_top',
controller: Posts.controllers.top
// New
Router.route('/new/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_new',
controller: Posts.controllers.new
// Best
Router.route('/best/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_best',
controller: Posts.controllers.best
// Pending
Router.route('/pending/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_pending',
controller: Posts.controllers.pending
// Scheduled
Router.route('/scheduled/:limit?', {
name: 'posts_scheduled',
controller: Posts.controllers.scheduled
// Post Edit
Router.route('/posts/:_id/edit', {
name: 'post_edit',
template: 'post_edit',
waitOn: function () {
return [
Telescope.subsManager.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id),
data: function() {
return {
postId: this.params._id,
post: Posts.findOne(this.params._id)
fastRender: true
// Post Page
Router.route('/posts/:_id/:slug?', {
name: 'post_page',
controller: Posts.controllers.page
Router.route('/posts/:_id/comment/:commentId', {
name: 'post_page_comment',
controller: Posts.controllers.page,
onAfterAction: function () {
// TODO: scroll to comment position
// Post Submit
Router.route('/submit', {
name: 'post_submit',
template: 'post_submit',
waitOn: function () {
return Telescope.subsManager.subscribe('allUsersAdmin');