2018-10-14 18:10:32 +09:00

185 lines
6.1 KiB

import { debug } from './debug.js';
import { Utils } from './utils';
* @summary A list of all registered callback hooks
export const CallbackHooks = [];
* @summary Callback hooks provide an easy way to add extra steps to common operations.
* @namespace Callbacks
export const Callbacks = {};
* @summary Register a callback
* @param {String} hook - The name of the hook
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function
export const registerCallback = function (callback) {
* @summary Add a callback function to a hook
* @param {String} hook - The name of the hook
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function
export const addCallback = function (hook, callback) {
if (! {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`// Warning! You are adding an unnamed callback to ${hook}. Please use the function foo () {} syntax.`);
// if callback array doesn't exist yet, initialize it
if (typeof Callbacks[hook] === 'undefined') {
Callbacks[hook] = [];
* @summary Remove a callback from a hook
* @param {string} hook - The name of the hook
* @param {string} functionName - The name of the function to remove
export const removeCallback = function (hookName, callbackName) {
Callbacks[hookName] = _.reject(Callbacks[hookName], function (callback) {
return === callbackName;
* @summary Successively run all of a hook's callbacks on an item
* @param {String} hook - First argument: the name of the hook
* @param {Object} item - Second argument: the post, comment, modifier, etc. on which to run the callbacks
* @param {Any} args - Other arguments will be passed to each successive iteration
* @returns {Object} Returns the item after it's been through all the callbacks for this hook
export const runCallbacks = function () {
let hook, item, args;
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments.length === 1) {
const singleArgument = arguments[0];
hook =;
item = singleArgument.iterator;
args =;
} else {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
// the first argument is the name of the hook or an array of functions
hook = arguments[0];
// the second argument is the item on which to iterate
item = arguments[1];
// successive arguments are passed to each iteration
args =;
// flag used to detect the callback that initiated the async context
let asyncContext = false;
const callbacks = Array.isArray(hook) ? hook : Callbacks[hook];
if (typeof callbacks !== 'undefined' && !!callbacks.length) { // if the hook exists, and contains callbacks to run
const runCallback = (accumulator, callback) => {
debug(`\x1b[32m>> Running callback [${}] on hook [${hook}]\x1b[0m`);
const newArguments = [accumulator].concat(args);
try {
const result = callback.apply(this, newArguments);
// if callback is only supposed to run once, remove it
if (callback.runOnce) {
if (typeof result === 'undefined') {
// if result of current iteration is undefined, don't pass it on
// debug(`// Warning: Sync callback [${}] in hook [${hook}] didn't return a result!`)
return accumulator;
} else {
return result;
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`\x1b[31m// error at callback [${}] in hook [${hook}]\x1b[0m`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if (error.break || && {
throw error;
// pass the unchanged accumulator to the next iteration of the loop
return accumulator;
return callbacks.reduce(function (accumulator, callback, index) {
if (Utils.isPromise(accumulator)) {
if (!asyncContext) {
debug(`\x1b[32m>> Started async context in hook [${hook}] by [${callbacks[index-1] && callbacks[index-1].name}]\x1b[0m`);
asyncContext = true;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(result => {
try {
// run this callback once we have the previous value
resolve(runCallback(result, callback));
} catch (error) {
// error will be thrown only for breaking errors, so throw it up in the promise chain
} else {
return runCallback(accumulator, callback);
}, item);
} else { // else, just return the item unchanged
return item;
* @summary Successively run all of a hook's callbacks on an item, in async mode (only works on server)
* @param {String} hook - First argument: the name of the hook
* @param {Any} args - Other arguments will be passed to each successive iteration
export const runCallbacksAsync = function () {
let hook, args;
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments.length === 1) {
const singleArgument = arguments[0];
hook =;
args = []; // wrap in array for apply
} else {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
// the first argument is the name of the hook or an array of functions
hook = arguments[0];
// successive arguments are passed to each iteration
args =;
const callbacks = Array.isArray(hook) ? hook : Callbacks[hook];
if (Meteor.isServer && typeof callbacks !== 'undefined' && !!callbacks.length) {
// use defer to avoid holding up client
Meteor.defer(function () {
// run all post submit server callbacks on post object successively
callbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
debug(`\x1b[32m>> Running async callback [${}] on hook [${hook}]\x1b[0m`);
callback.apply(this, args);