
194 lines
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import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
import { Utils, addGraphQLMutation, addGraphQLResolvers, Connectors } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
* @summary Verify that the un/subscription can be performed
* @param {String} action
* @param {Collection} collection
* @param {String} itemId
* @param {Object} user
* @returns {Object} collectionName, fields: object, item, hasSubscribedItem: boolean
const prepareSubscription = (action, collection, itemId, user) => {
// get item's collection name
const collectionName = collection._name.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + collection._name.slice(1);
// get item data
const item = collection.findOne(itemId);
// there no user logged in or no item, abort process
if (!user || !item) {
return false;
// edge case: Users collection
if (collectionName === 'Users') {
// someone can't subscribe to themself, abort process
if (item._id === user._id) {
return false;
} else {
// the item's owner is the subscriber, abort process
if (item.userId && item.userId === user._id) {
return false;
// assign the right fields depending on the collection
const fields = {
subscribers: 'subscribers',
subscriberCount: 'subscriberCount',
// return true if the item has the subscriber's id in its fields
const hasSubscribedItem = !!_.deep(item, fields.subscribers) && _.deep(item, fields.subscribers) && _.deep(item, fields.subscribers).indexOf(user._id) !== -1;
// assign the right update operator and count depending on the action type
const updateQuery = action === 'subscribe' ? {
findOperator: '$ne', // where 'IT' isn't...
updateOperator: '$addToSet', // ...add 'IT' to the array...
updateCount: 1, // ...and log the addition +1
} : {
findOperator: '$eq', // where 'IT' is...
updateOperator: '$pull', // ...remove 'IT' from the array...
updateCount: -1, // ...and log the subtraction -1
// return the utility object to pursue
return {
* @summary Perform the un/subscription after verification: update the collection item & the user
* @param {String} action
* @param {Collection} collection
* @param {String} itemId
* @param {Object} user: current user (xxx: legacy, to replace with this.userId)
* @returns {Boolean}
const performSubscriptionAction = (action, collection, itemId, user) => {
// subscription preparation to verify if can pursue and give shorthand variables
const subscription = prepareSubscription(action, collection, itemId, user);
// Abort process if the situation matches one of these cases:
// - subscription preparation failed (ex: no user, no item, subscriber is author's item, ... see all cases above)
// - the action is subscribe but the user has already subscribed to this item
// - the action is unsubscribe but the user hasn't subscribed to this item
if (!subscription || (action === 'subscribe' && subscription.hasSubscribedItem) || (action === 'unsubscribe' && !subscription.hasSubscribedItem)) {
throw Error(Utils.encodeIntlError({id: 'app.mutation_not_allowed', value: 'Already subscribed'}))
// shorthand for useful variables
const { collectionName, fields, item, findOperator, updateOperator, updateCount } = subscription;
// Perform the action, eg. operate on the item's collection
const result = Connectors.update(collection, {
_id: itemId,
// if it's a subscription, find where there are not the user (ie. findOperator = $ne), else it will be $in
[fields.subscribers]: { [findOperator]: user._id }
}, {
// if it's a subscription, add a subscriber (ie. updateOperator = $addToSet), else it will be $pull
[updateOperator]: { [fields.subscribers]: user._id },
// if it's a subscription, the count is incremented of 1, else decremented of 1
$inc: { [fields.subscriberCount]: updateCount },
// log the operation on the subscriber if it has succeeded
if (result > 0) {
// id of the item subject of the action
let loggedItem = {
itemId: item._id,
// in case of subscription, log also the date
if (action === 'subscribe') {
loggedItem = {
subscribedAt: new Date()
// update the user's list of subscribed items
_id: user._id
}, {
[updateOperator]: { [`subscribedItems.${collectionName}`]: loggedItem }
const updatedUser = Users.findOne({_id: user._id}, {fields: {_id:1, subscribedItems: 1}});
return updatedUser;
} else {
throw Error(Utils.encodeIntlError({id: 'app.something_bad_happened'}))
* @summary Generate mutations 'collection.subscribe' & 'collection.unsubscribe' automatically
* @params {Array[Collections]} collections
const subscribeMutationsGenerator = (collection) => {
// generic mutation function calling the performSubscriptionAction
const genericMutationFunction = (collectionName, action) => {
// return the method code
return function(root, { documentId }, context) {
// extract the current user & the relevant collection from the graphql server context
const { currentUser, [Utils.capitalize(collectionName)]: collection } = context;
// permission check
if (!Users.canDo(context.currentUser, `${collectionName}.${action}`)) {
throw new Error(Utils.encodeIntlError({id: "app.noPermission"}));
// do the actual subscription action
return performSubscriptionAction(action, collection, documentId, currentUser);
const collectionName = collection._name;
// add mutations to the schema
addGraphQLMutation(`${collectionName}Subscribe(documentId: String): User`),
addGraphQLMutation(`${collectionName}Unsubscribe(documentId: String): User`);
// create an object of the shape expected by mutations resolvers
Mutation: {
[`${collectionName}Subscribe`]: genericMutationFunction(collectionName, 'subscribe'),
[`${collectionName}Unsubscribe`]: genericMutationFunction(collectionName, 'unsubscribe'),
// Finally. Add the mutations to the Meteor namespace 🖖
// vulcan:users is a dependency of this package, it is alreay imported
// note: leverage weak dependencies on packages
const Posts = Package['vulcan:posts'] ? Package['vulcan:posts'].default : null;
// check if vulcan:posts exists, if yes, add the mutations to Posts
if (!!Posts) {
// check if vulcan:categories exists, if yes, add the mutations to Categories
const Categories = Package['vulcan:categories'] ? Package['vulcan:categories'].default : null;
if (!!Categories) {
export default subscribeMutationsGenerator;