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Mutations have four steps:
1. Validation
If the mutation call is not trusted (i.e. it comes from a GraphQL mutation),
we'll run all validate steps:
- Check that the current user has permission to insert/edit each field.
- Add userId to document (insert only).
- Run validation callbacks.
2. Sync Callbacks
The second step is to run the mutation argument through all the sync callbacks.
3. Operation
We then perform the insert/update/remove operation.
4. Async Callbacks
Finally, *after* the operation is performed, we execute any async callbacks.
Being async, they won't hold up the mutation and slow down its response time
to the client.
import { runCallbacks, runCallbacksAsync } from '../modules/index.js';
import { createError } from 'apollo-errors';
import { validateDocument, validateData, dataToModifier, modifierToData } from '../modules/validation.js';
import { registerSetting } from '../modules/settings.js';
import { debug, debugGroup, debugGroupEnd } from '../modules/debug.js';
import { Connectors } from './connectors.js';
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy';
import clone from 'lodash/clone';
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
registerSetting('database', 'mongo', 'Which database to use for your back-end');
export const createMutator = async ({ collection, document, data, currentUser, validate, context }) => {
const { collectionName, typeName } = collection.options;
debugGroup(`--------------- start \x1b[36m${collectionName} Create Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
debug(`validate: ${validate}`);
debug(document || data);
// we don't want to modify the original document
let newDocument = Object.assign({}, document || data);
const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema;
if (validate) {
const validationErrors = validateDocument(newDocument, collection, context);
// run validation callbacks
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.create.validate`, iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, validationErrors, collection }});
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.create.validate', iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, validationErrors, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
newDocument = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.new.validate`, newDocument, currentUser, validationErrors);
if (validationErrors.length) {
const NewDocumentValidationError = createError('app.validation_error', {message: 'app.new_document_validation_error'});
throw new NewDocumentValidationError({data: {break: true, errors: validationErrors}});
// if user is logged in, check if userId field is in the schema and add it to document if needed
if (currentUser) {
const userIdInSchema = Object.keys(schema).find(key => key === 'userId');
if (!!userIdInSchema && !newDocument.userId) newDocument.userId = currentUser._id;
run onCreate step
note: cannot use forEach with async/await.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/37576787/649299
note: clone arguments in case callbacks modify them
for(let fieldName of Object.keys(schema)) {
let autoValue;
if (schema[fieldName].onCreate) {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility: keep both newDocument and data for now, but phase our newDocument eventually
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
autoValue = await schema[fieldName].onCreate({ newDocument: clone(newDocument), data: clone(newDocument), currentUser });
} else if (schema[fieldName].onInsert) {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
autoValue = await schema[fieldName].onInsert(clone(newDocument), currentUser);
if (typeof autoValue !== 'undefined') {
newDocument[fieldName] = autoValue;
// TODO: find that info in GraphQL mutations
// if (Meteor.isServer && this.connection) {
// post.userIP = this.connection.clientAddress;
// post.userAgent = this.connection.httpHeaders['user-agent'];
// }
// run sync callbacks
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.create.before`, iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.create.before', iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
newDocument = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.new.before`, newDocument, currentUser);
newDocument = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.new.sync`, newDocument, currentUser);
// add _id to document
newDocument._id = await Connectors.create(collection, newDocument);
// run any post-operation sync callbacks
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.create.after`, iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.create.after', iterator: newDocument, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
newDocument = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.new.after`, newDocument, currentUser);
// get fresh copy of document from db
// TODO: not needed?
const insertedDocument = await Connectors.get(collection, newDocument._id);
// run async callbacks
// note: query for document to get fresh document with collection-hooks effects applied
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.create.async`, properties: { insertedDocument, currentUser, collection }});
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: '*.create.async', properties: { insertedDocument, currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
await runCallbacksAsync(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.new.async`, insertedDocument, currentUser, collection);
debug('\x1b[33m=> created new document: \x1b[0m');
debug(`--------------- end \x1b[36m${collectionName} Create Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
return { data: newDocument };
export const updateMutator = async ({ collection, documentId, selector, data, set = {}, unset = {}, currentUser, validate, context, document }) => {
const { collectionName, typeName } = collection.options;
const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema;
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
selector = selector || { _id: documentId };
data = data || modifierToData({ $set: set, $unset: unset });
if (isEmpty(selector)) {
throw new Error('Selector cannot be empty');
// get original document from database or arguments
document = document || await Connectors.get(collection, selector);
if (!document) {
throw new Error(`Could not find document to update for selector: ${JSON.stringify(selector)}`);
debugGroup(`--------------- start \x1b[36m${collectionName} Update Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
debug('// collectionName: ', collectionName);
debug('// selector: ', selector);
debug('// data: ', data);
if (validate) {
let validationErrors;
validationErrors = validateData(data, document, collection, context);
data = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.update.validate`, iterator: data, properties: { document, currentUser, validationErrors, collection }});
data = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.update.validate', iterator: data, properties: { document, currentUser, validationErrors, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
data = modifierToData(await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.edit.validate`, dataToModifier(data), document, currentUser, validationErrors));
if (validationErrors.length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('// validationErrors');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const EditDocumentValidationError = createError('app.validation_error', { message: 'app.edit_document_validation_error' });
throw new EditDocumentValidationError({data: {break: true, errors: validationErrors}});
// get a "preview" of the new document
let newDocument = { ...document, ...data};
newDocument = pickBy(newDocument, f => f !== null);
// run onUpdate step
for(let fieldName of Object.keys(schema)) {
let autoValue;
if (schema[fieldName].onUpdate) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
autoValue = await schema[fieldName].onUpdate({ data: clone(data), document, currentUser, newDocument });
} else if (schema[fieldName].onEdit) {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
autoValue = await schema[fieldName].onEdit(dataToModifier(clone(data)), document, currentUser, newDocument);
if (typeof autoValue !== 'undefined') {
data[fieldName] = autoValue;
// run sync callbacks
data = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.update.before`, iterator: data, properties: { document, currentUser, newDocument, collection }});
data = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.update.before', iterator: data, properties: { document, currentUser, newDocument, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
data = modifierToData(await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.edit.before`, dataToModifier(data), document, currentUser, newDocument));
data = modifierToData(await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.edit.sync`, dataToModifier(data), document, currentUser, newDocument));
// update connector requires a modifier, so get it from data
const modifier = dataToModifier(data);
// remove empty modifiers
if (_.isEmpty(modifier.$set)) {
delete modifier.$set;
if (_.isEmpty(modifier.$unset)) {
delete modifier.$unset;
if (!_.isEmpty(modifier)) {
// update document
await Connectors.update(collection, selector, modifier, { removeEmptyStrings: false });
// get fresh copy of document from db
newDocument = await Connectors.get(collection, selector);
// TODO: add support for caching by other indexes to Dataloader
// https://github.com/VulcanJS/Vulcan/issues/2000
// clear cache if needed
if (selector.documentId && collection.loader) {
// run any post-operation sync callbacks
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.update.after`, iterator: newDocument, properties: { document, currentUser, collection }});
newDocument = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.update.after', iterator: newDocument, properties: { document, currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
newDocument = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.edit.after`, newDocument, document, currentUser);
// run async callbacks
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.update.async`, properties: { newDocument, document, currentUser, collection }});
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: '*.update.async', properties: { newDocument, document, currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
await runCallbacksAsync(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.edit.async`, newDocument, document, currentUser, collection);
debug('\x1b[33m=> updated document with modifier: \x1b[0m');
debug('// modifier: ', modifier)
debug(`--------------- end \x1b[36m${collectionName} Update Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
return { data: newDocument };
export const deleteMutator = async ({ collection, documentId, selector, currentUser, validate, context, document }) => {
const { collectionName, typeName } = collection.options;
debugGroup(`--------------- start \x1b[36m${collectionName} Delete Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
debug('// collectionName: ', collectionName);
debug('// selector: ', selector);
const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema;
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
selector = selector || { _id: documentId };
if (isEmpty(selector)) {
throw new Error('Selector cannot be empty');
document = document || await Connectors.get(collection, selector);
if (!document) {
throw new Error(`Could not find document to delete for selector: ${JSON.stringify(selector)}`);
// if document is not trusted, run validation callbacks
if (validate) {
document = await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.delete.validate`, iterator: document, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
document = await runCallbacks({ name: '*.delete.validate', iterator: document, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
document = await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.remove.validate`, document, currentUser);
// run onRemove step
for(let fieldName of Object.keys(schema)) {
if (schema[fieldName].onDelete) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await schema[fieldName].onDelete({ document, currentUser });
} else if (schema[fieldName].onRemove) {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await schema[fieldName].onRemove(document, currentUser);
await runCallbacks({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.delete.before`, iterator: document, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
await runCallbacks({ name: '*.delete.before', iterator: document, properties: { currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.remove.before`, document, currentUser);
await runCallbacks(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.remove.sync`, document, currentUser);
await Connectors.delete(collection, selector);
// TODO: add support for caching by other indexes to Dataloader
// clear cache if needed
if (selector.documentId && collection.loader) {
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: `${typeName.toLowerCase()}.delete.async`, properties: { document, currentUser, collection }});
await runCallbacksAsync({ name: '*.delete.async', properties: { document, currentUser, collection }});
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
await runCallbacksAsync(`${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.remove.async`, document, currentUser, collection);
debug(`--------------- end \x1b[36m${collectionName} Delete Mutator\x1b[0m ---------------`);
return { data: document };
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
export const newMutation = createMutator;
export const editMutation = updateMutator;
export const removeMutation = deleteMutator;
export const newMutator = createMutator;
export const editMutator = updateMutator;
export const removeMutator = deleteMutator;