2014-09-20 09:57:09 +09:00

196 lines
5.1 KiB

CommentSchema = new SimpleSchema({
_id: {
type: String,
optional: true
parentCommentId: {
type: String,
optional: true
createdAt: {
type: Date,
optional: true
postedAt: { // for now, comments are always created and posted at the same time
type: Date,
optional: true
body: {
type: String
htmlBody: {
type: String,
optional: true
baseScore: {
type: Number,
decimal: true,
optional: true
score: {
type: Number,
decimal: true,
optional: true
upvotes: {
type: Number,
optional: true
upvoters: {
type: [String], // XXX
optional: true
downvotes: {
type: Number,
optional: true
downvoters: {
type: [String], // XXX
optional: true
author: {
type: String,
optional: true
inactive: {
type: Boolean,
optional: true
postId: {
type: String, // XXX
optional: true
userId: {
type: String, // XXX
optional: true
isDeleted: {
type: Boolean,
optional: true
Comments = new Meteor.Collection("comments");
update: function(userId, post, fieldNames) {
return false;
// deny the update if it contains something other than the following fields
return (_.without(fieldNames, 'body').length > 0);
update: canEditById,
remove: canEditById
Comments.before.insert(function (userId, doc) {
doc.htmlBody = sanitize(marked(doc.body));
Comments.before.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
// if body is being modified, update htmlBody too
if (Meteor.isServer && modifier.$set && modifier.$set.body) {
modifier.$set = modifier.$set || {};
modifier.$set.htmlBody = sanitize(marked(modifier.$set.body));
comment: function(postId, parentCommentId, text){
var user = Meteor.user(),
post = Posts.findOne(postId),
postUser = Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId),
timeSinceLastComment = timeSinceLast(user, Comments),
commentInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(getSetting('commentInterval',15))),
now = new Date();
// check that user can comment
if (!user || !canComment(user))
throw new Meteor.Error(i18n.t('You need to login or be invited to post new comments.'));
// check that user waits more than 15 seconds between comments
if(!this.isSimulation && (timeSinceLastComment < commentInterval))
throw new Meteor.Error(704, i18n.t('Please wait ')+(commentInterval-timeSinceLastComment)+i18n.t(' seconds before commenting again'));
// Don't allow empty comments
if (!text)
throw new Meteor.Error(704,i18n.t('Your comment is empty.'));
var comment = {
postId: postId,
body: text,
userId: user._id,
createdAt: now,
postedAt: now,
upvotes: 0,
downvotes: 0,
baseScore: 0,
score: 0,
author: getDisplayName(user)
comment.parentCommentId = parentCommentId;
// ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ //
// run all post submit server callbacks on comment object successively
comment = commentSubmitMethodCallbacks.reduce(function(result, currentFunction) {
return currentFunction(result);
}, comment);
// -------------------------------- Insert ------------------------------- //
var newCommentId=Comments.insert(comment);
// increment comment count
Meteor.users.update({_id: user._id}, {
$inc: {'data.commentsCount': 1}
// extend comment with newly created _id
comment = _.extend(comment, {_id: newCommentId});
Posts.update(postId, {
$inc: {commentsCount: 1},
$set: {lastCommentedAt: now},
$addToSet: {commenters: user._id}
});'upvoteComment', comment);
return comment;
removeComment: function(commentId){
var comment = Comments.findOne(commentId);
if(canEdit(Meteor.user(), comment)){
// decrement post comment count and remove user ID from post
Posts.update(comment.postId, {
$inc: {commentsCount: -1},
$pull: {commenters: comment.userId}
// decrement user comment count and remove comment ID from user
Meteor.users.update({_id: comment.userId}, {
$inc: {'data.commentsCount': -1}
// note: should we also decrease user's comment karma ?
// We don't actually delete the comment to avoid losing all child comments.
// Instead, we give it a special flag
Comments.update({_id: commentId}, {$set: {
body: 'Deleted',
htmlBody: 'Deleted',
isDeleted: true
throwError("You don't have permission to delete this comment.");