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import { Connectors, getSetting, debug, debugGroup, debugGroupEnd /* runCallbacksAsync, runCallbacks, addCallback */ } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import { createError } from 'apollo-errors';
import Votes from './votes/collection.js';
import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
import { recalculateScore } from './scoring.js';
const database = getSetting('database', 'mongo');
Define voting operations
const voteTypes = {}
Add new vote types
export const addVoteType = (voteType, voteTypeOptions) => {
voteTypes[voteType] = voteTypeOptions;
addVoteType('upvote', {power: 1, exclusive: true});
addVoteType('downvote', {power: -1, exclusive: true});
Test if a user has voted on the client
export const hasVotedClient = ({ document, voteType }) => {
const userVotes = document.currentUserVotes;
if (voteType) {
return _.where(userVotes, { voteType }).length
} else {
return userVotes && userVotes.length
Calculate total power of all a user's votes on a document
const calculateTotalPower = votes => _.pluck(votes, 'power').reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
Test if a user has voted on the server
const hasVotedServer = async ({ document, voteType, user }) => {
const vote = await Connectors[database].get(Votes, {documentId: document._id, userId: user._id, voteType});
return vote;
Add a vote of a specific type on the client
const addVoteClient = ({ document, collection, voteType, user, voteId }) => {
const newDocument = {
baseScore: document.baseScore || 0,
__typename: collection.options.typeName,
currentUserVotes: document.currentUserVotes || [],
// create new vote and add it to currentUserVotes array
const vote = createVote({ document, collectionName: collection.options.collectionName, voteType, user, voteId });
newDocument.currentUserVotes = [...newDocument.currentUserVotes, vote];
// increment baseScore
newDocument.baseScore += vote.power;
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
return newDocument;
Add a vote of a specific type on the server
const addVoteServer = async (voteOptions) => {
const { document, collection, voteType, user, voteId, updateDocument } = voteOptions;
const newDocument = _.clone(document);
// create vote and insert it
const vote = createVote({ document, collectionName: collection.options.collectionName, voteType, user, voteId });
delete vote.__typename;
await Connectors[database].create(Votes, vote);
// initialize baseScore to vote power if not defined yet
newDocument.baseScore = document.baseScore ? document.baseScore + vote.power : vote.power;
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
if (updateDocument) {
// update document score & set item as active
await Connectors[database].update(collection, {_id: document._id}, {$set: {inactive: false, baseScore: newDocument.baseScore, score: newDocument.score}});
return newDocument;
Cancel votes of a specific type on a given document (client)
const cancelVoteClient = ({ document, voteType }) => {
const vote = _.findWhere(document.currentUserVotes, { voteType });
const newDocument = _.clone(document);
if (vote) {
// subtract vote scores
newDocument.baseScore -= vote.power;
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
const newVotes = _.reject(document.currentUserVotes, vote => vote.voteType === voteType);
// clear out vote of this type
newDocument.currentUserVotes = newVotes;
return newDocument;
Clear *all* votes for a given document and user (client)
const clearVotesClient = ({ document }) => {
const newDocument = _.clone(document);
newDocument.baseScore -= calculateTotalPower(document.currentUserVotes);
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
newDocument.currentUserVotes = [];
return newDocument
Clear all votes for a given document and user (server)
const clearVotesServer = async ({ document, user, collection, updateDocument }) => {
const newDocument = _.clone(document);
const votes = await Connectors[database].find(Votes, { documentId: document._id, userId: user._id});
if (votes.length) {
await Connectors[database].delete(Votes, {documentId: document._id, userId: user._id});
if (updateDocument) {
await Connectors[database].update(collection, {_id: document._id}, {$inc: {baseScore: -calculateTotalPower(votes) }});
newDocument.baseScore -= calculateTotalPower(votes);
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
return newDocument;
Cancel votes of a specific type on a given document (server)
const cancelVoteServer = async ({ document, voteType, collection, user, updateDocument }) => {
const newDocument = _.clone(document);
const vote = await Connectors[database].get(Votes, {documentId: document._id, userId: user._id, voteType})
// remove vote object
await Connectors[database].delete(Votes, {_id: vote._id});
if (updateDocument) {
// update document score
await Connectors[database].update(collection, {_id: document._id}, {$inc: {baseScore: -vote.power }});
newDocument.baseScore -= vote.power;
newDocument.score = recalculateScore(newDocument);
return newDocument;
Determine a user's voting power for a given operation.
If power is a function, call it on user
const getVotePower = ({ user, voteType, document }) => {
const power = voteTypes[voteType] && voteTypes[voteType].power || 1;
return typeof power === 'function' ? power(user, document) : power;
Create new vote object
const createVote = ({ document, collectionName, voteType, user, voteId }) => {
const vote = {
documentId: document._id,
userId: user._id,
voteType: voteType,
power: getVotePower({user, voteType, document}),
votedAt: new Date(),
__typename: 'Vote'
// when creating a vote from the server, voteId can sometimes be undefined
if (voteId) vote._id = voteId;
return vote;
Optimistic response for votes
export const performVoteClient = ({ document, collection, voteType = 'upvote', user, voteId }) => {
const collectionName = collection.options.collectionName;
let returnedDocument;
// console.log('// voteOptimisticResponse')
// console.log('collectionName: ', collectionName)
// console.log('document:', document)
// console.log('voteType:', voteType)
// make sure item and user are defined
if (!document || !user || !Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.${voteType}`)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot perform operation '${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.${voteType}'`);
const voteOptions = {document, collection, voteType, user, voteId};
if (hasVotedClient({document, voteType})) {
// console.log('action: cancel')
returnedDocument = cancelVoteClient(voteOptions);
// returnedDocument = runCallbacks(`votes.cancel.client`, returnedDocument, collection, user);
} else {
// console.log('action: vote')
if (voteTypes[voteType].exclusive) {
clearVotesClient({document, collection, voteType, user, voteId})
returnedDocument = addVoteClient(voteOptions);
// returnedDocument = runCallbacks(`votes.${voteType}.client`, returnedDocument, collection, user);
// console.log('returnedDocument:', returnedDocument)
return returnedDocument;
Server-side database operation
### updateDocument
if set to true, this will perform its own database updates. If false, will only
return an updated document without performing any database operations on it.
export const performVoteServer = async ({ documentId, document, voteType = 'upvote', collection, voteId, user, updateDocument = true }) => {
const collectionName = collection.options.collectionName;
document = document || await Connectors[database].get(collection, documentId);
debugGroup(`--------------- start \x1b[35mperformVoteServer\x1b[0m ---------------`);
debug('collectionName: ', collectionName);
debug('document: ', document);
debug('voteType: ', voteType);
const voteOptions = {document, collection, voteType, user, voteId, updateDocument};
if (!document || !user || !Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName.toLowerCase()}.${voteType}`)) {
const VoteError = createError('voting.no_permission', {message: 'voting.no_permission'});
throw new VoteError();
if (hasVotedServer({document, voteType, user})) {
// console.log('action: cancel')
// runCallbacks(`votes.cancel.sync`, document, collection, user);
document = await cancelVoteServer(voteOptions);
// runCallbacksAsync(`votes.cancel.async`, vote, document, collection, user);
} else {
// console.log('action: vote')
if (voteTypes[voteType].exclusive) {
document = await clearVotesServer(voteOptions)
// runCallbacks(`votes.${voteType}.sync`, document, collection, user);
document = await addVoteServer(voteOptions);
// runCallbacksAsync(`votes.${voteType}.async`, vote, document, collection, user);
debug('document after vote: ', document);
debug(`--------------- end \x1b[35m performVoteServer\x1b[0m ---------------`);
// const newDocument = collection.findOne(documentId);
document.__typename = collection.options.typeName;
return document;