2016-11-25 12:22:13 +09:00

173 lines
5.8 KiB

import Telescope from 'meteor/nova:lib';
import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
import { intlShape } from 'react-intl';
import { withApollo, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import { withCurrentUser } from 'meteor/nova:core';
import { getEditableFields, getInsertableFields } from './utils.js';
import FormWithMutations from './FormWithMutations.jsx';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { withSingle } from 'meteor/nova:core';
class FormWithSingle extends Component{
// return the current schema based on either the schema or collection prop
getSchema() {
return this.props.schema ? this.props.schema : Telescope.utils.stripTelescopeNamespace(this.props.collection.simpleSchema()._schema);
// if a document is being passed, this is an edit form
getFormType() {
return this.props.documentId ? "edit" : "new";
// get fragment used to decide what data to load from the server to populate the form,
// as well as what data to ask for as return value for the mutation
getFragment() {
const prefix = `${this.props.collection._name}${Telescope.utils.capitalize(this.getFormType())}`
const fragmentName = `${prefix}FormFragment`;
const fields = this.props.fields;
// get all editable/insertable fields (depending on current form type)
let relevantFields = this.getFormType() === 'edit' ? getEditableFields(this.getSchema(), this.props.currentUser) : getInsertableFields(this.getSchema(), this.props.currentUser);
// if "fields" prop is specified, restrict list of fields to it
if (typeof fields !== "undefined" && fields.length > 0) {
relevantFields = _.intersection(relevantFields, fields);
// fields with resolvers that contain "[" should be treated as arrays of _ids
// TODO: find a cleaner way to handle this
relevantFields = => {
const resolveAs = this.getSchema()[fieldName].resolveAs;
return resolveAs && resolveAs.indexOf('[') > -1 ? `${fieldName}{_id}` : fieldName;
// generate fragment based on the fields that can be edited. Note: always add _id.
const fragment = `fragment ${fragmentName} on ${this.props.collection.typeName} {
return gql`${fragment}`;
// prevent extra re-renderings for unknown reasons
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
render() {
const prefix = `${this.props.collection._name}${Telescope.utils.capitalize(this.getFormType())}`
const queryName = `${prefix}FormQuery`;
const fragmentName = `${prefix}FormFragment`;
// props received from parent component (i.e. <NovaForm/> call)
const parentProps = this.props;
// props to pass on to child component (i.e. <FormWithMutations />)
const childProps = {
formType: this.getFormType(),
schema: this.getSchema(),
fragment: this.getFragment(),
// if this is an edit from, load the necessary data using the withSingle HoC
if (this.getFormType() === 'edit') {
// options for the withSingle HoC
const withSingleOptions = {
collection: this.props.collection,
queryName: queryName,
fragmentName: fragmentName,
fragment: this.getFragment(),
// create a stateless loader component that's wrapped with withSingle,
// displays the loading state if needed, and passes on loading and document
const Loader = props => {
const { document, loading } = props;
return loading ?
<Telescope.components.Loading /> :
Loader.displayName = `withLoader(FormWithMutations)`;
const ComponentWithSingle = withSingle(withSingleOptions)(Loader);
return <ComponentWithSingle documentId={this.props.documentId} />
} else {
return <FormWithMutations {...childProps} {...parentProps} />
componentWillUnmount() {
// note: patch to cancel closeCallback given by parent
// we clean the event by hand
// example : the closeCallback is a function that closes a modal by calling setState, this modal being the parent of this NovaForm component
// if this componentWillUnmount hook is triggered, that means that the modal doesn't exist anymore!
// let's not call setState on an unmounted component (avoid no-op / memory leak)
this.context.closeCallback = f => f;
FormWithSingle.propTypes = {
// main options
collection: React.PropTypes.object,
documentId: React.PropTypes.string, // if a document is passed, this will be an edit form
schema: React.PropTypes.object, // usually not needed
// graphQL
newMutation: React.PropTypes.func, // the new mutation
editMutation: React.PropTypes.func, // the edit mutation
removeMutation: React.PropTypes.func, // the remove mutation
// form
prefilledProps: React.PropTypes.object,
layout: React.PropTypes.string,
fields: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string),
showRemove: React.PropTypes.bool,
// callbacks
submitCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
successCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
removeSuccessCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
errorCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
cancelCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
client: React.PropTypes.object,
FormWithSingle.defaultProps = {
layout: "horizontal",
FormWithSingle.contextTypes = {
closeCallback: React.PropTypes.func,
intl: intlShape
FormWithSingle.childContextTypes = {
autofilledValues: React.PropTypes.object,
addToAutofilledValues: React.PropTypes.func,
updateCurrentValue: React.PropTypes.func,
throwError: React.PropTypes.func,
getDocument: React.PropTypes.func
module.exports = compose(