import { registerComponent, Components, getCollection, Utils } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import withCurrentUser from '../containers/withCurrentUser.js'; import withList from '../containers/withList.js'; import { FormattedMessage, intlShape } from 'meteor/vulcan:i18n'; import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'; import { getFieldValue } from './Card.jsx'; /* Datatable Component */ // see: const delay = (function(){ var timer = 0; return function(callback, ms){ clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); class Datatable extends PureComponent { constructor() { super(); this.updateQuery = this.updateQuery.bind(this); this.state = { value: '', query: '' } } updateQuery(e) { e.persist() e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ value: }); delay(() => { this.setState({ query: }); }, 700 ); } render() { if ( { // static JSON datatable return ; } else { // dynamic datatable with data loading const collection = this.props.collection || getCollection(this.props.collectionName); const options = { collection, ...this.props.options } const DatatableWithList = withList(options)(Components.DatatableContents); const canInsert = collection.options && collection.options.mutations && &&; return (
) } } } Datatable.propTypes = { collection: PropTypes.object, columns: PropTypes.array, data: PropTypes.array, options: PropTypes.object, showEdit: PropTypes.bool, showNew: PropTypes.bool, showSearch: PropTypes.bool, newFormOptions: PropTypes.object, editFormOptions: PropTypes.object, emptyState: PropTypes.object, } Datatable.defaultProps = { showNew: true, showEdit: true, showSearch: true, } registerComponent('Datatable', Datatable, withCurrentUser); /* DatatableAbove Component */ const DatatableAbove = (props) => { const { collection, currentUser, showSearch, showNew, canInsert, value, updateQuery, options, newFormOptions } = props; return (
{showSearch && } {showNew && canInsert && }
) } registerComponent('DatatableAbove', DatatableAbove); /* DatatableHeader Component */ const DatatableHeader = ({ collection, column }, { intl }) => { const columnName = typeof column === 'string' ? column : column.label ||; if (collection) { const schema = collection.simpleSchema()._schema; /* use either: 1. the column name translation 2. the column name label in the schema (if the column name matches a schema field) 3. the raw column name. */ const defaultMessage = schema[columnName] ? schema[columnName].label : Utils.camelToSpaces(columnName); const formattedLabel = intl.formatMessage({ id: `${collection._name}.${columnName}`, defaultMessage }); return {formattedLabel}; } else { const formattedLabel = intl.formatMessage({ id: columnName, defaultMessage: columnName }); return {formattedLabel}; } } DatatableHeader.contextTypes = { intl: intlShape }; registerComponent('DatatableHeader', DatatableHeader); /* DatatableContents Component */ const DatatableContents = (props) => { const {collection, columns, results, loading, loadMore, count, totalCount, networkStatus, showEdit, currentUser, emptyState} = props; if (loading) { return
; } else if (!results.length) { return emptyState || null; } const isLoadingMore = networkStatus === 2; const hasMore = totalCount > results.length; return (
{_.sortBy(columns, column => column.order).map((column, index) => )} {showEdit ? : null} {, index) => )}
{hasMore &&
{isLoadingMore ? : }
) } registerComponent('DatatableContents', DatatableContents); /* DatatableRow Component */ const DatatableRow = (props, { intl }) => { const { collection, columns, document, showEdit, currentUser, options, editFormOptions, rowClass } = props; const canEdit = collection && collection.options && collection.options.mutations && collection.options.mutations.edit && collection.options.mutations.edit.check(currentUser, document); const row = typeof rowClass === 'function' ? rowClass(document) : rowClass || ''; return ( {_.sortBy(columns, column => column.order).map((column, index) => )} {showEdit && canEdit ? : null} ) } registerComponent('DatatableRow', DatatableRow); DatatableRow.contextTypes = { intl: intlShape }; /* DatatableCell Component */ const DatatableCell = ({ column, document, currentUser }) => { const Component = column.component || Components[column.componentName] || Components.DatatableDefaultCell; const columnName = || column; return ( ) } registerComponent('DatatableCell', DatatableCell); /* DatatableDefaultCell Component */ const DatatableDefaultCell = ({ column, document }) =>
{typeof column === 'string' ? getFieldValue(document[column]) : getFieldValue(document[])}
registerComponent('DatatableDefaultCell', DatatableDefaultCell);