getUnsubscribeLink = function(user){ return Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'unsubscribe/'+user.email_hash; }; // given a notification, return the correct subject and html to send an email buildEmailNotification = function (notification) { var subject, template; var post =; var comment =; switch(notification.event){ case 'newReply': subject = 'Someone replied to your comment on "'+post.title+'"'; template = 'emailNewReply'; break; case 'newComment': subject = 'A new comment on your post "'+post.title+'"'; template = 'emailNewComment'; break; default: break; } var emailProperties = _.extend(, { body: marked(comment.body), profileUrl: getProfileUrlById(comment.userId), postCommentUrl: getPostCommentUrl(post._id, comment._id), postLink: getPostLink(post) }); // console.log(emailProperties) var notificationHtml = Handlebars.templates[getTemplate(template)](emailProperties); var html = buildEmailTemplate(notificationHtml); return { subject: subject, html: html } } newPostNotification = function(post, excludedIDs){ var excludedIDs = typeof excludedIDs == 'undefined' ? [] : excludedIDs; var p = getPostProperties(post); var subject = p.postAuthorName+' has created a new post: '+p.postTitle; var html = buildEmailTemplate(Handlebars.templates[getTemplate('emailNewPost')](p)); // send a notification to every user according to their notifications settings Meteor.users.find({'profile.notifications.posts': 1}).forEach(function(user) { // don't send user a notification if their ID is in excludedIDs if(excludedIDs.indexOf(user._id) == -1) sendEmail(getEmail(user), subject, html); }); } Meteor.methods({ unsubscribeUser : function(hash){ // TO-DO: currently, if you have somebody's email you can unsubscribe them // A user-specific salt should be added to the hashing method to prevent this var user = Meteor.users.findOne({email_hash: hash}); if(user){ var update = Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: { 'profile.notifications.users' : 0, 'profile.notifications.posts' : 0, 'profile.notifications.comments' : 0, 'profile.notifications.replies' : 0 } }); return true; } return false; } });