////////////////////////// // Notification Helpers // ////////////////////////// /** * Grab common comment properties (for email notifications, only used on server). * @param {Object} post */ Comments.getProperties = function (comment) { var commentAuthor = Meteor.users.findOne(comment.userId); var post = Posts.findOne(comment.postId); var c = { profileUrl: commentAuthor && commentAuthor.getProfileUrl(true), postUrl: Posts.getPageUrl(post, true), authorName : comment.getAuthorName(true), postTitle: Posts.findOne(comment.postId).title, htmlBody: comment.htmlBody, commentUrl: Comments.getPageUrl(comment, true) }; console.log(c) return c; }; ////////////////// // Link Helpers // ////////////////// /** * Get URL of a comment page. * @param {Object} comment */ Comments.getPageUrl = function(comment, isAbsolute){ var isAbsolute = typeof isAbsolute === "undefined" ? false : isAbsolute; // default to false var prefix = isAbsolute ? Telescope.utils.getSiteUrl().slice(0,-1) : ""; return prefix + Router.path("comment_page", comment); }; Comments.helpers({getPageUrl: function () {return Comments.getPageUrl(this);}}); /////////////////// // Other Helpers // /////////////////// /** * Get a comment author's name * @param {Object} comment */ Comments.getAuthorName = function (comment) { var user = Meteor.users.findOne(comment.userId); if (user) { return user.getUserName(); } else { return comment.author; } }; Comments.helpers({getAuthorName: function () {return Comments.getAuthorName(this);}});