import { Utils } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; export function getCategories (apolloClient) { // get the current data of the store const apolloData =; // filter these data based on their typename: we are interested in the categories data let categories = _.filter(apolloData, (object, key) => { return object.__typename === 'Category' }); // order categories categories = _.sortBy(categories, cat => cat.order); return categories; } export function getCategoriesAsOptions (apolloClient) { // give the form component (here: checkboxgroup) exploitable data return getCategories(apolloClient).map(function (category) { return { value: category._id, label:, // slug: category.slug, // note: it may be used to look up from prefilled props }; }); } export function getCategoriesAsNestedOptions (apolloClient) { // give the form component (here: checkboxgroup) exploitable data const formattedCategories = getCategories(apolloClient).map(function (category) { return { value: category._id, label:, parentId: category.parentId, _id: category._id // slug: category.slug, // note: it may be used to look up from prefilled props }; }); const nestedCategories = Utils.unflatten(formattedCategories, {idProperty: '_id', parentIdProperty: 'parentId', childrenProperty: 'options'}); return nestedCategories; } // category schema const schema = { _id: { type: String, viewableBy: ['guests'], optional: true, }, name: { type: String, viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], }, description: { type: String, optional: true, viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], form: { rows: 3 } }, order: { type: Number, optional: true, viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], }, slug: { type: String, optional: true, viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], }, image: { type: String, optional: true, viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], }, parentId: { type: String, optional: true, control: "select", viewableBy: ['guests'], insertableBy: ['members'], editableBy: ['members'], resolveAs: { fieldName: 'parent', type: 'Category', resolver: async (category, args, {currentUser, Users, Categories}) => { if (!category.parentId) return null; const parent = await Categories.loader.load(category.parentId); return Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Categories, parent); }, keepOriginal: true }, form: { options: formProps => getCategoriesAsOptions(formProps.client) } } }; export default schema;