### v0.22.1 “DebugScope” * Introduced new [template debug mode](http://docs.telescopeapp.org/docs/debug-mode). * Fixed invites bugs (thanks @badibouteraa!). * Made hero modules full width (thanks @jshimko!). * Renamed `nav` template to `header`. * Renamed `postsListTop` zone to `top`. * Renamed `footer` template to `footer_code`, which is part of the `footer` module zone. * Any template can now be used as menu label in menu component. * Added `Telescope.menuItems.removeAll()` * Number of columns in Hubble grid layout now adapts to viewport width. * Added image support to RSS feed and API. * Added setting for pointing RSS feed to discussion pages. * Made video lightbox responsive and made video stop on lightbox close. * Simplified template modules markup structure. * Fixed bug preventing non-logged-in users from signing up to newsletter (thanks @frabrunelle!). * Moved errors and banners styles to base theme. * Updated Kadira package. * Implemented post-specific SEO logic for generating Open Graph and Twitter meta tags.