Template.settings.events = { 'click input[type=submit]': function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!Meteor.user()) throw 'You must be logged in.'; var title= $('#title').val(); var theme = $('#theme').val(); var footerCode=$("#footer_code").val(); var analyticsCode = $('#analytics_code').val(); var tlkioChannel = $('#tlkio_channel').val(); var mixpanelId= $('#mixpanel_id').val(); var proxinoKey=$('#proxino_key').val(); var prevSetting=Settings.find().fetch()[0]; if(prevSetting){ Settings.update(prevSetting._id,{ $set: { title: title, theme: theme, footerCode: footerCode, analyticsCode: analyticsCode, tlkioChannel: tlkioChannel, mixpanelId: mixpanelId, proxinoKey: proxinoKey } }, function(){ throwError("Settings have been updated"); }); }else{ var settingId = Settings.insert({ title: title, theme: theme, footerCode: footerCode, analyticsCode: analyticsCode, tlkioChannel: tlkioChannel, mixpanelId: mixpanelId, proxinoKey: proxinoKey }, function(){ throwError("Settings have been created"); }); } } }; Template.settings.currentUserIsAdmin = function(){ return currentUserIsAdmin(); } Template.settings.no_settings = function(){ if(Settings.find().fetch()[0]){ return false; } return true; } Template.settings.setting = function(){ var setting = Settings.find().fetch()[0]; return setting; }; Template.settings.is_theme = function(theme){ if(theme==this.setting.theme){ return true; } return false; }; Template.settings.is_ascndr = function(){return this.theme=="ascndr" ? true : false;} Template.settings.is_telescope = function(){return this.theme=="telescope" ? true : false;} Template.settings.is_default = function(){return this.theme=="default" ? true : false;}