import Posts from "meteor/nova:posts"; import Users from 'meteor/nova:users'; import Categories from "./collection.js"; Meteor.methods({ "categories.deleteById": function (categoryId) { check(categoryId, String); const currentUser = this.userId && Users.findOne(this.userId); if (Users.canDo(currentUser, "categories.remove.all")) { // delete category Categories.remove(categoryId); // find any direct children of this category and make them root categories Categories.find({parentId: categoryId}).forEach(function (category) { Categories.update(category._id, {$unset: {parentId: ""}}); }); // find any posts with this category and remove it var postsUpdated = Posts.update({categories: {$in: [categoryId]}}, {$pull: {categories: categoryId}}, {multi: true}); return postsUpdated; } } }); Categories.smartMethods({ createName: "", editName: "categories.edit" });