Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts'); STATUS_PENDING=1; STATUS_APPROVED=2; STATUS_REJECTED=3; Meteor.methods({ post: function(post){ var headline = cleanUp(post.headline), body = cleanUp(post.body), user = Meteor.user(), userId = post.userId || user._id, submitted = parseInt(post.submitted) || new Date().getTime(), defaultStatus = getSetting('requirePostsApproval') ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_APPROVED, status = post.status || defaultStatus, postWithSameLink = Posts.findOne({url: post.url}), timeSinceLastPost=timeSinceLast(user, Posts), numberOfPostsInPast24Hours=numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(user, Posts), postInterval = Math.abs(parseInt(getSetting('postInterval', 30))), maxPostsPer24Hours = Math.abs(parseInt(getSetting('maxPostsPerDay', 30))), postId = ''; // check that user can post if (!user || !canPost(user)) throw new Meteor.Error(601, 'You need to login or be invited to post new stories.'); // check that user provided a headline if(!post.headline) throw new Meteor.Error(602, 'Please fill in a headline'); // check that there are no previous posts with the same link if(post.url && postWithSameLink){'upvotePost', postWithSameLink._id); throw new Meteor.Error(603, 'This link has already been posted', postWithSameLink._id); } if(!isAdmin(Meteor.user())){ // check that user waits more than X seconds between posts if(!this.isSimulation && timeSinceLastPost < postInterval) throw new Meteor.Error(604, 'Please wait '+(postInterval-timeSinceLastPost)+' seconds before posting again'); // check that the user doesn't post more than Y posts per day if(!this.isSimulation && numberOfPostsInPast24Hours > maxPostsPer24Hours) throw new Meteor.Error(605, 'Sorry, you cannot submit more than '+maxPostsPer24Hours+' posts per day'); } post = _.extend(post, { headline: headline, body: body, userId: userId, author: getDisplayNameById(userId), createdAt: new Date().getTime(), votes: 0, comments: 0, baseScore: 0, score: 0, inactive: false, status: status }); if(status == STATUS_APPROVED){ // if post is approved, set its submitted date (if post is pending, submitted date is left blank) post.submitted = submitted; } Posts.insert(post, function(error, result){ if(result){ postId = result; } }); var postAuthor = Meteor.users.findOne(post.userId);'upvotePost', postId,postAuthor); if(getSetting('newPostsNotifications')){ // notify admin of new posts var properties = { postAuthorName : getDisplayName(postAuthor), postAuthorId : post.userId, postHeadline : headline, postId : postId } var notification = getNotification('newPost', properties); // call a server method because we do not have access to admin users' info on the client'notifyAdmins', notification, Meteor.user(), function(error, result){ //run asynchronously }); } // add the post's own ID to the post object and return it to the client post.postId = postId; return post; }, post_edit: function(post){ //TO-DO: make post_edit server-side? } });