import Users from './collection.js'; /** * @summary Users.groups object */ Users.groups = {}; /** * @summary Group class */ class Group { constructor() { this.actions = []; } can(actions) { actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? actions : actions; this.actions = this.actions.concat(actions); } cannot(actions) { actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? actions : actions; this.actions = _.difference(this.actions, actions); } } //////////////////// // Helpers // //////////////////// /** * @summary create a new group * @param {String} groupName */ Users.createGroup = groupName => { Users.groups[groupName] = new Group(); }; /** * @summary get a list of a user's groups * @param {Object} user */ Users.getGroups = user => { let userGroups = []; if (!user) { // anonymous user userGroups = ["anonymous"]; } else { userGroups = ["default"]; if (user.telescope.groups) { // custom groups userGroups = userGroups.concat(user.telescope.groups); } if (Users.isAdmin(user)) { // admin userGroups.push("admins"); } } return userGroups; }; /** * @summary get a list of all the actions a user can perform * @param {Object} user */ Users.getActions = user => { const userGroups = Users.getGroups(user); const groupActions = => { // note: make sure groupName corresponds to an actual group const group = Users.groups[groupName]; return group && group.actions; }); return _.unique(_.flatten(groupActions)); }; /** * @summary check if a user can perform a specific action * @param {Object} user * @param {String} action */ Users.canDo = (user, action) => { return Users.getActions(user).indexOf(action) !== -1; }; /** * @summary Check if a given user can view a specific document * @param {Object} user - can be undefined! * @param {Object} document - Note: only actually works with posts for now */ Users.canView = function (user, document) { const status = _.findWhere(Posts.config.postStatuses, {value: document.status}).label; const collectionName = document.getCollectionName(); if (!document) { return false; } if (Users.owns(user, document)) { return Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName}.view.${status}.own`); } else { return Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName}.view.${status}.all`); } }; /** * @summary Check if a user can edit a document * @param {Object} user - The user performing the action * @param {Object} document - The document being edited */ Users.canEdit = function (user, document) { user = (typeof user === 'undefined') ? Meteor.user() : user; const collectionName = document.getCollectionName(); if (!user || !document) { return false; } if (document.hasOwnProperty('isDeleted') && document.isDeleted) return false; if (Users.owns(user, document)) { // if this is user's document, check if user can edit own documents return Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName}.edit.own`); } else { // if this is not user's document, check if they can edit all documents return Users.canDo(user, `${collectionName}.edit.all`); } }; /** * @summary Check if a user owns a document * @param {Object|string} userOrUserId - The user or their userId * @param {Object} document - The document to check (post, comment, user object, etc.) */ Users.owns = function (user, document) { try { if (!!document.userId) { // case 1: document is a post or a comment, use userId to check return user._id === document.userId; } else { // case 2: document is a user, use _id to check return user._id === document._id; } } catch (e) { return false; // user not logged in } }; Users.helpers({owns: function (document) {return Users.owns(this, document);}}); /** * @summary Check if a user is an admin * @param {Object|string} userOrUserId - The user or their userId */ Users.isAdmin = function (userOrUserId) { try { var user = Users.getUser(userOrUserId); return !!user && !!user.isAdmin; } catch (e) { return false; // user not logged in } }; Users.isAdminById = Users.isAdmin; // use _isAdmin because there is an isAdmin property on the User schema already Users.helpers({_isAdmin: function () {return Users.isAdmin(this);}}); /** * @summary Check if a user can submit a field * @param {Object} user - The user performing the action * @param {Object} field - The field being edited or inserted */ Users.canSubmitField = function (user, field) { return user && field.insertableIf && field.insertableIf(user); }; /** @function * Check if a user can edit a field – for now, identical to Users.canSubmitField * @param {Object} user - The user performing the action * @param {Object} field - The field being edited or inserted */ Users.canEditField = function (user, field, document) { return user && field.editableIf && field.editableIf(user, document); }; //////////////////// // Initialize // //////////////////// /** * @summary initialize the 3 out-of-the-box groups */ Users.createGroup("anonymous"); // non-logged-in users Users.createGroup("default"); // regular users Users.createGroup("admins"); // admin users