var current_user_id=0; if(Meteor.user()){ current_user_id=Meteor.user()._id; } Meteor.subscribe('users', current_user_id, function(){ // once we've subscribed, set a session variable to check if the current user is an admin Session.set('currentUserIsAdmin', (Meteor.user() && !Meteor.user().loading) ? isAdmin(Meteor.user()) : false ); }); Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts'); Meteor.subscribe('posts'); Comments = new Meteor.Collection('comments'); Meteor.subscribe('comments', function() { StyleNewRecords = new Date(); }); Settings = new Meteor.Collection('settings'); Meteor.subscribe('settings', function(){ if(proxinoKey=getSetting('proxinoKey')){ Proxino = { key:null, log:function(obj){ if(typeof(obj) === "string"){ obj = {type:"Message", body:obj} } if(obj.type === undefined || obj.body === undefined){ throw "Make sure object meets form:{type:_,body:_}" } if(Proxino.key === null){ throw "Please set your API key." } obj.key = Proxino.key; if(obj.url === undefined){ var g_url; try{ g_url = Proxino.get_url(obj.body); } catch(e){ g_url = null; } if(g_url !== null && g_url.length > 0){ obj.url = g_url[0]; } else{ obj.url = document.URL; } } try{ $.ajax({ url:"", data:obj, dataType:"jsonp", success:function(data){ //console.log(data); } }); } catch(exc){ // Ignore failure to post, don't want recursive loop } }, track_errors:function(){ if(Proxino.key === null){ throw "Please set your API key." } window.onerror = function(msg, url, lineno){ var data = {type:"Exception",body:msg}; if(msg === undefined){ data.body = "No message"; } if(url !== undefined && url !== "undefined" && url !== ""){ data.url = url; } if(lineno !== undefined && lineno !== 0){ data.lineno = lineno; } //var body_str = msg + " at resource " + url + " in line " + lineno; Proxino.log(data); } }, get_url:function(text) { var urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g; return text.match(urlRegex); } } Proxino.key = proxinoKey; Proxino.track_errors(); } }); Session.set('state', 'list'); if (Meteor.is_client) { SimpleRouter = FilteredRouter.extend({ initialize: function() {; this.filter(this.require_login, {only: ['submit']}); this.filter(this.start_request); }, start_request: function(page){ Session.set("error", null); if(Meteor.user() && !Meteor.user().createdAt){ throwError("Due to the Auth API update, please log out and then create a new account. Sorry!") } return page; }, require_login: function(page) { console.log(Meteor.user()); if (Meteor.user()) { return page; } else { return 'signin'; } }, routes: { '': 'top', 'top':'top', 'new':'new', 'test':'test', 'signin':'signin', 'signup':'signup', 'submit':'submit', 'posts/deleted':'post_deleted', 'posts/:id':'post', 'posts/:id/edit':'post_edit', 'comments/deleted':'comment_deleted', 'comments/:id':'comment', 'comments/:id/edit':'comment_edit', 'settings':'settings', 'users':'users', 'account':'user_edit', 'forgot_password':'forgot_password', 'user/:id': 'user_profile', 'users/:id/edit':'user_edit' }, top: function() { this.goto('posts_top'); }, new: function() { this.goto('posts_new'); }, signup: function() { this.goto('signup'); }, signin: function() { this.goto('signin'); }, submit: function() { this.goto('post_submit'); }, settings: function() { this.goto('settings'); }, users: function() { this.goto('users'); }, post_deleted: function() { this.goto('post_deleted'); }, comment_deleted: function() { this.goto('comment_deleted'); }, forgot_password: function() { this.goto('user_password'); }, post: function(id) { console.log("post, id="+id); Session.set('selected_post_id', id); this.goto('post_page'); // on post page, we show the comment recursion window.repress_recursion=false; // reset the new comment time at each new request of the post page window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); }, post_edit: function(id) { console.log("post_edit, id="+id); Session.set('selected_post_id', id); this.goto('post_edit'); }, comment: function(id) { console.log("comment, id="+id); Session.set('selected_comment_id', id); this.goto('comment_page'); window.repress_recursion=true; window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); }, comment_edit: function(id) { console.log("comment_edit, id="+id); Session.set('selected_comment_id', id); this.goto('comment_edit'); window.newCommentTimestamp=new Date(); }, user_profile: function(id){ if(typeof id !== undefined){ window.selected_user_id=id; } this.goto('user_profile'); }, user_edit: function(id){ if(typeof id !== undefined){ window.selected_user_id=id; } this.goto('user_edit'); } }); var Router = new SimpleRouter(); Meteor.startup(function() { Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); }); } t=function(message){ var d=new Date(); console.log("### "+message+" rendered at "+d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+":"+d.getSeconds()); } function nl2br (str) { var breakTag = '
'; return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1'+ breakTag +'$2'); } $.fn.exists = function () { return this.length !== 0; } currentUserIsAdmin = function(){ return Session.get('currentUserIsAdmin'); } getSetting = function(setting){ var settings=Settings.find().fetch()[0]; if(settings){ return settings[setting]; } return ''; } getCurrentUserEmail = function(){ return Meteor.user() ? Meteor.user().emails[0].email : ''; } trackEvent = function(event, properties){ var properties= (typeof properties === 'undefined') ? {} : properties; if(typeof mixpanel != 'undefined'){ mixpanel.track(event, properties); } } EpicEditorOptions={ container: 'editor', basePath: '/editor', clientSideStorage: false, theme: { base:'/themes/base/epiceditor.css', preview:'/themes/preview/github.css', editor:'/themes/editor/epic-light.css' } }; SharrreOptions={ share: { googlePlus: true, // facebook: true, twitter: true, }, buttons: { googlePlus: {size: 'tall'}, // facebook: {layout: 'box_count'}, twitter: { count: 'vertical', via: 'TelescopeApp' }, }, enableHover: false, enableCounter: false, enableTracking: true } Meteor.startup(function(){ });