import marked from 'marked'; import Posts from "meteor/nova:posts"; import Comments from "meteor/nova:comments"; import Categories from "meteor/nova:categories"; import Events from "meteor/nova:events"; import Users from "meteor/nova:users"; // TODO: switch over to Tom's migration package. // database migrations // Migrations = new Meteor.Collection('migrations'); Meteor.startup(function () { allMigrations = Object.keys(migrationsList); _.each(allMigrations, function(migrationName){ runMigration(migrationName); }); }); Meteor.methods({ removeMigration: function (name) { check(name, String); if (Users.isAdmin(Meteor.user())) { console.log('// removing migration: ' + name); Migrations.remove({name: name}); } } }); // wrapper function for all migrations var runMigration = function (migrationName) { var migration = Migrations.findOne({name: migrationName}); if (migration){ if(typeof migration.finishedAt === 'undefined'){ // if migration exists but hasn't finished, remove it and start fresh console.log('!!! Found incomplete migration "'+migrationName+'", removing and running again.'); Migrations.remove({name: migrationName}); }else{ // do nothing // console.log('Migration "'+migrationName+'" already exists, doing nothing.') return; } } console.log("//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"); console.log("//------------// Starting "+migrationName+" Migration //-----------//"); console.log("//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"); Migrations.insert({name: migrationName, startedAt: new Date(), completed: false}); // execute migration function var itemsAffected = migrationsList[migrationName]() || 0; Migrations.update({name: migrationName}, {$set: {finishedAt: new Date(), completed: true, itemsAffected: itemsAffected}}); console.log("//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"); console.log("//------------// Ending "+migrationName+" Migration //-----------//"); console.log("//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"); }; var migrationsList = { updatePostStatus: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({status: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {status: 2}}); console.log("---------------------"); console.log("Post: "+post.title); console.log("Updating status to approved"); }); return i; }, updateCategories: function () { if (typeof Categories === "undefined" || Categories === null) return; var i = 0; Categories.find({slug: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (category) { i++; var slug = Telescope.utils.slugify(; Categories.update(category._id, {$set: {slug: slug}}); console.log("---------------------"); console.log("Category: "; console.log("Updating category with new slug: "+slug); }); return i; }, updatePostCategories: function () { if (typeof Categories === "undefined" || Categories === null) return; var i = 0; Posts.find().forEach(function (post) { i++; var oldCategories = post.categories; var newCategories = []; var category = {}; var updating = false; // by default, assume we're not going to do anything // iterate over the post.categories array // if the post has no categories then nothing will happen _.each(oldCategories, function(value){ // make sure the categories are strings if((typeof value === "string") && (category = Categories.findOne({name: value}))){ // if value is a string, then look for the matching category object // and if it exists push it to the newCategories array updating = true; // we're updating at least one category for this post newCategories.push(category); }else{ // if category A) is already an object, or B) it's a string but a matching category object doesn't exist // just keep the current value newCategories.push(value); } }); if(updating){ // update categories property on post Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {categories: newCategories}}); } // START CONSOLE LOGS console.log("---------------------"); console.log("Post: "+post.title); if(updating){ console.log(oldCategories.length+" categories: "+oldCategories); console.log("Updating categories array to: "); console.log(newCategories); }else{ console.log("No updates"); } // END CONSOLE LOGS }); return i; }, updateUserProfiles: function () { var i = 0; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find(); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' ('+user.username+')'); var properties = {}; properties.telescope = {}; // update user slug if(Users.getUserName(user)) properties.slug = Telescope.utils.slugify(Users.getUserName(user)); // update user isAdmin flag if(typeof user.isAdmin === 'undefined') properties.isAdmin = false; // update postCount var postsByUser = Posts.find({userId: user._id}); properties.telescope.postCount = postsByUser.count(); // update commentCount var commentsByUser = Comments.find({userId: user._id}); properties.telescope.commentCount = commentsByUser.count(); Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set:properties}); }); return i; }, resetUpvotesDownvotes: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find().forEach(function (post) { i++; var upvotes = 0, downvotes = 0; console.log("Post: "+post.title); if(post.upvoters){ upvotes = post.upvoters.length; console.log("Found "+upvotes+" upvotes."); } if(post.downvoters){ downvotes = post.downvoters.length; console.log("Found "+downvotes+" downvotes."); } Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {upvotes: upvotes, downvotes: downvotes}}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, resetCommentsUpvotesDownvotes: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find().forEach(function (comment) { i++; var upvotes = 0, downvotes = 0; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); if(comment.upvoters){ upvotes = comment.upvoters.length; console.log("Found "+upvotes+" upvotes."); } if(comment.downvoters){ downvotes = comment.downvoters.length; console.log("Found "+downvotes+" downvotes."); } Comments.update(comment._id, {$set: {upvotes: upvotes, downvotes: downvotes}}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, headlineToTitle: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({title: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: "+post.headline+" "+post.title); Posts.update(post._id, { $rename: { 'headline': 'title'}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, commentsSubmittedToCreatedAt: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find({createdAt: {$exists: false}}).forEach(function (comment) { i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); Comments.update(comment._id, { $rename: { 'submitted': 'createdAt'}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, commentsPostToPostId: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find({postId: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (comment) { i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); Comments.update(comment._id, { $rename: { 'post': 'postId'}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, createdAtSubmittedToDate: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find().forEach(function (post) { if(typeof post.submitted === "number" || typeof post.createdAt === "number"){ i++; console.log("Posts: "+post.title); var createdAt = new Date(post.createdAt); var submitted = new Date(post.submitted); console.log(createdAt); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'createdAt': createdAt, submitted: submitted}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); } }); return i; }, commentsCreatedAtToDate: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find().forEach(function (comment) { if(typeof comment.createdAt === "number"){ i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); var createdAt = new Date(comment.createdAt); console.log(createdAt); Comments.update(comment._id, { $set: { 'createdAt': createdAt}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); } }); return i; }, submittedToPostedAt: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({submitted: {$exists : true}, postedAt: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: "+post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $rename: { 'submitted': 'postedAt'}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, addPostedAtToComments: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find({postedAt: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (comment) { i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); Comments.update(comment._id, { $set: { 'postedAt': comment.createdAt}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, parentToParentCommentId: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find({parent: {$exists: true}, parentCommentId: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (comment) { i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); Comments.update(comment._id, { $set: { 'parentCommentId': comment.parent}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, addLastCommentedAt: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({$and: [ {$or: [{comments: {$gt: 0}}, {commentCount: {$gt: 0}}]}, {lastCommentedAt: {$exists : false}} ]}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: "+post._id); var postComments = Comments.find({$or: [{postId: post._id}, {post: post._id}]}, {sort: {postedAt: -1}}).fetch(); var lastComment; if (_.isEmpty(postComments)) { console.log('postComments from post '+post._id+' is empty. Skipping.'); return; } lastComment = postComments[0]; Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { lastCommentedAt: lastComment.postedAt}}, {multi: false, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, commentsToCommentCount: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({comments: {$exists : true}, commentCount: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: "+post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'commentCount': post.comments}, $unset: { 'comments': ''}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, addCommentersToPosts: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find().forEach(function (comment) { i++; console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); console.log("Post: "+comment.postId); Posts.update(comment.postId, { $addToSet: { 'commenters': comment.userId}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, moveVotesFromProfile: function () { var i = 0; Meteor.users.find().forEach(function (user) { i++; console.log("User: "+user._id); Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $rename: { 'profile.upvotedPosts': 'telescope.upvotedPosts', 'profile.downvotedPosts': 'telescope.downvotedPosts', 'profile.upvotedComments': 'telescope.upvotedComments', 'profile.downvotedComments': 'telescope.downvotedComments' } }, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, addHTMLBody: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({body: {$exists : true}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; var htmlBody = Telescope.utils.sanitize(marked(post.body)); console.log("Post: "+post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'htmlBody': htmlBody}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, addHTMLComment: function () { var i = 0; Comments.find({body: {$exists : true}}).forEach(function (comment) { i++; var htmlBody = Telescope.utils.sanitize(marked(comment.body)); console.log("Comment: "+comment._id); Comments.update(comment._id, { $set: { 'htmlBody': htmlBody}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, clicksToClickCount: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({"clicks": {$exists: true}, "clickCount": {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: " + post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'clickCount': post.clicks}, $unset: { 'clicks': ''}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, commentsCountToCommentCount: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({"commentCount": {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: " + post._id); Posts.update({_id: post._id}, { $set: { 'commentCount': post.commentsCount}, $unset: {'commentsCount': ""}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, userDataCommentsCountToCommentCount: function(){ var i = 0; Meteor.users.find({'commentCount': {$exists: false}}).forEach(function(user){ i++; var commentCount = Comments.find({userId: user._id}).count(); console.log("User: " + user._id); Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set: { telescope : {'commentCount': commentCount}}}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, clicksToClickCountForRealThisTime: function () { // since both fields might be co-existing, add to clickCount instead of overwriting it var i = 0; Posts.find({'clicks': {$exists: true}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: " + post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $inc: { 'clickCount': post.clicks}, $unset: {'clicks': ""}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, normalizeCategories: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({'categories': {$exists: true}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: " + post._id); var justCategoryIds = (category){ return category._id; }); Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {categories: justCategoryIds, oldCategories: post.categories}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, cleanUpStickyProperty: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({'sticky': {$exists: false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; console.log("Post: " + post._id); Posts.update(post._id, {$set: {sticky: false}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, show0112ReleaseNotes: function () { var i = 0; // if this is the 0.11.2 update, the first run event will not exist yet. // if that's the case, make sure to still show release notes if (!Events.findOne({name: 'firstRun'})) { Releases.update({number:'0.11.2'}, {$set: {read:false}}); } return i; }, removeThumbnailHTTP: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({thumbnailUrl: {$exists : true}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; var newThumbnailUrl = post.thumbnailUrl.replace("http:", ""); console.log("Post: "+post._id); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'thumbnailUrl': newThumbnailUrl}}, {multi: true, validate: false}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, updateUserNames: function () { var i = 0; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find({username: {$exists: true}, profile: {$exists: true}, 'profile.isDummy': {$ne: true}}); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; // Perform the same transforms done by useraccounts with `lowercaseUsernames` set to `true` var oldUsername = user.username; var username = user.username; username = username.trim().replace(/\s+/gm, ' '); user.profile.username = || username; delete; username = username.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/gm, ''); user.username = username; if (user.emails && user.emails.length > 0) { _.each(user.emails, function(email){ email.address = email.address.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/gm, ''); }); } console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' ('+oldUsername+' -> ' + user.username + ')'); try { Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: { emails: user.emails, profile: user.profile, username: user.username, }, }); } catch (err) { console.warn('> Unable to convert username ' + user.username + ' to lowercase!'); console.warn('> Please try to fix it by hand!! :('); } }); return i; }, changeColorNames: function () { var i = 0; var settings = Telescope.settings.collection.findOne(); var set = {}; if (!!settings) { if (!!settings.buttonColor) set.accentColor = settings.buttonColor; if (!!settings.buttonTextColor) set.accentContrastColor = settings.buttonTextColor; if (!!settings.buttonColor) set.secondaryColor = settings.headerColor; if (!!settings.buttonColor) set.secondaryContrastColor = settings.headerTextColor; if (!_.isEmpty(set)) { Telescope.settings.collection.update(settings._id, {$set: set}, {validate: false}); } } return i; }, migrateUserProfiles: function () { var i = 0; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find({telescope: {$exists: false}}); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' (' + user.username + ')'); var telescopeUserData = {}; // loop over user data schema _.each(Telescope.schemas.userData._schema, function (property, key) { if (!!user[key]) { // look for property on root of user object telescopeUserData[key] = user[key]; } else if (user.votes && !!user.votes[key]) { // look for it in user.votes object telescopeUserData[key] = user.votes[key]; } else if (user.profile && user.profile[key]) { // look for it in user.profile object telescopeUserData[key] = user.profile[key]; } }); // console.log(telescopeUserData); try { Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: { telescope: telescopeUserData } }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); console.warn('> Unable to migrate profile for user ' + user.username); } }); return i; }, migrateEmailHash: function () { var i = 0; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find({$and: [{"email_hash": {$exists: true}}, {"telescope.emailHash": {$exists: false}}]}); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' (' + user.username + ')'); var emailHash = user.email_hash; if (!!emailHash) { Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set: {"telescope.emailHash": emailHash}}); } }); return i; }, // addTopLevelCommentIdToComments: function() { // var i = 0; // // find all root comments and set topLevelCommentId on their root children // Comments.find({parentCommentId: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (comment) { // // topLevelCommentId is the root comment._id // var topLevelCommentId = comment._id; // console.log("Root Comment found: " + topLevelCommentId); // // find childComments that have this root comment as parentCommentId // Comments.find({parentCommentId: comment._id}).forEach(function (childComment) { // i++; // updateParentAndChild(topLevelCommentId, childComment._id); // }); // }); // function updateParentAndChild(topLevelCommentId, parentId) { // i++; // console.log("Parent Comment: " + parentId, " top level comment " + topLevelCommentId); // Comments.update(parentId, {$set: {'topLevelCommentId': topLevelCommentId}}, {multi: false, validate: false}); // var childComments = Comments.find({topLevelCommentId: {$exists : false}, parentCommentId: parentId}); // console.log('> Found '+childComments.count()+' child comments.\n'); // childComments.forEach(function(childComment){ // i++; // // find all nested childComments and set topLevelCommentId // console.log("Child Comment: " + childComment._id, " top level comment " + topLevelCommentId); // // set nested childComment to use parent's topLevelCommentId // Comments.update(childComment._id, {$set: {'topLevelCommentId': topLevelCommentId}}, {multi: false, validate: false}); // updateParentAndChild(topLevelCommentId, childComment._id, true); // }); // } // console.log("---------------------"); // return i; // }, migrateDisplayName: function () { var i = 0; var displayName; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find({"telescope.displayName": {$exists: false}}); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' (' + user.username + ')'); if (!!user.profile) { displayName = || user.profile.username; } else { displayName = user.username; } console.log('name: ', displayName); if (!!displayName) { Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set: {"telescope.displayName": displayName}}); } else { console.log("displayName not found :("); } }); return i; }, migrateNewsletterSettings: function () { var i = 0; var allUsers = Meteor.users.find({ $or: [ {"profile.showBanner": {$exists: true}}, {"profile.subscribedToNewsletter": {$exists: true}} ] }); console.log('> Found '+allUsers.count()+' users.\n'); allUsers.forEach(function(user){ i++; var displayName; if (!!user.profile) { displayName = || user.profile.username; } else { displayName = user.username; } console.log('> Updating user '+user._id+' (' + displayName + ')'); if (user.profile) { var set = {}; var showBanner = user.profile.showBanner; if (typeof showBanner !== "undefined") { set["telescope.newsletter.showBanner"] = showBanner; } var subscribeToNewsletter = user.profile.subscribedToNewsletter; if (typeof subscribeToNewsletter !== "undefined") { set["telescope.newsletter.subscribeToNewsletter"] = subscribeToNewsletter; } console.log(set) if (!_.isEmpty(set)) { Meteor.users.update(user._id, {$set: set}); } } }); return i; }, addSlugsToPosts: function () { var i = 0; Posts.find({slug: {$exists : false}}).forEach(function (post) { i++; var slug = Telescope.utils.slugify(post.title); console.log("Post: "+post._id + " | "+slug); Posts.update(post._id, { $set: { 'slug': slug}}); console.log("---------------------"); }); return i; }, updateNewsletterFrequency: function () { var i = 0; Telescope.settings.collection.find().forEach(function (setting) { if (!!setting.newsletterFrequency) { console.log("Migrating newsletter frequency… ("+setting.newsletterFrequency+")"); i++; var days; switch (setting.newsletterFrequency) { case 1: days = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; break; case 2: days = [2,4,6]; break; case 3: days = [2,5]; break; default: days = [2]; break; } Telescope.settings.collection.update(setting._id, { $set: { newsletterFrequency: days } }); } }); return i; }, changeOutsideLinksPointTo: function () { var i = 0; Telescope.settings.collection.find({outsideLinksPointTo: {$exists : true}}).forEach(function (setting) { i++; Telescope.settings.collection.update(setting._id, {$set: {RSSLinksPointTo: setting.outsideLinksPointTo}}); }); return i; } };