// Add SEO settings. addToSettingsSchema.push({ propertyName: "seoDescription", propertySchema: { type: String, optional: true, label: "description", autoform: { group: "search engine optimization", instructions: "Content for the meta description og:description tags for the front page and others that don't otherwise specify it.", rows: 2 } } }); addToSettingsSchema.push({ propertyName: "seoOgImage", propertySchema: { type: String, optional: true, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Url, label: "og:image", autoform: { group: "search engine optimization", instructions: "URL to an image for the open graph image tag for all pages" } } }); addToSettingsSchema.push({ propertyName: "seoGenerateSitemap", propertySchema: { type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, label: "Generate sitemap", autoform: { group: "search engine optimization", instructions: "Automatically generate an XML sitemap for search engines, and append the sitemap URL to the output of robots.txt? NOTE: Requires restart to reflect change." } } })